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Diff + Wireshark

Supposedly Archimedes once said:

Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.

For me, the equivalent would be:

Give me a packet capture of the problem occurring and a standards document against which to compare it, and I shall debug the networking world.

And if you’re like me, there’s a good chance when things are really not going your way, you roll up your sleeves, break out Wireshark and the standards docs and begin the painstaking process of trying to work out what’s not right.

Today’s problem involved a side by side comparison between a pcap of a known good call, and one which is failing, so I just had to compare the two, which is slow and fairly error-prone,

So I started looking for something to diff PCAPs easily. The data I was working with was ASN.1 encoded so I couldn’t export as text like you can with HTTP or SIP based protocols and compare it that way.

In the end I stumbled across something even better to compare frames from packet captures side by side, with the decoding intact!

Turns out yo ucan copy the values including decoding from within Wireshark, which means you can then just paste the contents into a diff tool (I’m using the fabulous Meld on Linux, but any diff tool will do including diff itself) and off you go, side-by-side comparison.

Select the first packet/frame you’re interested in (or even just the section), expand the subkeys, right click, copy “All Visible items”. This copy contains all the decoded data, not just the raw bytes, which is what makes it so great.

Next paste it into your diff tool of choice, repeat with the one to compare against, scroll past the data you know is going to be different (session IDs, IPs, etc) and ta-da, there’s the differences.

Video of the whole process below:

PyHSS Update – YAML Config Files

One feature I’m pretty excited to share is the addition of a single config file for defining how PyHSS functions,

In the past you’d set variables in the code or comment out sections to change behaviour, which, let’s face it – isn’t great.

Instead the config.yaml file defines the PLMN, transport time (TCP or SCTP), the origin host and realm.

We can also set the logging parameters, SNMP info and the database backend to be used,

HSS Parameters
   transport: "SCTP"
   #IP Addresses to bind on (List) - For TCP only the first IP is used, for SCTP all used for Transport (Multihomed).
   bind_ip: [""]
 #Port to listen on (Same for TCP & SCTP)
   bind_port: 3868
 #Value to populate as the OriginHost in Diameter responses
   OriginHost: "hss.localdomain"
 #Value to populate as the OriginRealm in Diameter responses
   OriginRealm: "localdomain"
 #Value to populate as the Product name in Diameter responses
   ProductName: "pyHSS"
 #Your Home Mobile Country Code (Used for PLMN calcluation)
   MCC: "999"
   #Your Home Mobile Network Code (Used for PLMN calcluation)
   MNC: "99"
 #Enable GMLC / SLh Interface
   SLh_enabled: True

   level: DEBUG
     hss_logging_file: log/hss.log
     diameter_logging_file: log/diameter.log
     database_logging_file: log/db.log
   log_to_terminal: true

     mongodb_username: root
     mongodb_password: password
     mongodb_port: 27017

 Stats Parameters
   enabled: True
   clear_stats_on_boot: False
   host: localhost
   port: 6379
   port: 1161

Offtopic – HDMI & USB over Twisted Pair

I wanted to be able to use my desktop computer which lives in my office, on the TV in the living room.

Long HDMI cables would involve me climbing around under the house, and making more holes in the walls, and most wireless keyboard/mouse combos wouldn’t reach that far and USB has a limit of 5 meters.

So instead I put together a rather simple solution that I’m quite happy with.

I ran a lot of Cat5 in the house a while ago, and I’ve got 4 Cat5e sockets behind the TV, and a patch panel at my desk.

I purchased online a HDMI over RJ45/Cat5e adapter, and a USB over RJ45/Cat5e adapter online, for about $5 each.

These are passive devices (baluns) meaning they aren’t converting anything to IP or Ethernet for transport.

This means no additional latency (beyond velocity factor of the cable and the distance, but I digress), so it’s not a remote-desktop experience, it’s like sitting in front of a screen, because that’s what it is.

Very happy with the results!

MSISDN Encoding - Brought to you by the letter F

MSISDN Encoding in Diameter AVPs – Brought to you by the letter F

So this one knocked me for six the other day,

MSISDN AVP 700 / vendor ID 10415, used to advertise the subscriber’s MSISDN in signaling.

I formatted the data as an Octet String, with the MSISDN from the database and moved on my merry way.

Not so fast…

The MSISDN AVP is of type OctetString.

This AVP contains an MSISDN, in international number format as described in ITU-T Rec E.164 [8], encoded as a TBCD-string, i.e. digits from 0 through 9 are encoded 0000 to 1001;

1111 is used as a filler when there is an odd number of digits; bits 8 to 5 of octet n encode digit 2n; bits 4 to 1 of octet n encode digit 2(n-1)+1.

ETSI TS 129 329 / 6.3.2 MSISDN AVP

Come again?

In practice this means if you have an odd lengthed MSISDN value, we need to add some padding to round it out to an even-lengthed value.

This padding happens between the last and second last digit of the MSISDN (because if we added it at the start we’d break the Country Code, etc) and as MSISDNs are variable length subscriber numbers.

1111 in octet string is best known as the letter F,

Not that complicated, just kind of confusing.

How AT&T tried (and failed) at mmWave Deployments the 1960s before 5G

So this is the story of how in the 1960s AT&T’s Bell Labs bet on millimeter waves being the communications medium of the future, 60 years before 5G’s millimeter wave hype.

While it’s technically autumn, I just finished my summer Telco reading list, which included “The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation” by Jon Gertner, which featured this quote:

By the early 1960s, Bell Labs executives had concluded that millimeter waves would serve as the communications medium of the future.

The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation

AT&T’s Bell Labs were working with millimeter waves aka “mmWave” in 5G speak, way back in the 1960s, but using waveguides instead of air as the transmission medium.

AT&T saw the vast amounts of bandwidth available in these bands, and were keen to utilize it. So does history repeat? Are there lessons in here about cursed mmWave bands?

At the time, AT&T’s Long Lines network operated a vast point-to-point Microwave network, spanning across the United States. It operated from 3.7Ghz to 4.2Ghz capacity planners and engineers knew, even with the best multiplexing, you were limited to how many channels you could cram into 500Mhz of space, so Bell Labs started looking for solutions.

Almost from the first, however, the possibility of obtaining low attenuations from the use of circular-electric waves, carrying with it, at the same time, the possibility of extremely high frequencies and accordingly vastly wider bands of frequencies appeared as a fabulous El Dorado always beckoning us onward.

G. C. Southworth – Researcher at Bell Labs – 1962

Initially Bell Labs researchers looked at higher frequencies for these wireless links, but after experimenting with using centimeter wavelengths through the air and the issues with attenuation from rain and water vapour, more research was done and Bell Labs decided to use waveguides as the transmission medium for these millimeter wave transmissions, instead of transmitting through the air.

An exploratory development effort was begun in 1959 on a system utilizing 2-inch waveguide and travelling-wave-tube repeater, but was abandoned in 1962 because of TWT cost and reliability problems and because the capacity exceeded then-current Bell System needs.

BSTJ 56: 10. December 1977: WT4 Millimeter Waveguide System: Introduction

Thanks to the recent development of IMPATT diodes and Solid-State devices, it was not abandoned for long, and research was picked up again in 1962. At the time Bell Labs didn’t need the additional capacity, nor did they know when it would be commercially viable to start using millimeter waveguide in the field, but like the 5G operators today, Bell Labs staff had seen the massive amounts of bandwidth available at these higher frequencies, and were looking to exploit it.

The idea at Bell Labs was to send information through such waves not by wires or broadcast towers but by means of the circular waveguide, which had been developed down in Holmdel. “A specially designed hollow pipe,” as Fisk defined it, the waveguide was just a few inches in diameter, and lined inside with a special material that would allow it to carry very high-frequency millimeter radio wave signals.

The Idea Factory: Bell Labs and the Great Age of American Innovation

Unfortunately the physical problems of running waveguides in pits and pipes across the country were immense. After lots of research on novel shapes for Waveguides, bending of waveguides and underground jointing of waveguides Bell Labs staff settled on just digging new trenches for the waveguide and not reusing anything.

Around the same time the first MASERS were coming onto the market, and light (free space optics) was being considered instead of electrical energy as a transmission medium. Test shooting lasers through the air highlighted the high optic losses in air, showing this wasn’t practical as a transmission method. While optic fibres existed at the time their losses were so high as to make transmitting anything over a few meters impractical.

All the millimeter wave transmission in waveguide research culminated in the creation of the WT4 system, in the late 1970s.

A 60mm waveguide was used

Advertisement from the April 12, 1971 issue of Time magazine

Using two levels of Phase-Shift keying they were able to provide 238k concurrent calls of capacity, which they calculated could be doubled by moving to four levels of PSK.

On a 14km test system (Bell labs used SI units), they calculated they had the ability to carry almost half a million concurrent voice calls, and with 274 Mbps of bandwidth (DS-4), which for the 1970s was no mean feat.

AT&T had historically installed cables, but unlike cables, Waveguides can’t bend, so are more akin to installing water or gas pipes.

This meant the installation of the waveguides into the field leveraged processes from the pipeline industry that were adopted for installation of the waveguides.

“Push sites” selected where a steel sheath (which essentially equated to lengths of hollow steel pipe) could be pushed in under the surface of the earth, with extra pipe welded onto the end as it was pushed along.

This created a clear, straight, conduit for the waveguide to be installed. Due to the fragility of the waveguides themselves, they were laid within the pipe on roller bearings to support the waveguide and to help it slide inside the steel sheath.

In tests AT&T were pushing almost 2.5 Km of waveguide in from one site, with extra lengths of waveguide (9m lengths) being joined by the special “waveguide splicing vehicle” and pushed into the sheath.

Repeater stations were equally tricky,
Luckily the WT4 system only required repeater stations at intervals up to 60Km, although when going over hilly terrain, the bends in the waveguide increased losses, so would require repeaters at shorter intervals (~50Km).
The inability to bend the cables required a tunnel under each repeater station, through which the waveguides would run, with the repeaters tapping off the waveguides below, via a network of filters.
Like the microwave network, some of the repeater stations were equipped to add/drop channels, allowing local traffic to be added/dropped off mid-span.
The system was using the new (at the time) Solid State components, but to increase reliability the electronics were encased in airtight dry nitrogen enclosures.

As the WT4 system and its finicky waveguides was being perfected in the 1970s, Corning, a company then known for glass manufacturing, was able to demonstrate that by removing impurities in the glass, optical fibres could be produced with losses of 17 dB per kilometer. Shortly after they got it down to 4 dB per kilometer, and these values kept falling. While early fibre optics were not without their challenges, fibre could be installed in existing conduits, without specialised pipe-pushing and welding equipment, and at a much lower cost per meter.

While WT4 provided bandwidth in numbers unseen before, it’s high cost to deploy and many limitations saw it fade away into the annals of history.

Even in the 1960s Bell Labs staff knew the case for mmWave wasn’t yet financially viable, but built it for a future that didn’t come the way they expected.

So what can this 60 year old tale of engineering teach us?

Bell Labs were pinning their hopes on mmWave to provide limitless bandwidth – and it could, but was faced the ultimate issue of not being financially viable. Here we are 60 years later, and again, many telcos are also pinning a lot of hope on the higher bands.

As was the case in the the 1960s, there is no doubt the bandwidth available for 5G in mmWave is huge (thanks Shannon–Hartley theorem), but it comes with equally vexing challenges to do with propagation and cost of the rollout.

Only time will tell if 5G’s mmWave endeavours end up seeing wide scale adoption.

Being mean to Mikrotiks – Pushing SMB File Share

I’d tried in the past to use the USB port on the Mikrotik, an external HDD and the SMB server in RouterOS, to act as a simple NAS for sharing files on the home network. And the performance was terrible.

This is because the device is a Router. Not a NAS (duh). And everything I later read online confirmed that yes, this is a router, not a NAS so stop trying.

But I recently got a new Mikrotik CRS109, so now I have a new Mikrotik, how bad is the SMB file share performance?

To test this I’ve got a USB drive with some files on it, an old Mikrotik RB915G and the new Mikrotik CRS109-8G-1S-2HnD-IN, and compared the time it takes to download a file between the two.

Mikrotik Routerboard RB951G

While pulling a 2Gb file of random data from a FAT formatted flash drive, I achieved a consistent 1.9MB/s (15.2 Mb/s)

nick@oldfaithful:~$ smbget smb://
 Password for [nick] connecting to //share1/ 
 Using workgroup WORKGROUP, user nick
 Downloaded 2.07GB in 1123 seconds

Mikrotik CRS109

In terms of transfer speed, a consistent 2.8MB/s (22.4 Mb/s)

nick@oldfaithful:~$ smbget smb://
 Password for [nick] connecting to //share1/ 
 Using workgroup WORKGROUP, user nick
 Downloaded 2.07GB in 736 seconds

Profiler shows 25% CPU usage on “other”, which drops down as soon as the file transfers stop,

So better, but still not a NAS (duh).

The Verdict

Still not a NAS. So stop trying to use it as a NAS.

As my download speed is faster than 22Mbps I’d just be better to use cloud storage.

PyHSS Update – SCTP Support

Pleased to announce that PyHSS now supports SCTP for transport.

If you’re not already aware SCTP is the surprisingly attractive cousin of TCP, that addresses head of line blocking and enables multi-homing,

The fantastic PySCTP library from P1sec made adding this feature a snap. If you’re looking to add SCTP to a Python project, it’s surprisingly easy,

A seperate server ( is run to handle SCTP connections, and if you’re looking for Multihoming, we got you dawg – Just edit the config file and set the bind_ip list to include each of your IPs to multi home listen on.

And the call was coming from… INSIDE THE HOUSE. A look at finding UE Locations in LTE

Opening Tirade

Ok, admittedly I haven’t actually seen “When a Stranger Calls”, or the less popular sequel “When a stranger Redials” (Ok may have made the last one up).

But the premise (as I read Wikipedia) is that the babysitter gets the call on the landline, and the police trace the call as originating from the landline.

But you can’t phone yourself, that’s not how local loops work – When the murderer goes off hook it loops the circuit, which busys it. You could apply ring current to the line I guess externally but unless our murder has a Ring generator or has setup a PBX inside the house, the call probably isn’t coming from inside the house.

On Topic – The GMLC

The GMLC (Gateway Mobile Location Centre) is a central server that’s used to locate subscribers within the network on different RATs (GSM/UMTS/LTE/NR).

The GMLC typically has interfaces to each of the radio access technologies, there is a link between the GMLC and the CS network elements (used for GSM/UMTS) such as the HLR, MSC & SGSN via Lh & Lg interfaces, and a link to the PS network elements (LTE/NR) via Diameter based SLh and SLg interfaces with the MME and HSS.

The GMLC’s tentacles run out to each of these network elements so it can query them as to a subscriber’s location,

LTE Call Flow

To find a subscriber’s location in LTE Diameter based signaling is used, to query the MME which in turn queries, the eNodeB to find the location.

But which MME to query?

The SLh Diameter interface is used to query the HSS to find out which MME is serving a particular Subscriber (identified by IMSI or MSISDN).

The LCS-Routing-Info-Request is sent by the GMLC to the HSS with the subscriber identifier, and the LCS-Routing-Info-Response is returned by the HSS to the GMLC with the details of the MME serving the subscriber.

Now we’ve got the serving MME, we can use the SLg Diameter interface to query the MME to the location of that particular subscriber.

The MME can report locations to the GMLC periodically, or the GMLC can request the MME provide a location at that point.
For the GMLC to request a subscriber’s current location a Provide-Location-Request is set by the GMLC to the MME with the subscriber’s IMSI, and the MME responds after querying the eNodeB and optionally the UE, with the location info in the Provide-Location-Response.

(I’m in the process of adding support for these interfaces to PyHSS and all going well will release some software shortly to act at a GMLC so people can use this.)

Finding the actual Location

There are a few different ways the actual location of the UE is determined,

At the most basic level, Cell Global Identity (CGI) gives the identity of the eNodeB serving a user.
If you’ve got a 3 sector site each sector typically has its own Cell Global Identity, so you can determine to a certain extent, with the known radiation pattern, bearing and location of the sector, in which direction a subscriber is. This happens on the network side and doesn’t require any input from the UE.
But if we query the UE’s signal strength, this can then be combined with existing RF models and the signal strength reported by the UE to further pinpoint the user with a bit more accuracy. (Uplink and downlink cell coverage based positioning methods)
Barometric pressure and humidity can also be reported by the base station as these factors will impact resulting signal strengths.

Timing Advance (TA) and Time of Arrival (TOA) both rely on timing signals to/from a UE to determine it’s distance from the eNodeB. If the UE is only served by a single cell this gives you a distance from the cell and potentially an angle inside which the subscriber is. This becomes far more useful with 3 or more eNodeBs in working range of the UE, where you can “triangulate” the UE’s location. This part happens on the network side with no interaction with the UE.
If the UE supports it, EUTRAN can uses Enhanced Observed Time Difference (E-OTD) positioning method, which does TOD calcuation does this in conjunction with the UE.

GPS Assisted (A-GPS) positioning gives good accuracy but requires the devices to get it’s current location using the GPS, which isn’t part of the baseband typically, so isn’t commonly implimented.

Uplink Time Difference of Arrival (UTDOA) can also be used, which is done by the network.

So why do we need to get Subscriber Locations?

The first (and most noble) use case that springs to mind is finding the location of a subscriber making a call to emergency services. Often upon calling an emergency services number the GMLC is triggered to get the subscriber’s location in case the call is cut off, battery dies, etc.

But GMLCs can also be used for lots of other purposes, marketing purposes (track a user’s location and send targeted ads), surveillance (track movements of people) and network analytics (look at subscriber movement / behavior in a specific area for capacity planning).

Different countries have different laws regulating access to the subscriber location functions.

Hack to disable Location Reporting on Mobile Networks

If you’re wondering how you can disable this functionality, you can try the below hack to ensure that your phone does not report your location.

  1. Press the power button on your phone
  2. Turn it off

In reality, no magic super stealth SIM cards, special phones or fancy firmware will prevent the GMLC from finding your location.
So far none of the “privacy” products I’ve looked at have actually done anything special at the Baseband level. Most are just snakeoil.

For as long as your device is connected to the network, the passive ways of determining location, such as Uplink Time Difference of Arrival (UTDOA) and the CGI are going to report your location.

PyHSS New Features

Thanks to some recent developments, PyHSS has had a major overhaul recently, and is getting better than ever,

Some features that are almost ready for public release are:

Config File

Instead of having everything defined all over the place a single YAML config file is used to define how the HSS should function.

SCTP Support

No longer just limited to TCP, PyHSS now supports SCTP as well for transport,

SLh Interface for Location Services

So the GMLC can query the HSS as to the serving MME of a subscriber.

Additional Database Backends (MSSQL & MySQL)

No longer limited to just MongoDB, simple functions to add additional backends too and flexible enough to meet your existing database schema.

All these features will be merged into the mainline soon, and documented even sooner. I’ll share some posts on each of these features as I go.

MTU in LTE & 5G Transmission Networks – Part 1

Every now and then when looking into a problem I have to really stop and think about how things work low down, that I haven’t thought about for a long time, and MTU is one of those things.

I faced with an LTE MTU issue recently I thought I’d go back and brush up on my MTU knowhow and do some experimenting.

Note: This is an IPv4 discussion, IPv6 does not support fragmentation.

The very, very basics

MTU is the Maximum Transmission Unit.

In practice this is the largest datagram the layer can handle, and more often than not, this is based on a physical layer constraint, in that different physical layers can only stuff so much into a frame.

“The Internet” from a consumer perspective typically has an MTU of 1500 bytes or perhaps a bit under depending on their carrier, such as 1472 bytes.
SANs in data centers typically use an MTU of around 9000 bytes,
Out of the box, most devices if you don’t specify, will use an MTU of 1500 bytes.

As a general rule, service providers typically try to offer an MTU as close to 1500 as possible.

Messages that are longer than the Maximum Transmission Unit need to be broken up in a process known as “Fragmenting”.
Fragmenting allows large frames to be split into smaller frames to make their way across hops with a lower MTU.

All about Fragmentation

So we can break up larger packets into smaller ones by Fragmenting them, so case closed on MTU right? Sadly not.

Fragmentation leads to reduced efficiency – Fragmenting frames takes up precious CPU cycles on the router performing it, and each time a frame is broken up, additional overhead is added by the device breaking it up, and by the receiver to reassemble it.

Fragmentation can happen multiple times across a path (Multi-Stage Fragmentation).
For example if a frame is sent with a length of 9000 bytes, and needs to traverse a hop with an MTU of 4000, it would need to be fragmented (broken up) into 3 frames (Frame 1 and Frame 2 would be ~4000 bytes long and frame 3 would be ~1000 bytes long).
If it then needs to traverse another hop with an MTU of 1500, then the 3 fragmented frame would each need to be further fragmented, with the first frame of ~4000 bytes being split up into 3 more fragmented frames.
Lost track of what just happened? Spare a thought for the routers having to to do the fragmentation and the recipient having to reassemble their packets.

Fragmented frames are reassembled by the end recipient, other devices along the transmission path don’t reassemble packets.

In the end it boils down to this trade off:
The larger the packet can be, the more user data we can stuff into each one as a percentage of the overall data. We want the percentage of user data for each packet to be as high as can be.
This means we want to use the largest MTU possible, without having to fragment packets.

Overhead eats into our MTU

A 1500 byte MTU that has to be encapsulated in IPsec, GTP or PPP, is no longer a 1500 byte MTU as far as the customer is concerned.

Any of these encapsulation techniques add overhead, which shrinks the MTU available to the end customer.

Keep in mind we’re going to be encapsulating our subscriber’s data in GTP before it’s transmitted across LTE/NR, and this means we’ll be adding:

  • 8 bytes for the GTP header
  • 8 bytes for the transport UDP header
  • 20 bytes for the transport IPv4 header
  • 14 bytes if our transport is using Ethernet

This means we’ve got 50 bytes of transmission / transport overhead. This will be important later on!

How do subscribers know what to use as MTU?

Typically when a subscriber buys a DSL service or HFC connection, they’ll either get a preconfigured router from their carrier, or they will be given a list of values to use that includes MTU.

LTE and 5G on the other hand tell us the value we should use.

Inside the Protocol Configuration Options in the NAS PDU, the UE requests the MTU and DNS server to be used, and is provided back from the network.

This MTU value is actually set on the MME, not the P-GW. As the MME doesn’t actually know the maximum MTU of the network, it’s up to the operator to configure this to be a value that represents the network.

Why this Matters for LTE & 5G Transmission

As we covered earlier, fragmentation is costly. If we’re fragmenting packets we are:

  • Wasting resources on our transmission network / core networks – as we fragment Subscriber packets it’s taking up compute resources and therefore limiting throughput
  • Wasting radio resources as additional overhead is introduced for fragmented packets, and additional RBs need to be scheduled to handle the fragmented packets

To test this I’ve setup a scenario in the lab, and we’ll look at the packet captures to see how the MTU is advertised, and see how big we can make our MTU on the subscriber side.

SIM Card Sniffing with Wireshark

I never cease to be amazed as to what I can do with Wireshark.

While we’re working with Smart Card readers and SIM cards, capturing and Decoding USB traffic to see what APDUs are actually being sent can be super useful, so in this post we’ll look at how we can use Wireshark to sniff the USB traffic to view APDUs being sent to smart cards from other software.

For the purposes of this post I’ll be reading the SIM cards with pySim, but in reality it’ll work with any proprietary SIM software, allowing you to see what’s actually being said to the card by your computer.

If you want to see what’s being sent between your phone and SIM card, the Osmocom SIMtrace is the device for you (And yes it also uses Wireshark for viewing this data!).

Getting your System Setup

We’ve got to get some permissions setup,

sudo adduser $USER wireshark
sudo dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common

Followed by a reboot to take effect, then we’ll run these two commands, which will need to be run each time we want to capture USB traffic:

modprobe usbmon
sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:r /dev/usbmon*

Ok, that’s all the prerequisites sorted, next we need to find the bus and device ID of our smart card reader,

We can get this listed with


Here you can see I have a Smart Card reader on Bus 1 device 03 and another on Bus 2 device 10.

The reader I want to use is the “SCM Microsystems, Inc. SCR35xx USB Smart Card Reader” so I’ll jott down Bus 2 device 10. Yours will obviously be different, but you get the idea.

Finding the USB traffic in Wireshark

Next we’ll fire up Wireshark, if you’ve got your permissions right and followed along, you should see a few more interfaces starting with usbmonX in the capture list.

Because the device I want to capture from is on Bus 2, we’ll select usbmon2 and start capturing,

As you can see we’ve got a bit of a firehose of data, and we only care about device 10 on bus 2, so let’s filter for that.

So let’s generate some data and then filter for it, to generate some data I’m going to run pySim-read to read the data on a smart card that’s connected to my PC, and then filter to only see traffic on that USB device,

In my case as the USB device is 10 it’s got two sub addresses, so I’ll filter for USB Bus 2, device 10 sub-address 1 and 2, so the filter I’ll use is:

usb.addr=="2.10.1" or usb.addr=="2.10.2"

But this doesn’t really show us much, so let’s tell Wireshark this is PCSC/UCCID data to decode it as such;

So we’ll select some of this traffic -> Decode as -> USBCCID

Still not seeing straight APDUs, so let’s tell Wireshark one more bit of information – That we want to decode this information as GSM SIM data;

Again, we’ll select the data part of the USBCCID traffic -> Decode As -> GSM_SIM

And bingo, just like that we can now filter by gsm_sim and see the APDUs being sent / received.

Wireshark is pretty good at decoding what is going on, SELECT, has all the File IDs populated for 3GPP SIM specification. (last year I submitted a patch to include the latests 5G EFs for decoding).

I’ve found this super useful for seeing what commercial software is doing to read cards, and to make it easy to reproduce myself.

Control + R in Bash = Life Changed

I’m probably late to the party on this one.

I was working with someone the other day on a problem over a video call and sharing my screen on a Linux box.

They watched as I did what I do often and Grep’ed through my command history to find a command I’d run before but couldn’t remember the specifics of off the top of my head.

Something like this:

How I’ve always found commands from my history

Then the person I was working with told me to try pressing Control + R and typing the start of what I was looking for.

My head exploded.

Searching through Bash command history

From here you can search through your command history and scroll between matching entries,

I cannot believe it’s taken me this long to learn!

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SIM / Smart Card Deep Dive – Part 4 – Interacting with Cards IRL

This is part 3 of an n part tutorial series on working with SIM cards.

So in our last post we took a whirlwind tour of what an APDU does, is, and contains.

Interacting with a card involves sending the APDU data to the card as hex, which luckily isn’t as complicated as it seems.

While reading what the hex should look like on the screen is all well and good, actually interacting with cards is the name of the game, so that’s what we’ll be doing today, and we’ll start to abstract some of the complexity away.

Getting Started

To follow along you will need:

  • A Smart Card reader – SIM card / Smart Card readers are baked into some laptops, some of those multi-card readers that read flash/SD/CF cards, or if you don’t have either of these, they can be found online very cheaply ($2-3 USD).
  • A SIM card – No need to worry about ADM keys or anything fancy, one of those old SIM cards you kept in the draw because you didn’t know what to do with them is fine, or the SIM in our phone if you can find the pokey pin thing. We won’t go breaking anything, promise.

You may end up fiddling around with the plastic adapters to change the SIM form factor between regular smart card, SIM card (standard), micro and nano.

USB SIM / Smart Card reader supports all the standard form factors makes life a lot easier!

To keep it simple, we’re not going to concern ourselves too much with the physical layer side of things for interfacing with the card, so we’ll start with sending raw APDUs to the cards, and then we’ll use some handy libraries to make life easier.

PCSC Interface

To abstract away some complexity we’re going to use the industry-standard PCSC (PC – Smart Card) interface to communicate with our SIM card. Throughout this series we’ll be using a few Python libraries to interface with the Smart Cards, but under the hood all will be using PCSC to communicate.


I’m going to use Python3 to interface with these cards, but keep in mind you can find similar smart card libraries in most common programming languages.

At this stage as we’re just interfacing with Smart Cards, our library won’t have anything SIM-specific (yet).

We’ll use pyscard to interface with the PCSC interface. pyscard supports Windows and Linux and you can install it using PIP with:

pip install pyscard

So let’s get started by getting pyscard to list the readers we have available on our system:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *

Running this will output a list of the readers on the system:

Here we can see the two readers that are present on my system (To add some confusion I have two readers connected – One built in Smart Card reader and one USB SIM reader):

(If your device doesn’t show up in this list, double check it’s PCSC compatible, and you can see it in your OS.)

So we can see when we run readers() we’re returned a list of readers on the system.

I want to use my USB SIM reader (The one identified by Identiv SCR35xx USB Smart Card Reader CCID Interface 00 00), so the next step will be to start a connection with this reader, which is the first in the list.

So to make life a bit easier we’ll store the list of smart card readers and access the one we want from the list;

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *
r = readers()
connection = r[0].createConnection()

So now we have an object for interfacing with our smart card reader, let’s try sending an APDU to it.

Actually Doing something Useful

Today we’ll select the EF that contains the ICCID of the card, and then we will read that file’s binary contents.

This means we’ll need to create two APDUs, one to SELECT the file, and the other to READ BINARY to get the file’s contents.

We’ll set the instruction byte to A4 to SELECT, and B0 to READ BINARY.

Table of Instruction bytes from TS 102 221

APDU to select EF ICCID

The APDU we’ll send will SELECT (using the INS byte value of A4 as per the above table) the file that contains the ICCID.

Each file on a smart card has been pre-created and in the case of SIM cards at least, is defined in a specification.

For this post we’ll be selecting the EF ICCID, which is defined in TS 102 221.

Information about EF-ICCID from TS 102 221

To select it we will need it’s identifier aka File ID (FID), for us the FID of the ICCID EF is 2FE2, so we’ll SELECT file 2FE2.

Going back to what we learned in the last post about structuring APDUs, let’s create the APDU to SELECT 2FE2.

CLAClass bytes – Coding optionsA0 (ISO 7816-4 coding)
INSInstruction (Command) to be calledA4 (SELECT)
P1Parameter 1 – Selection Control (Limit search options)00 (Select by File ID)
P2Parameter 1 – More selection options04 (No data returned)
LcLength of Data 02 (2 bytes of data to come)
DataFile ID of the file to Select2FE2 (File ID of ICCID EF)

So that’s our APDU encoded, it’s final value will be A0 A4 00 04 02 2FE2

So let’s send that to the card, building on our code from before:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *
from smartcard.util import *
r = readers()
connection = r[0].createConnection()

print("Selecting ICCID File")
data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(toBytes('00a40004022fe2'))
print("Returned data: " + str(data))
print("Returned Status Word 1: " + str(sw1))
print("Returned Status Word 2: " + str(sw2))

If we run this let’s have a look at the output we get,

We got back:

Selecting ICCID File
 Returned data: []
 Returned Status Word 1: 97
 Returned Status Word 2: 33

So what does this all mean?

Well for starters no data has been returned, and we’ve got two status words returned, with a value of 97 and 33.

We can lookup what these status words mean, but there’s a bit of a catch, the values we’re seeing are the integer format, and typically we work in Hex, so let’s change the code to render these values as Hex:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *
from smartcard.util import *
r = readers()
connection = r[0].createConnection()

print("Selecting ICCID File")
data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(toBytes('00a40004022fe2'))
print("Returned data: " + str(data))
print("Returned Status Word 1: " + str(hex(sw1)))
print("Returned Status Word 2: " + str(hex(sw2)))

Now we’ll get this as the output:

Selecting ICCID File
Returned data: []
Returned Status Word 1: 0x61
Returned Status Word 2: 0x1e

So what does this all mean?

Well, there’s this handy website with a table to help work this out, but in short we can see that Status Word 1 has a value of 61, which we can see means the command was successfully executed.

Status Word 2 contains a value of 1e which tells us that there are 30 bytes of extra data available with additional info about the file. (We’ll cover this in a later post).

So now we’ve successfully selected the ICCID file.

Keeping in mind with smart cards we have to select a file before we can read it, so now let’s read the binary contents of the file we selected;

The READ BINARY command is used to read the binary contents of a selected file, and as we’ve already selected the file 2FE2 that contains our ICCID, if we run it, it should return our ICCID.

If we consult the table of values for the INS (Instruction) byte we can see that the READ BINARY instruction byte value is B0, and so let’s refer to the spec to find out how we should format a READ BINARY instruction:

CLAClass bytes – Coding optionsA0 (ISO 7816-4 coding)
INSInstruction (Command) to be calledB0 (READ BINARY)
P1Parameter 1 – Coding / Offset00 (No Offset)
P2Parameter 2 – Offset Low00
LeHow many bytes to read0A (10 bytes of data to come)

We know the ICCID file is 10 bytes from the specification, so the length of the data to return will be 0A (10 bytes).

Let’s add this new APDU into our code and print the output:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from smartcard.System import *
from smartcard.util import *
r = readers()
connection = r[0].createConnection()

print("Selecting ICCID File")
data, sw1, sw2 = connection.transmit(toBytes('00a40000022fe2'))
print("Returned data: " + str(data))
print("Returned Status Word 1: " + str(hex(sw1)))
print("Returned Status Word 2: " + str(hex(sw2)))

And we have read the ICCID of the card.


That’s the hardest thing we’ll need to do over.

From now on we’ll be building the concepts we covered here to build other APDUs to get our cards to do useful things. Now you’ve got the basics of how to structure an APDU down, the rest is just changing values here and there to get what you want.

In our next post we’ll read a few more files, write some files and delve a bit deeper into exactly what it is we are doing.

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GIF showing using Redis-CLI to get a value

Adding SNMP to anything with Redis and Python

I’ve been adding SNMP support to an open source project I’ve been working on (PyHSS) to generate metrics / performance statistics from it, and this meant staring down SNMP again, but this time I’ve come up with a novel way to handle SNMP, that made it much less painful that normal.

The requirement was simple enough, I already had a piece of software I’d written in Python, but I had a need to add an SNMP server to get information about that bit of software.

For a little more detail – PyHSS handles Device Watchdog Requests already, but I needed a count of how many it had handled, made accessible via SNMP. So inside the logic that does this I just increment a counter in Redis;

#Device Watchdog Answer
    def Answer_280(self, packet_vars, avps):                                                      

In the code example above I just add 1 (increment) the Redis key ‘Answer_280_attempt_count’.

The beauty is that that this required minimal changes to the rest of my code – I just sprinkled in these statements to increment Redis keys throughout my code.

Now when that existing function is run, the Redis key “Answer_280_attempt_count” is incremented.

So I ran my software and the function I just added the increment to was called a few times, so I jumped into redis-cli to check on the values;

GIF showing using Redis-CLI to get a value

And just like that we’ve done all the heavy lifting to add SNMP to our software.

For anything else we want counters on, add the increment to your code to store a counter in Redis with that information.

So next up we need to expose our Redis keys via SNMP,

For this, I took a simple SNMP server example from Stackoverflow, to set the output of a MIB tree, and simply bolted in getting a bit of data from, code below:

#Pulled from

from pysnmp.entity import engine, config
from pysnmp.entity.rfc3413 import cmdrsp, context
from pysnmp.carrier.asyncore.dgram import udp
from pysnmp.smi import instrum, builder
from pysnmp.proto.api import v2c
import datetime
import redis

import redis
redis_store = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)
# Create SNMP engine
snmpEngine = engine.SnmpEngine()

# Transport setup

# UDP over IPv4
    udp.UdpTransport().openServerMode(('', 1161))

# SNMPv3/USM setup

# user: usr-md5-none, auth: MD5, priv NONE
    snmpEngine, 'usr-md5-none',
    config.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, 'authkey1'
# Allow full MIB access for each user at VACM
config.addVacmUser(snmpEngine, 3, 'usr-md5-none', 'authNoPriv', (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1), (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1))

# SNMPv2c setup

# SecurityName <-> CommunityName mapping.
config.addV1System(snmpEngine, 'my-area', 'public')

# Allow full MIB access for this user / securityModels at VACM
config.addVacmUser(snmpEngine, 2, 'my-area', 'noAuthNoPriv', (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1), (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1))

# Get default SNMP context this SNMP engine serves
snmpContext = context.SnmpContext(snmpEngine)

# Create an SNMP context with default ContextEngineId (same as SNMP engine ID)
snmpContext = context.SnmpContext(snmpEngine)

# Create multiple independent trees of MIB managed objects (empty so far)
mibTreeA = instrum.MibInstrumController(builder.MibBuilder())
mibTreeB = instrum.MibInstrumController(builder.MibBuilder())

# Register MIB trees at distinct SNMP Context names
snmpContext.registerContextName(v2c.OctetString('context-a'), mibTreeA)
snmpContext.registerContextName(v2c.OctetString('context-b'), mibTreeB)

mibBuilder = snmpContext.getMibInstrum().getMibBuilder()

MibScalar, MibScalarInstance = mibBuilder.importSymbols(
    'SNMPv2-SMI', 'MibScalar', 'MibScalarInstance'
class MyStaticMibScalarInstance(MibScalarInstance):
    def getValue(self, name, idx):
        currentDT =
        return self.getSyntax().clone(
            'Hello World!! It\'s currently: ' + str(currentDT)

class AnotherStaticMibScalarInstance(MibScalarInstance):
    def getValue(self, name, idx):
        return self.getSyntax().clone('Ahoy hoy?')

class Answer_280_attempt_count(MibScalarInstance):
    def getValue(self, name, idx):
        return self.getSyntax().clone(redis_store.get('Answer_280_attempt_count'))

    '__MY_MIB', MibScalar((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), v2c.OctetString()),
    MyStaticMibScalarInstance((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), (0,), v2c.OctetString()),
    AnotherStaticMibScalarInstance((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), (0,1), v2c.OctetString()),
    Answer_280_attempt_count((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), (0,2), v2c.Integer32())

# Register SNMP Applications at the SNMP engine for particular SNMP context
cmdrsp.GetCommandResponder(snmpEngine, snmpContext)
cmdrsp.SetCommandResponder(snmpEngine, snmpContext)
cmdrsp.NextCommandResponder(snmpEngine, snmpContext)
cmdrsp.BulkCommandResponder(snmpEngine, snmpContext)

# Register an imaginary never-ending job to keep I/O dispatcher running forever

# Run I/O dispatcher which would receive queries and send responses


While PySNMP can be a bit much to wrap your head around, all you need to know:

V2 community string set in:

config.addV1System(snmpEngine, 'my-area', 'public')

Create an additional class from the template below for each of your Redis keys you wish to expose;

class something_else_from_Redis(MibScalarInstance):
    def getValue(self, name, idx):
        return self.getSyntax().clone(redis_store.get('something_else_from_Redis'))

Renaming the class and replacing the redis_store.get() value with the Redis key you want to pull,

And finally inside mibBuilder.exportSymbols() add each of the new classes you added and the OID for each;

    Answer_280_attempt_count((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), (0,2), v2c.Integer32())
    something_else_from_Redis((1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1), (0,3), v2c.Integer32())

Then when you run it, presto, you’re exposing that data via SNMP.

You can verify it through SNMP walk or start integrating it into your NMS, in the above example OID, contains the value of Answer_280_attempt_count from Redis, and with that, you’re exposing info via SNMP, all while not really having to think about SNMP.

*Ok, you still have to sort which OIDs you assign for what, but you get the idea.

VoIP is an only child – ‘Gotchas’ on running VoIP applications inside Containers

It’s 2021, and everyone loves Containers; Docker & Kubernetes are changing how software is developed, deployed and scaled.

And yet so much of the Telco world still uses bare metal servers and dedicated hardware for processing.

So why not use Containers or VMs more for VoIP applications?

Disclaimer – When I’m talking VoIP about VoIP I mean the actual Voice over IP, that’s the Media Stream, RTP, the Audio, etc, not the Signaling (SIP). SIP is fine with Containers, it’s the media that has a bad time and that this post focuses on,

Virtualization Fundamentals

Once upon a time in Development land every application ran on it’s own server running in a DC / Central Office.

This was expensive to deploy (buying servers), operate (lots of power used) and maintain (lots of hardware to keep online).

Each server was actually sitting idle for a large part of the time, with the application running on it only using a some of the available resources some of the time.

One day Virtualization came and suddenly 10 physical servers could be virtualized into 10 VMs.

These VMs still need to run on servers but as each VM isn’t using 100% of it’s allocated resources all the time, instead of needing 10 servers to run it on you could run it on say 3 servers, and even do clever things like migrate VMs between servers if one were to fail.

VMs share the resources of the server it’s running on.

A server running VMs (Hypervisor) is able to run multiple VMs by splitting the resources between VMs.

If a VM A wants to run an operation at the same time a VM B & VM C, the operations can’t be run on each VM at the same time* so the hypervisor will queue up the requests and schedule them in, typically based on first-in-first out or based on a resource priority policy on the Hypervisor.

This is fine for a if VM A, B & C were all Web Servers.
A request coming into each of them at the same time would see the VM the Hypervisor schedules the resources to respond to the request slightly faster, with the other VMs responding to the request when the hypervisor has scheduled the resources to the respective VM.

VoIP is an only child

VoIP has grown up on dedicated hardware. It’s an only child that does not know how to share, because it’s never had to.

Having to wait for resources to be scheduled by the Hypervisor to to VM in order for it to execute an operation is fine and almost unnoticeable for web servers, it can have some pretty big impacts on call quality.

If we’re running RTPproxy or RTPengine in order to relay media, scheduling delays can mean that the media stream ends up “bursty”.

RTP packets needing relaying are queued in the buffer on the VM and only relayed when the hypervisor is able to schedule resources, this means there can be a lot of packet-delay-variation (PDV) and increased latency for services running on VMs.

VMs and Containers both have this same fate, DPDK and SR-IOV assist in throughput, but they don’t stop interrupt headaches.

VMs that deprive other VMs on the same host of resources are known as “Noisy neighbors”.

The simple fix for all these problems? There isn’t one.

Each of these issues can be overcome, dedicating resources, to a specific VM or container, cleverly distributing load, but it is costly in terms of resources and time to tweak and implement, and some of these options undermine the value of virtualization or containerization.

As technology marches forward we have scenarios where Kubernetes can expose FPGA resources to pass them through to Pods, but right now, if you need to transcode more than ~100 calls efficiently, you’re going to need a hardware device.

And while it can be done by throwing more x86 / ARM compute resources at the problem, hardware still wins out as cheaper in most instances.

Sorry, no easy answers here…

Dr StrangeEncoding or: How I learned to stop worrying and love ASN.1

Australia is a strange country; As a kid I was scared of dogs, and in response, our family got a dog.

This year started off with adventures working with ASN.1 encoded data, and after a week of banging my head against the table, I was scared of ASN.1 encoding.

But now I love dogs, and slowly, I’m learning to embrace ASN.1 encoding.

What is ASN.1?

ASN.1 is an encoding scheme.

The best analogy I can give is to image a sheet of paper with a form on it, the form has fields for all the different bits of data it needs,

Each of the fields on the form has a data type, and the box is sized to restrict input, and some fields are mandatory.

Now imagine you take this form and cut a hole where each of the text boxes would be.

We’ve made a key that can be laid on top of a blank sheet of paper, then we can fill the details through the key onto the blank paper and reuse the key over and over again to fill the data out many times.

When we remove the key off the top of our paper, and what we have left on the paper below is the data from the form. Without the key on top this data doesn’t make much sense, but we can always add the key back and presto it’s back to making sense.

While this may seem kind of pointless let’s look at the advantages of this method;

The data is validated by the key – People can’t put a name wherever, and country code anywhere, it’s got to be structured as per our requirements. And if we tried to enter a birthday through the key form onto the paper below, we couldn’t.

The data is as small as can be – Without all the metadata on the key above, such as the name of the field, the paper below contains only the pertinent information, and if a field is left blank it doesn’t take up any space at all on the paper.

It’s these two things, rigidly defined data structures (no room for errors or misinterpretation) and the minimal size on the wire (saves bandwidth), that led to 3GPP selecting ASN.1 encoding for many of it’s protocols, such as S1, NAS, SBc, X2, etc.

It’s also these two things that make ASN.1 kind of a jerk; If the data structure you’re feeding into your ASN.1 compiler does not match it will flat-out refuse to compile, and there’s no way to make sense of the data in its raw form.

I wrote a post covering the very basics of working with ASN.1 in Python here.

But working with a super simple ASN.1 definition you’ve created is one thing, using the 3GPP defined ASN.1 definitions is another,

With the aid of the fantastic PyCrate library, which is where the real magic happens, and this was the nut I cracked this week, compiling a 3GPP ASN.1 definition and communicating a standards-based protocol with it.

Watch this space for more fun with ASN.1!

MSSQL in Docker

I recently had to add MSSQL (Microsoft SQL) support to PyHSS, and to be honest I wasn’t looking forward to it.

I was expecting I’d have to setup a VM running Server 2016, then load those roles etc.

But instead:

docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' -e 'SA_PASSWORD=thisisthepasswordforMSSQL99#!' -p 1433:1433 -d

And it was up and running.

Way more painless than I expected!

SCTP Multihoming

One of the key advantages of SCTP over TCP is the support for Multihoming,

From an application perspective, this enables one “socket”, to be shared across multiple IP Addresses, allowing multiple IP paths and physical NICs.

Through multihoming we can protect against failures in IP Routing and physical links, from a transport layer protocol.

So let’s take a look at how this actually works,

For starters there’s a few ways multihoming can be implemented, ideally we have multiple IPs on both ends (“client” and “server”), but this isn’t always achievable, so SCTP supports partial multi-homing, where for example the client has only one IP but can contact the server on multiple IP Addresses, and visa-versa.

The below image (Courtesy of Wikimedia) shows the ideal scenario, where both the client and the server have multiple IPs they can be reached on.

Arkrishna, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

This would mean a failure of any one of the IP Addresses or the routing between them, would see the other secondary IP Addresses used for Transport, and the application not even necessarily aware of the interruption to the primary IP Path.

The Process

For starters, our SCTP Client/Server will each need to be aware of the IPs that can be used,

This is advertised in the INIT message, sent by the “client” to a “server” when the SCTP session is established.

SCTP INIT sent by the client at, but advertising two IPs

In the above screenshot we can see the two IPs for SCTP to use, the primary IP is the first one ( and also the from IP, and there is just one additional IP ( although there could be more.

In a production environment you’d want to ensure each of your IPs is in a different subnet, with different paths, hardware and routes.

So the INIT is then responded to by the client with an INIT_ACK, and this time the server advertises it’s IP addresses, the primary IP is the From IP address ( and there is just one additional IP of,

SCTP INIT ACK showing Server’s Multi-homed IP Options

It’s worth noting that according to RFC 4960 Multi-homing is Optional and so is the IP Address Header, if it’s not advertised the sender is single-homed.

Next up we have the cookie exchange, which is used to protect against synchronization attacks, and then our SCTP session is up.

So what happens at this point? How do we know if a path is up and working?

Well the answer is heartbeat messages,

Sent from each of the IPs on the client to each of the IPs on the server, to make sure that there’s a path from every IP, to every other IP.

SCTP Heartbeats from each local IP to each remote IP

This means the SCTP stacks knows if a path fails, for example if the route to IP on the server were to fail, the SCTP stack knows it has another option,, which it’s been monitoring.

So that’s multi-homed SCTP in action – While a lot of work has historically been done with LACP for aggregating multiple NICs together, and VRRP for ensuring a host is alive, SCTP handles this in a clean and efficient way.

I’ve attached a PCAP showing multi-homing on a Diameter S6a (HSS) interface between an MME and a HSS.

Getting the GTP-U Packets flowing Fast – DPDK & SR-IOV

So dedicated appliances are dead and all our network functions are VMs or Containers, but there’s a performance hit when going virtual as the L2 processing has to be handled by the Hypervisor before being passed onto the relevant VM / Container.

If we have a 10Gb NIC in our server, we want to achieve a 10Gbps “Line Speed” on the Network Element / VNF we’re running on.

When we talked about appliances if you purchased an P-GW with 10Gbps NIC, it was a given you could get 10Gbps through it (without DPI, etc), but when we talk about virtualized network functions / network elements there’s a very real chance you won’t achieve the “line speed” of your interfaces without some help.

When you’ve got a Network Element like a S-GW, P-GW or UPF, you want to forward packets as quickly as possible – bottlenecks here would impact the user’s achievable speeds on the network.

To speed things up there are two technologies, that if supported by your software stack and hardware, allows you to significantly increase throughput on network interfaces, DPDK & SR-IOV.

DPDK – Data Plane Development Kit

Usually *Nix OSs handle packet processing on the Kernel level. As I type this the packets being sent to this WordPress server by Firefox are being handled by the Linux 5.8.0-36-generic kernel running on my machine.

The problem is the kernel has other things to do (interrupts), meaning increased delay in processing (due to waiting for processing capability) and decreased capacity.

DPDK shunts this processing to the “user space” meaning your application (the actual magic of the VNF / Network Element) controls it.

To go back to me writing this – If Firefox and my laptop supported DPDK, then the packets wouldn’t traverse the Linux kernel at all, and Firefox would be talking directly to my NIC. (Obviously this isn’t the case…)

So DPDK increases network performance by shifting the processing of packets to the application, bypassing the kernel altogether. You are still limited by the CPU and Memory available, but with enough of each you should reach very near to line speed.

SR-IOV – Single Root Input Output Virtualization

Going back to the me writing this analogy I’m running Linux on my laptop, but let’s imagine I’m running a VM running Firefox under Linux to write this.

If that’s the case then we have an even more convolted packet processing chain!

I type the post into Firefox which sends the packets to the Linux kernel, which waits to be scheduled resources by the hypervisor, which then process the packets in the hypervisor kernel before finally making it onto the NIC.

We could add DPDK which skips some of these steps, but we’d still have the bottleneck of the hypervisor.

With PCIe passthrough we could pass the NIC directly to the VM running the Firefox browser window I’m typing this, but then we have a problem, no other VMs can access these resources.

SR-IOV provides an interface to passthrough PCIe to VMs by slicing the PCIe interface up and then passing it through.

My VM would be able to access the PCIe side of the NIC, but so would other VMs.

So that’s the short of it, SR-IOR and DPDK enable better packet forwarding speeds on VNFs.

Information stored on USIM / SIM Card for LTE / EUTRAN / EPC - K key, OP/OPc key and SQN Sequence Number

Confidentiality Algorithms in 3GPP Networks: MILENAGE, XOR & Comp128

We’ve covered a fair bit on authentication in 3GPP networks, SIM cards, HSS / AuC, etc, but never actually looked at the Confidentiality Algorithms in use,

LTE USIM Authentication - Mutual Authentication of the Network and Subscriber

While we’ve already covered the inputs required by the authentication elements of the core network (The HSS in LTE/4G, the AuC in UMTS/3G and the AUSF in 5G) to generate an output, it’s worth noting that the Confidentiality Algorithms used in the process determines the output.

This means the Authentication Vector (Also known as an F1 and F1*) generated for a subscriber using Milenage Confidentiality Algorithms will generate a different output to that of Confidentiality Algorithms XOR or Comp128.

To put it another way – given the same input of K key, OPc Key (or OP key), SQN & RAND (Random) a run with Milenage (F1 and F1* algorithm) would yield totally different result (AUTN & XRES) to the same inputs run with a simple XOR.

Technically, as operators control the network element that generates the challenges, and the USIM that responds to them, it is an option for an operator to implement their own Confidentiality Algorithms (Beyond just Milenage or XOR) so long as it produced the same number of outputs. But rolling your own cryptographic anything is almost always a terrible idea.

So what are the differences between the Confidentiality Algorithms and which one to use?
Spoiler alert, the answer is Milenage.


Milenage is based on AES (Originally called Rijndael) and is (compared to a lot of other crypto implimentations) fairly easy to understand,

AES is very well studied and understood and unlike Comp128 variants, is open for anyone to study/analyse/break, although AES is not without shortcomings, it’s problems are at this stage, fairly well understood and mitigated.

There are a few clean open source examples of Milenage implementations, such as this C example from FreeBSD.


It took me a while to find the specifications for the XOR algorithm – it turns out XOR is available as an alternate to Milenage available on some SIM cards for testing only, and the mechanism for XOR Confidentiality Algorithm is only employed in testing scenarios, not designed for production.

Instead of using AES under the hood like Milenage, it’s just plan old XOR of the keys.

Osmocom have an implementation of this in their CN code, you can find here.

Defined under 3GPP TS 34.108


Comp128 was originally a closed source algorithm, with the maths behind it not publicly available to scrutinise. It is used in GSM A3 and A5 functions, akin to the F1 and F1* in later releases.

Due to its secretive nature it wasn’t able to be studied or analysed prior to deployment, with the idea that if you never said how your crypto worked no one would be able to break it. Spoiler alert; public weaknesses became exposed as far back as 1998, which led to Toll Fraud, SIM cloning and eventually the development of two additional variants, with the original Comp128 renamed Comp128-1, and Comp128-2 (stronger algorithm than the original addressing a few of its flaws) and Comp128-3 (Same as Comp128-2 but with a 64 bit long key generated).

Into the Future & 5G later releases

As options beyond just USIM authentication become available for authentication in 5G SA networks, additional algorithms can be used beyond EAP and AKA, but at the time of writing only TLS has been added. 5G adds SUCI and SUPI which provide a mechanism to keep the private identifier (IMSI) away from prying eyes (or antenna), which I’ve detailed in this post.