There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and 5G is the same – services running through a 5G Standalone core need to be billed.
In 5G Core Networks, the SMF (Session Management Function) reaches out to the CHF (Charging Function) to perform online charging, via the Nchf_ConvergedCharging Service Based Interface (aka reference point).
Like in other generations of core mobile networks, Credit Control in 5G networks is based on 3 functions:
Requesting a quota for a subscriber from an online charging service, which if granted permits the subscriber to use a certain number of units (in this case data transferred in/out).
Just before those units are exhausted sending an update to request more units from the online charging service to allow the service to continue.
When the session has ended or or subscriber has disconnected, a termination to inform the online charging service to stop billing and refund any unused credit / units (data).
Initial Service Creation (ConvergedCharging_Create)
When the SMF needs to setup a session, (For example when the AMF sends the SMF a Nsmf_PDU_SessionCreate request), the CTF (Charging Trigger Function) built into the SMF sends a Nchf_ ConvergedCharging_Create (Initial, Quota Requested) to the Charging Function (CHF).
Because the Nchf_ConvergedCharging interface is a Service Based Interface this is carried over HTTP, in practice, this means the SMF sends a HTTP post to http://yourchargingfunction/Nchf_ConvergedCharging/v1/chargingdata/
Obviously there’s some additional information to be shared rather than just a HTTP post, so the HTTP post includes the ChargingDataRequest as the Request Body. If you’ve dealt with Diameter Credit Control you may be expecting the ChargingDataRequest information to be a huge jumble of nested AVPs, but it’s actually a fairly short list:
- The subscriberIdentifier (SUPI) is included to identify the subscriber so the CHF knows which subscriber to charge
- The nfConsumerIdentification identifies the SMF generating the request (The SBI Consumer)
- The invocationTimeStamp and invocationSequenceNumber are both pretty self explanatory; the time the request is sent and the sequence number from the SBI consumer
- The notifyUri identifies which URI should receive subsequent notifications from the CHF (For example if the CHF wants to terminate the session, the SMF to send that to)
- The multipleUnitUsage defines the service-specific parameters for the quota being requested.
- The triggers identifies the events that trigger the request
Of those each of the fields should be pretty self explanatory as to their purpose.
The multipleUnitUsage data is used like the Service Information AVP in Diameter based Credit Control, in that it defines the specifics of the service we’re requesting a quota for. Inside it contains a mandatory ratingGroup specifying which rating group the CHF should use, and optionally requestedUnit which can define either the amount of service units being requested (For us this is data in/out), or to tell the CHF units are needed. Typically this is used to define the amount of units to be requested.
On the amount of units requested we have a bit of a chicken-and-egg scenario; we don’t know how many units (In our case the units is transferred data in/out) to request, if we request too much we’ll take up all the customer’s credit, potentially prohibiting them from accessing other services, and not enough requested and we’ll constantly slam the CHF with requests for more credit.
In practice this value is somewhere between the two, and will vary quite a bit.
Based on the service details the SMF has put in the Nchf_ ConvergedCharging_Create request, the Charging Function (CHF) takes into account the subscriber’s current balance, credit control policies, etc, and uses this to determine if the Subscriber has the required balances to be granted a service, and if so, sends back a 201 CREATED response back to the Nchf_ConvergedCharging_Create request sent by the CTF inside the SMF.
This 201 CREATED response is again fairly clean and simple, the key information is in the multipleQuotaInformation which is nested within the ChargingDataResponse, which contains the finalUnitIndication defining the maximum units to be granted for the session, and the triggers to define when to check in with CHF again, for time, volume and quota thresholds.
And with that, the service is granted, the SMF can instruct the UPF to start allowing traffic through.

Update (ConvergedCharging_Update)
Once the granted units / quota has been exhausted, the Update (ConvergedCharging_Update) request is used for requesting subsequent usage / quota units. For example our Subscriber has used up all the data initially allocated but is still consuming data, so the SMF sends a Nchf_ConvergedCharging_Update request to request more units, via another HTTP post, to the CHF, with the requested service unit in the request body in the form of ChargingDataRequest as we saw in the initial ConvergedCharging_Create.
If the subscriber still has credit and the CHF is OK to allow their service to continue, the CHF returns a 200 OK with the ChargingDataResponse, again, detailing the units to be granted.
This procedure repeats over and over as the subscriber uses their allocated units.

Release (ConvergedCharging_Release)
Eventually when our subscriber disconnects, the SMF will generate a Nchf_ConvergedCharging_Release request, detailing the data the subscriber used in the ChargingDataRequest in the body, to the CHF, so it can refund any unused credits.
The CHF sends back a 204 No Content response, and the procedure is completed.

More Info
If you’ve had experience in Diameter credit control, this simple procedure will be a breath of fresh air, it’s clean and easy to comprehend,
If you’d like to learn more the 3GPP specification docs on the topic are clear and comprehensible, I’d suggest:
- TS 132 290 – Short overview of charging mechanisms
- TS 132 291 – Specifics of the Nchf_ConvergedCharging interface
- The common 3GPP charging architecture is specified in TS 32.240
- TS 132 291 – Overview of components and SBIs inc Operations