I’ve been working on a ePDG for VoWiFi access to my IMS core.
This has led to a bit of a deep dive into GTP (easy enough) and GTPv2 (Bit harder).
The Fully Qualified Tunnel Endpoint Identifier includes an information element for the Interface Type, identified by a two digit number.
Here we see S2b is 32
In the end I found the answer in 3GPP TS 29.274, but thought I’d share it here.
S1-U eNodeB GTP-U interface
S1-U SGW GTP-U interface
S12 RNC GTP-U interface
S12 SGW GTP-U interface
S5/S8 SGW GTP-U interface
S5/S8 PGW GTP-U interface
S5/S8 SGW GTP-C interface
S5/S8 PGW GTP-C interface
S5/S8 SGW PMIPv6 interface (the 32 bit GRE key is encoded in 32 bit TEID field and since alternate CoA is not used the control plane and user plane addresses are the same for PMIPv6)
S5/S8 PGW PMIPv6 interface (the 32 bit GRE key is encoded in 32 bit TEID field and the control plane and user plane addresses are the same for PMIPv6)
S11 MME GTP-C interface
S11/S4 SGW GTP-C interface
S10 MME GTP-C interface
S3 MME GTP-C interface
S3 SGSN GTP-C interface
S4 SGSN GTP-U interface
S4 SGW GTP-U interface
S4 SGSN GTP-C interface
S16 SGSN GTP-C interface
eNodeB GTP-U interface for DL data forwarding
eNodeB GTP-U interface for UL data forwarding
RNC GTP-U interface for data forwarding
SGSN GTP-U interface for data forwarding
SGW GTP-U interface for DL data forwarding
Sm MBMS GW GTP-C interface
Sn MBMS GW GTP-C interface
Sm MME GTP-C interface
Sn SGSN GTP-C interface
SGW GTP-U interface for UL data forwarding
Sn SGSN GTP-U interface
S2b ePDG GTP-C interface
S2b-U ePDG GTP-U interface
S2b PGW GTP-C interface
S2b-U PGW GTP-U interface
I also found how this data is encoded on the wire is a bit strange,
In the example above the Interface Type is 7,
This is encoded in binary which give us 111.
This is then padded to 6 bits to give us 000111.
This is prefixed by two additional bits the first denotes if IPv4 address is present, the second bit is for if IPv6 address is present.
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3-6
IPv4 Address Present
IPv4 Address Present
Interface Type
This is then encoded to hex to give us 87
Here’s my Python example;
interface_type = int(7)
interface_type = "{0:b}".format(interface_type).zfill(6) #Produce binary bits
ipv4ipv6 = "10" #IPv4 only
interface_type = ipv4ipv6 + interface_type #concatenate the two
interface_type = format(int(str(interface_type), 2),"x") #convert to hex
Despite the fact it’s 2020 there’s still a lot of folks in the world manually configuring boxes,
Ansible is a topic I could talk all day about, but in essence it’s kind of an automation framework, tell Ansible what to do one and it can spin you up two boxes, or two thousand boxes and manage the config on them.
I talked about DMQ, the Distributed Message Queue in a Kamailio Bytes post some time ago, and so as an example I’ll share an example playbook to Install Kamailio the lazy way from the Repos, and load the DMQ config with the IP Address and DMQ Address pulled from variables based on the host itself.
There’s a huge number of posts on installing and the basics of Ansible online, if you’re not familiar with Ansible already I’d suggest starting by learning the basics and then rejoining us.
The Hosts
Depending on if your hosts are running on bare metal, VMWare VMs or cloud based, I’m going to assume you’re working with a Debian system.
I’ve already got 3 servers ready to go, they’ve got sequential IP Addresses so I’ve added the range to my /etc/ansible/hosts file:
I’ve created the group kamailio and put the IP Address range to in there.
You will probably need to add the authentication info, such as passwords, private keys and privilege escalation details, but I’m going to assume you’ve already done that and you can run the ping module on each one:
ansible kamailio -m ping
Assuming that comes back OK and you can get into each one let’s move onto the Playbook.
The Playbook
There’s a few tasks we’ll get out of the way before we configure Kamailio,
The first of which is adding the Debian repo and the keys,
Next we’ll load a Kamailio config from a template that fills in our IP Address and Kamailio version, then we’ll install Kamailio,
Rather than talk you through each of the plays here’s a copy of my playbook:
- name: Configure Kamailio
hosts: kamailio
become: yes
kamailio_version: "53"
debian_sources_dir: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d"
- name: Add keys for Kamailio repo
url: http://deb.kamailio.org/kamailiodebkey.gpg
state: present
- name: Add repo to sources.list
repo: deb http://deb.kamailio.org/kamailio{{kamailio_version}} {{hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_lsb']['codename']}} main
#The full list of Debian repos can be found at http://deb.kamailio.org/
#The version is based off the versions listed there and the release is based on the codename of the Debian / Ubuntu release.
state: present
- name: Copy Config Template
#Copies config from the template, fills in variables and uplaods to the server
src: kamailio.cfg.j2
dest: /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg
owner: root
group: root
backup: yes
register: config_changed
- name: Install Kamailio
#Updates cache (apt-get update) and then installs Kamailio
name: kamailio
update_cache: yes
state: present
register: kamailio_installed_firstrun
- name: Restart Kamailio if config changed
name: kamailio
state: restarted
when: config_changed.changed
- name: Start Kamailio if installed for the first time
name: kamailio
state: started
when: kamailio_installed_firstrun.changed
Should be pretty straight forward to anyone who’s used Ansible before, but the real magic happens in the templatemodule. Let’s take a look;
Kamailio config in Jinja2 template
Pusing out static config is one thing, but things like IP Addresses, FQDNs and SSL certs may differ from machine to machine, so instead of just pushing one config, I’ve created a config and added some variables in Jinja2 format to the config, that will be filled with the value on the target when pushed out.
In the templatemodule of the playbook you can see I’ve specified the file kamailio.cfg.j2 this is just a regular Kamailio config file but I’ve added some variables, let’s look at how that’s done.
On the machine we want it to listen on, we could put list but this can lead to security concerns, so instead let’s specify the IP in the Jinja config,
By putting ansible_default_ipv4.address in two sets of curly brackets, this tells Ansible to fill in thes values from the template with the Ansible IPv4 Address of the target machine.
Let’s take a look on the’s actual kamailio.cfg file:
Let’s take another example,
To keep DMQ humming it makes sense to have different DMQ domains for different versions of Kamailio, so in the Kamailio config file template I’ve called the variable kamailio_versionin the DMQ address,
This means on a Kamailio 5.2 version this URL look like this on the boxes’ config:
Running it is just a simple matter of calling ansible-playbook and pointing it at the playbook we created, here’s how it looks setting up the 3 hosts from their vanilla state:
The great thing about Kamailio is it’s omnipotent – This means it will detect if it needs to do each of the tasks specified in the playbook.
So if we run this again it won’t try and add the repo, GPG keys, install Kamailio and load the template, it’ll look and see each of those steps have already been done and skip each of them.
But what if someone makes some local changes on one of the boxes, let’s look at what happens:
Likewise now if we decide to change our config we only need to update the template file and Ansible will push it out to all our machines, I’ve added a comment into the Kamailio template, so let’s run it again and see the config pushed out to all the Kamailio instances and them restarting.
In my last post I talked about using KEMI in Kamailio and how you can integrate in a different programming language to handle your SIP request handling in a language you already know – Like Python!
Before we get too excited there’s some boilerplate we’ve got to add to our Python script, we need to create a class called kamailio and populate the class by defining some functions, we’ll define an __init__ to handle loading of the class, define a child_init for handling child processes, define ksr_request_route to handle the initial requests. We’ll also need to define a mod_init – outside of the Kamailio class to initialize the class.
import sys
import Router.Logger as Logger
import KSR as KSR
import requests
# global function to instantiate a kamailio class object
# -- executed when kamailio app_python module is initialized
def mod_init():
KSR.info("===== from Python mod init\n");
return kamailio();
# -- {start defining kamailio class}
class kamailio:
def __init__(self):
KSR.info('===== kamailio.__init__\n');
# executed when kamailio child processes are initialized
def child_init(self, rank):
KSR.info('===== kamailio.child_init(%d)\n' % rank);
return 0;
# SIP request routing
# -- equivalent of request_route{}
def ksr_request_route(self, msg):
KSR.info("===== request - from kamailio python script\n");
KSR.dbg("method " + KSR.pv.get("$rm") + " r-uri " + KSR.pv.get("$ru"))
Most of these should be pretty self explanatory for anyone who’s done a bit more in-depth Python programming, but it’s no big deal if you don’t understand all this, the only part you need to understand is the ksr_request_route function.
ksr_request_route: translates to our request_route{} in the Kamailio native scripting language, all requests that come in will start off in this part.
Python Kamailio Routing
So let’s start to build upon this, so we’ll blindly accept all SIP registrations;
Here you’ll see we’ve added an if statement, as if we were doing any other If statement in Python, in this case we’re asking if the KSR.is_method(“REGISTER”), and if it is, we’ll send back a 200 OK response.
Let’s pause and talk about KSR
All the Kamailio bits we’ll use in Python will have the KSR. prefix, so let’s take a quick break here to talk about KSR. The KSR. functions are the KEMI functions we’ve exposed to Python.
Without them, we’re just writing Python, and we’d have to do all the functions provided by Kamailio nativeley in Python, which would be crazy.
So we leverage the Kamailio modules you know and love from Python using Python’s logic / programming syntax, as well as opening up the ability to pull in other libraries from Python.
Let’s look at how we might send a stateless reply,
There’s a module function to send a stateless reply;
KSR.sl.send_reply(200, "OK")
The vast majority of functions are abstracted as module functions, like the example above, but not all of them.
So every function doesn’t need to be wrapped up as a module, there’s also a way to call any function that you’d call from the native scripting language, wrapped up, kind of like an Exec command:
KSR.x.modf("sl_send_reply", "200", "OK");
So thanks to this we can call any Kamailio function from Python, even if it’s not explicitly in the KEMI abstraction.
Python Kamailio Routing (Continued)
So earlier we managed REGISTER requests and sent back a 200 OK response.
What about forwarding a SIP Request to another proxy? Let’s follow on with an elif statement to test if the method is an INVITE and statelessly forward it.
elif KSR.is_method("INVITE"):
#Lookup our public IP address
ip = requests.get('https://api.ipify.org').text
ip = "Failed to resolve"
#Add that as a header
KSR.hdr.append("X-KEMI: I came from KEMI at " + str(ip) + "\r\n");
#Set host IP to
#Forward the request on
Now an incoming SIP invite will be proxied / forwarded to, all from Python.
But so far we’ve only done things in KEMI / Python that we could do in our native Kamailio scripting language, so let’s use some Python in our Python!
I utterly love the Python Requests library, so let’s use that to look up our public IP address and add it as a header to our forwarded SIP INVITE;
elif KSR.is_method("INVITE"):
#Lookup our public IP address
ip = requests.get('https://api.ipify.org').text
ip = "Failed to resolve"
#Add that as a header
KSR.hdr.append("X-KEMI: I came from KEMI at " + str(ip) + "\r\n");
#Set host IP to
#Forward the request on
Bottom header is the X-KEMI custom header we included with our public IP
So let’s wrap this up a bit and handle any other request that’s not an INVITE or a REGISTER, with a 500 error code.
# SIP request routing
# -- equivalent of request_route{}
def ksr_request_route(self, msg):
KSR.dbg("method " + KSR.pv.get("$rm") + " r-uri " + KSR.pv.get("$ru"))
if KSR.is_method("REGISTER"):
KSR.sl.send_reply(200, "OK")
elif KSR.is_method("INVITE"):
#Lookup our public IP address
ip = requests.get('https://api.ipify.org').text
ip = "Failed to resolve"
#Add that as a header
KSR.hdr.append("X-KEMI: I came from KEMI at " + str(ip) + "\r\n");
#Set host IP to
#Forward the request on
KSR.sl.send_reply(500, "Got no idea...")
When learning to use Kamailio you might find yourself thinking about if you really want to learn to write a Kamailio configuration file, which is another weird scripting language to learn to achieve a task.
Enter KEMI – Kamailio Embedded Interface. KEMI allows you to abstract the routing logic to another programing language. In layman’s terms this means you can write your routing blocks, like request_route{}, reply_route{}, etc, in languages you already know – like Lua, JavaScript, Ruby – and my favorite – Python!
Why would you use KEMI?
Write in a language you already know;
You don’t need to learn how to do write complex routing logic in Kamailio’s native scripting language, you can instead do it in a language you’re already familiar with, writing your Routing Blocks in another programming language.
Change Routing on the Fly;
By writing the routing logic in KEMI allows you to change your routing blocks without having to restart Kamailio, something you can’t do with the “native” scripting language – This means you can change your routing live.
Note: This isn’t yet in place for all languages – Some still require a restart.
Leverage your prefered language’s libraries;
While Kamailio’s got a huge list of modules to interface with a vast number of different things, the ~200 Kamailio modules don’t compare with the thousands of premade libraries that exist for languages like Python, Ruby, JavaScript, etc.
We’ll obviously need Kamailio installed, but we’ll also need the programming language we want to leverage setup (fairly obvious).
Configuring Kamailio to talk to KEMI
KEMI only takes care of the routing of SIP messages inside our routing blocks – So we’ve still got the Kamailio cfg file (kamailio.cfg) that we use to bind and setup the service as required, load the modules we want and configure them.
Essentially we need to load the app for the language we use, in this example we’ll use app_python3.so and use that as our Config Engine.
The PLMN Identifier is used to identify the radio networks in use, it’s made up of the MCC – Mobile Country Code and MNC – Mobile Network Code.
But sadly it’s not as simple as just concatenating MCC and MNC like in the IMSI, there’s a bit more to it.
In the example above the Tracking Area Identity includes the PLMN Identity, and Wireshark has been kind enough to split it out into MCC and MNC, but how does it get that from the value 12f410?
This one took me longer to work out than I’d like to admit, and saw me looking through the GSM spec, but here goes:
PLMN Contents: Mobile Country Code (MCC) followed by the Mobile Network Code (MNC). Coding: according to TS GSM 04.08 [14].
If storage for fewer than the maximum possible number n is required, the excess bytes shall be set to ‘FF’. For instance, using 246 for the MCC and 81 for the MNC and if this is the first and only PLMN, the contents reads as follows: Bytes 1-3: ’42’ ‘F6′ ’18’ Bytes 4-6: ‘FF’ ‘FF’ ‘FF’ etc.
TS GSM 04.08 [14].
Making sense to you now? Me neither.
Here’s the Python code I wrote to encode MCC and MNCs to PLMN Identifiers and to decode PLMN into MCC and MNC, and then we’ll talk about what’s happening:
In the above example I take MCC 505 (Australia) and MCC 93 and generate the PLMN ID 05f539.
The first step in decoding is to take the first two bits (in our case 05 and reverse them – 50, then we take the third and fourth bits (f5) and reverse them too, and strip the letter f, now we have just 5. We join that with what we had earlier and there’s our MCC – 505.
Next we get our MNC, for this we take bytes 5 & 6 (39) and reverse them, and there’s our MNC – 93.
Together we’ve got MCC 505 and MNC 93.
The one answer I’m still looking for; why not just encode 50593? What is gained by encoding it as 05f539?
After a few quiet months I’m excited to say I’ve pushed through some improvements recently to PyHSS and it’s growing into a more usable HSS platform.
MongoDB Backend
This has a few obvious advantages – More salable, etc, but also opens up the ability to customize more of the subscriber parameters, like GBR bearers, etc, that simple flat text files just wouldn’t support, as well as the obvious issues with threading and writing to and from text files at scale.
Knock knock.
Race condition.
Who’s there?
— Threading Joke.
For now I’m using the Open5GS MongoDB schema, so the Open5Gs web UI can be used for administering the system and adding subscribers.
The CSV / text file backend is still there and still works, the MongoDB backend is only used if you enable it in the YAML file.
The documentation for setting this up is in the readme.
SQN Resync
If you’re working across multiple different HSS’ or perhaps messing with some crypto stuff on your USIM, there’s a chance you’ll get the SQN (The Sequence Number) on the USIM out of sync with what’s on the HSS.
This manifests itself as an Update Location Request being sent from the UE in response to an Authentication Information Answer and coming back with a Re-Syncronization-Info AVP in the Authentication Info AVP. I’ll talk more about how this works in another post, but in short PyHSS now looks at this value and uses it combined with the original RAND value sent in the Authentication Information Answer, to find the correct SQN value and update whichever database backend you’re using accordingly, and then send another Authentication Information Answer with authentication vectors with the correct SQN.
SQN Resync is something that’s really cryptographically difficult to implement / confusing, hence this taking so long.
What’s next? – IMS / Multimedia Auth
The next feature that’s coming soon is the Multimedia Authentication Request / Answer to allow CSCFs to query for IMS Registration and manage the Cx and Dx interfaces.
Code for this is already in place but failing some tests, not sure if that’s to do with the MAA response or something on my CSCFs,
Note: NextEPC the Open Source project rebranded as Open5Gs in 2019 due to a naming issue. The remaining software called NextEPC is a branch of an old version of Open5Gs. This post was written before the rebranding.
I’ve been working for some time on Private LTE networks, the packet core I’m using is NextEPC, it’s well written, flexible and well supported.
I joined the Open5Gs group and I’ve contributed a few bits and pieces to the project, including a Python wrapper for adding / managing subscribers in the built in Home Subscriber Server (HSS).
Basic Python library to interface with MongoDB subscriber DB in NextEPC HSS / PCRF. Requires Python 3+, mongo, pymongo and bson. (All available through PIP)
If you are planning to run this on a different machine other than localhost (the machine hosting the MongoDB service) you will need to enable remote access to MongoDB by binding it’s IP to
This is done by editing /etc/mongodb.conf and changing the bind IP to: bind_ip =
RTPengine has an API / control protocol, which is what Kamailio / OpenSER uses to interact with RTPengine, called the ng Control Protocol.
Connection is based on Bencode encoded data and communicates via a UDP socket.
I wrote a simple Python script to pull active calls from RTPengine, code below:
#Quick Python library for interfacing with Sipwise's fantastic rtpengine - https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine
#Bencode library from https://pypi.org/project/bencode.py/ (Had to download files from webpage (PIP was out of date))
import bencode
import socket
import sys
import random
import string
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
server_address = ('', 2224) #Your server address
cookie = "0_2393_6"
data = bencode.encode({'command': 'list'})
message = str(cookie) + " " + str(data)
sent = sock.sendto(message, server_address)
print('waiting to receive')
data, server = sock.recvfrom(4096)
print('received "%s"' % data)
data = data.split(" ", 1) #Only split on first space
print("Cookie is: " + str(data[0]))
print("Data is: " + str(bencode.decode(data[1])))
print("There are " + str(len(bencode.decode(data[1])['calls'])) + " calls up on RTPengine at " + str(server_address[0]))
for calls in bencode.decode(data[1])['calls']:
cookie = "1_2393_6"
data = bencode.encode({'command': 'query', 'call-id': str(calls)})
message = str(cookie).encode('utf-8') + " ".encode('utf-8') + str(data).encode('utf-8')
sent = sock.sendto(message, server_address)
print('\n\nwaiting to receive')
data, server = sock.recvfrom(8192)
data = data.split(" ", 1) #Only split on first space
bencoded_data = bencode.decode(data[1])
for keys in bencoded_data:
print("\t" + str(bencoded_data[keys]))
I recently started working on an issue that I’d seen was to do with the HSS response to the MME on an Update Location Answer.
I took some Wireshark traces of a connection from the MME to the HSS, and compared that to a trace from a different HSS. (Amarisoft EPC/HSS)
The Update Location Answer sent by the Amarisoft HSS to the MME over the S6a (Diameter) interface includes an AVP for “Multiple APN Configuration” which has the the dedicated bearer for IMS, while the HSS in the software I was working on didn’t.
After a bit of bashing trying to modify the S6a responses, I decided I’d just implement my own Home Subscriber Server.
If you’d like to write your own software using SCTP there’s a fantastic SCTP sockets library from P1 Security that makes this easy as any other socket programming.
Take a look at the super simple client-server I made:
What is ASN.1 and why is it so hard to find a good explanation or example?
ISO, IEC & ITU-T all got together and wrote a standard for describing data transmitted by telecommunications protocols, it’s used by many well known protocols X.509 (SSL), LDAP, SNMP, LTE which all rely on ASN.1 to encode data, transmit it, and then decode it, reliably and efficiently.
Let’s take this XML encoded data:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<text>Hello my friend!</text>
As you can see it’s human readable and pretty clear.
But what if we split this in two, had the definitions in one file and the values in another:
Here we’ll describe each of our fields
Message: Number – Intiger- Destination of Message Text – String – Message to be sent
Now we’ll list the values.
Hello my friend!
By taking the definitions out our data is now 28 bytes, instead of 122, so we’re a fraction of the size on the wire (becomes important if you’re sending this data all the time or with a limited link budget), and we’ve also defined the type of each value as well, so we know we shouldn’t have an integer as the heading for example, we can see it’s a string.
The sender and the receiver both have a copy of the definitions, so everyone is clear on where we stand in terms of what each field is, and the types of values we encode. As a bonus we’re down to less than 1/4 of our original size. Great!
That’s ASN.1 in a nutshell, but let’s dig a little deeper and use a real example.
Now let’s actually encode & decode some data.
I’ll be using asn1tools a Python library written by Erik Moqvist, you can add it through pip:
pip install asn1tools
We’ll create a new text file and put our ASN.1 definitions into it, so let’s create a new file called foo.asn which will contain our definitions in ASN.1 format:
HelloWorld DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN Message ::= SEQUENCE { number INTEGER, text UTF8String } END
Copy and paste that into foo.asn and now we’ve got a definition, with a Module called Message containing a field called number (which is an integer) and a filed called text (which is a string).
Now let’s fire up our python shell in the same directory as our new file:
>>import asn1tools
>>foo = asn1tools.compile_files('foo.asn')
>>encoded = foo.encode('Message', {'number': 61412341234, 'text': u'Hello my friend!'})
bytearray(b'0\x19\x02\x05\x0eLu\xf5\xf2\x0c\x10Hello my friend!')
(You’ll need to run this in the Python shell, else it’ll just output encoded as plain text and not as a Byte Array as above)
So now we’ve encoded our values (number = 2 and text = ‘Hi!’) into bytes, ready to be sent down the wire and decoded at the other end. Not exactly human friendly but efficient and well defined.
So there you have it, an introduction to ASN1, how to encode & decode data.
We can grow our definitions (in the .asn file) and so long as both ends have the same definitions and you’re encoding the right stuff, you’ll be set.
Further Reading
There’s a whole lot more to ASN1 – Like how you encode the data, how to properly setup your definitions etc, but hopefully you understand what it actually does now.
SIP was written to be fast and resonably lightweight.
Motorola StarTAC
At the time SIP was created in 1996, Motorola just had launched it’s first flip phone, the web was only 100,000 websites online and I was playing Pokémon.
Security wasn’t so much an afterthought, but rather not something everyone was as conscious of as they are today.
UDP is the protocol of choice for most SIP deployments, which opens it up for Message Amplification attacks.
As the world saw a few years back with DNS Amplification attacks (Good explanation of how Message Amplification works courtesy of Cloudflare), amplification attacks are enabled by DNS requests being smaller than DNS responses, and carrier networks that don’t verify the source of their traffic allowing someone to request a DNS lookup saying they’re from an IP that isn’t theirs, and that IP getting flooded.
SIP is vulnerable to this too, not exactly zero-day exploits, but something that hasn’t been looked at outside of the theoretical sphere, so I thought I’d roll up my sleeves and see how bad it can look.
For starters it’s worth remembering for a Message Amplification attack to work, it’s got to amplify. RF Engineering will teach you that amplification is the ratio of power in to power out, and it’s the same for Message Amplification, the size of the packet we send has to be smaller than the packet received, else we’re just using someone else to do our dirty work, but not amplifying.
Typical Response Sizes
These are small SIP messages I created in Python using sockets, they’re not the absolute smallest you could go, but they were as small as I could go and still get through the basic packet validation / sanity checks.
Some SIP Proxies drop traffic missing required headers while some don’t, I’ve included the required headers.
I’ve pointed the traffic at a Kamailio instance and measured the bytes sent vs bytes returned.
Request Size (bytes)
Response Size (bytes)
Content Length Mismatch
400 Missing Required Header in Request
Max Forwards Exceeded
So the best we can get is a packet 1.9 times the size of the packet we put in, which means SIP isn’t the best for Message Amplification attacks, but passable, so long as it keeps responding.
INVITE gets our best amplification and we can tune this to get the request smaller.
The Workhorse
Carrier grade SIP servers are pretty powerful machines, able to handle huge amounts of traffic, quite literally hundreds of millions a day, generally split across geographic areas and clustered, all on high quality low loss, low latency IP links.
If you have 20,000 subscribers sending a keep alive every 60 seconds, you’re at 72 million dialogs consisting of two packets each (144,000,000 SIP messages).
So after some stripping down I managed to get a valid INVITE that would be responded too with an auth challenge (407 Proxy Authentication Required) which was 125 bytes on the wire, while the response was 330, giving me a gain of 2.64 times what I put in. (I send 125 bytes, I get back 330)
The Setup
We’ve got 3 IPs we’re dealing with here,
Our victim is on UDP port 5060 won’t even be open for this poor fellow, but he’ll get flooded.
Next is our attacker who’s machine is on, but claiming their source IP is (the Victim’s IP)
From here our attacker will be sending SIP traffic to (our “carrier” / SIP server), which will send it’s responses to the victim. I’ve spun up an Asterisk instance because it’s the voice eng version of sticky tape, I’d love to test this against something a Broadsoft platform, but licences are hard to come by.
I setup the Asterisk instance to be single threaded, on a box with just enough resources to run, to try this small scale.
I wrote a threaded Python script that will ramp up the number of messages exponentially, we’ll start by sending one message per second, then two messages per second, and so on.
And we’ll do this until something breaks.
The Results
In short – inconclusive at first, but kinda scary after that.
Asterisk died really quickly. “Exceptionally long queue length” popped up after the first second. Interestingly, the box eventually came good and actually replied to every one of our requests, and even sent a BYE. Cute.
So I modified the script to be a bit less aggressive, a random wait time between 0 and 1 seconds between loops for each thread.
Struggling under the load.
I got about 60 seconds in before Asterisk really stopped responding to traffic.
So I tweaked my script again, enabled multi threading on the “carrier” and tried again.
So here’s the best rate (packets per second) I could get after a lot of tweaking:
Packets per Second – Red = Sent, Green = Received
Peak Receive: 14,000 packets per second Peak Send: 20,000 packets per second
In terms of packet size – what we really care about, the results were actually pretty promising:
Click for full size
Peak receive rate of 67Mbps, for which we were putting in ~25Mbps.
So can SIP be used for message amplification attacks? Sure.
Is it particulary practical? Not really. There’s easier targets out there for the time being, so VoIP will be spared the worst of it.
But for a carrier weaponisation of carrier SIP server should be a real fear.
Protection for Carriers
Don’t use UDP for your SIP traffic.
It’s easier said than done, I know… But the reasoning for putting SIP on UDP was primarily speed and limited bandwidth, but with more and more fibre in the ground it’s no longer the case.
SIP over TCP (better yet use it as an excuse to move to TLS), will protect you from some of these attacks.
Flood protection is built into most SBCs these days, if your box is being used to hit a specific target, the source IP will be masquerading as the target. So blocking that and not responding is your best bet. Lots of SBCs still respond with a 4xx “Rate Limiting” response instead of just dropping the traffic, ideally you’d disable the nice “Rate liming” response and just drop the traffic.
Traffic modeling, GeoIP blocking and rate limiting per IP & destination port will also help, as well as monitoring.
Ultimately you can’t stop spoofed UDP traffic coming into your network, but you can stop UDP traffic leaving your network, and if everyone did that we wouldn’t be in this mess.
UDP spoofing is made possible by networks that don’t verify that the traffic that’s leaving their network is traffic that is sourced from your network.
Your core routers know what IPs are assigned to your network, and should be configured to drop traffic that’s leaving the network but not coming from those IPs.
IETF came up with this solution, and it’s built into all major router OSes:
If we were to take the password password and hash it using an online tool to generate MD5 Hashes we’d get “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99”
If we hash password again with MD5 we’d get the same output – “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99”,
The catch with this is if you put “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99” into a search engine, Google immediately tells you it’s plain text value. That’s because the MD5 of password is always 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99, hashing the same input phase “password” always results in the same output MD5 hash aka “response”.
By using Message Digest Authentication we introduce a “nonce” value and mix it (“salt”) with the SIP realm, username, password and request URI, to ensure that the response is different every time.
Let’s look at this example REGISTER flow:
We can see a REGISTER message has been sent by Bob to the SIP Server.
REGISTER sips:ss2.biloxi.example.com SIP/2.0 Via: SIP/2.0/TLS client.biloxi.example.com:5061;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7 Max-Forwards: 70 From: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=a73kszlfl To: Bob <sips:[email protected]> Call-ID: [email protected] CSeq: 1 REGISTER Contact: <sips:[email protected]> Content-Length: 0
The SIP Server has sent back a 401 Unauthorised message, but includes the WWW-Authenticate header field, from this, we can grab a Realm value, and a Nonce, which we’ll use to generate our response that we’ll send back.
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized Via: SIP/2.0/TLS client.biloxi.example.com:5061;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7 ;received= From: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=a73kszlfl To: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=1410948204 Call-ID: [email protected] CSeq: 1 REGISTER WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="atlanta.example.com", qop="auth",nonce="ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359", opaque="", stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5 Content-Length: 0
The formula for generating the response looks rather complex but really isn’t that bad.
Let’s say in this case Bob’s password is “bobspassword”, let’s generate a response back to the server.
We know the username which is bob, the realm which is atlanta.example.com, digest URI is sips:biloxi.example.com, method is REGISTER and the password which is bobspassword. This seems like a lot to go through but all of these values, with the exception of the password, we just get from the 401 headers above.
So let’s generate the first part called HA1 using the formula HA1=MD5(username:realm:password), so let’s substitute this with our real values: HA1 = MD5(bob:atlanta.example.com:bobspassword) So if we drop bob:atlanta.example.com:bobspassword into our MD5 hasher and we get our HA1 hash and it it looks like 2da91700e1ef4f38df91500c8729d35f, so HA1 = 2da91700e1ef4f38df91500c8729d35f
Now onto the second part, we know the Method is REGISTER, and our digestURI is sips:biloxi.example.com HA2=MD5(method:digestURI) HA2=MD5(REGISTER:sips:biloxi.example.com) Again, drop REGISTER:sips:biloxi.example.com into our MD5 hasher, and grab the output – 8f2d44a2696b3b3ed781d2f44375b3df This means HA2 = 8f2d44a2696b3b3ed781d2f44375b3df
Finally we join HA1, the nonce and HA2 in one string and hash it: Response = MD5(2da91700e1ef4f38df91500c8729d35f:ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359:8f2d44a2696b3b3ed781d2f44375b3df)
Which gives us our final response of “bc2f51f99c2add3e9dfce04d43df0c6a”, so let’s see what happens when Bob sends this to the SIP Server.