I recently started working on an issue that I’d seen was to do with the HSS response to the MME on an Update Location Answer.
I took some Wireshark traces of a connection from the MME to the HSS, and compared that to a trace from a different HSS. (Amarisoft EPC/HSS)
The Update Location Answer sent by the Amarisoft HSS to the MME over the S6a (Diameter) interface includes an AVP for “Multiple APN Configuration” which has the the dedicated bearer for IMS, while the HSS in the software I was working on didn’t.
After a bit of bashing trying to modify the S6a responses, I decided I’d just implement my own Home Subscriber Server.
I’m a big fan of RTPengine, and I’ve written a bit about it in the past.
Let’s say we’re building an Australia wide VoIP network. It’s a big country with a lot of nothing in the middle. We’ve got a POP in each of Australia’s capital cities, and two core softswitch clusters, one in Melbourne and one in Sydney.
These two cores will work fine, but a call from a customer in Perth, WA to another customer in Perth, WA would mean their RTP stream will need to go across your inter-caps to Sydney or Melbourne only to route back to Perth.
That’s 3,500Km each way, which is going to lead to higher latency, wasted bandwidth and decreased customer experience.
What if we could have an RTPengine instance in our Perth POP, handling RTP proxying for our Perth customers? Another in Brisbane, Canberra etc, all while keeping our complex expensive core signalling in just the two locations?
RTPengine to the rescue!
Preparing our RTPEngine Instances
In each of our POPs we’ll spin up a box with RTPengine,
The only thing we’d do differently is set the listen-ng value to be and the interface to be the IP of the box.
By setting the listen-ng value to it’ll mean that RTPengine’s management port will be bound to any IP, so we can remotely manage it via it’s ng-control protocol, using the rtpengine Kamailio module.
Naturally you’d limit access to port 2223 only to allowed devices inside your network.
Next we’ll need to add the details of each of our RTP engine instances to MySQL, I’ve used a different setid for each of the RTPengines. I’ve chosen to use the first digit of the Zipcode for that state (WA’s Zipcodes / Postcodes are in the format 6xxx while NSW postcodes are look like 2xxx), we’ll use this later when we select which RTPengine instances to use.
I’ve also added localhost with setid of 0, we’ll use this as our fallback route if it’s not coming from Australia.
Bingo, we’re connected to three RTPengine instances,
Next up we’ll use the Geoip2 module to determine the source of the traffic and route to the correct, I’ve touched upon the Geoip2 module’s basic usage in the past, so if you’re not already familiar with it, read up on it’s usage and we’ll build upon that.
We’ll load GeoIP2 and run some checks in the initial request_route{} block to select the correct RTPengine instance:
if(geoip2_match("$si", "src")){
$var(zip) = $gip2(src=>zip);
$avp(setid) = $(var(zip){s.substr,0,1});
xlog("rtpengine setID is $avp(setid)");
xlog("GeoIP not in Australia - Using default RTPengine instance");
xlog("No GeoIP Match - Using default RTPengine instance");
In the above example if we have a match on source, and the Country code is Australia, the first digit of the ZIP / Postcode is extracted and assigned to the AVP “setid” so RTPengine knows which set ID to use.
In practice an INVITE from an IP in WA returns setID 6, and uses our RTPengine in WA, while one from NSW returns 2 and uses one in NSW. In production we’d need to setup rules for all the other states / territories, and generally have more than one RTPengine instance in each location (we can have multiple instances with the same setid).
Hopefully you’re starting to get an idea of the fun and relatively painless things you can achieve with RTPengine and Kamailio!
Forsk Atoll is software for wireless network planning, simulation and optimization.
Atoll can do some amazingly powerful things, especially when you start feeding real world data and results back into it, but for today we’ll be touching upon the basics.
As I’m learning it myself I thought I’d write up a basic tutorial on setting up the environment, importing some data, adding some sites and transmitters to your network and then simulating it.
We’ll be using Christmas Island, a small island in the Indian ocean that’s part of Australia, as it’s size makes it easy and the files small.
The Environment (Geographic Data)
The more data we can feed into Atoll the more accurate the predictions that come out of it.
Factors like terrain, obstructions, population density, land usage (residential, agricultural, etc) will all need to be modeled to produce accurate results, so getting your geographic data correct is imperative.
Starting a new Document
We’ll start by creating a new document:
We’ll simulate an LTE network, so we’ll create it using the LTE project template.
Coordinate Reference
Before we can get to that we’re going to have to tell Atoll where we are and what datum we’re working in.
The data sets we’re working were provided by the Government, who use the Australian Geodetic Datum, and Christmas Island is in Zone 48.
We’ll select Document -> Properties
We’ll set the projection first.
Once that’s set we’ll set our display coordinates, this is what we’ll actually work in.
I’m using WGS 84 in the -xx.xxxxxx format, aka Lat & Long in decimal format.
Elevation data is hugely important when network planning, your point-to-point links need LOS, and if your modeling / simulation doesn’t know there’s a hill or obstruction between the two sites, it’s not going to work.
There’s plenty of online sources for this data, some of which is paid, but others are provided free by Government agencies.
In this case the Digital Elevation Models for Christmas Island data can be downloaded from Geo-science Australia.
We’ll download the 5m DEM GDA94 UTM zone 48 Christmas Island.
The real reason I picked Christmas Island is that it’s DEM data is 16Mb instead of many Gigabytes and I didn’t want to wait for the download…
After a lot of messing around I found I couldn’t import the multi layered TIF provided by Geo Science Australia, Atoll gave me this error:
I found I could the TIFF formatted DEM files it in a package called VTBuilder, export it as a PNG and then import it into Atoll.
To save some steps I’ve attached a copy of the converted file here.
You can then import the files straight into Atoll,
We’ll need to define what this dataset is, in our cases our Digital Elevation Models (aka Digital Terrain Models) contain Altitude information, so we’ll select Altitude (DTM)
We know from the metadata on the Geo Science Australia site we got the files from the resolution is 5m, so we’ll set pixel size to 5m (Each pixel represents 5 meters).
We’ll need a Geographic Coordinate, this is the Easting and Westing in relation to UTM Zone 48. The values are:
All going well you should see the imported topography showing up in Atoll.
I’ve noticed on the version I’m on I had some weirdness when zoomed out, if you try Zooming in to more than 1:10,000 you should see the terrain data. Not sure why this is but I’ve attached a copy of my Atoll config so far so you in case you get stuck with this.
We’ll download real world sites from the ACMA’s database,
I’ll use the cheat way by just looking it up on their map and exporting the data.
We’ll download the CSV file from the Map.
One thing we’ll need to change in the CSV is that when no Altitude is set for the site ACMA puts “undefined” which Atoll won’t be able to parse. So I’ve just opened it up in N++ and replaced undefined with 0.
I’ve attached a copy here for you to import / skip this step. Mastering messing with CSV is a super useful skill to have anyways, but that’s a topic for another day.
Next we’ll import the sites into Atoll, to define our sites, we’ll jump to the Network Tab and double click on Sites.
Now we’ll import our CSV file
Next we’ll need to define the fields for the import
All going well you’ll now have a populated site list.
Now if we go back to view we should see these points plotted.
Forested areas, large bodies of water, urban sprawl, farmland, etc, all have different characteristics and will cause different interference patterns, refraction, shadow fading, etc.
Clutter Data is the classification of land use or land cover which impacts on RF propagation.
However this dataset doesn’t include Christmas Island. Really shot myself in the foot there, huh?
For examples’ sake we’ll import the terrain data again as clutter.
We’d normally define terrain classes, for example, this area is residential low rise etc, but as we don’t have areas set out we’ll skip that for now.
You can set different layer visibility by enabling and disabling layers in the Geo tab, in this case I’ve disabled my Digital Terrain Model layer and just left the Clutter Heights we just imported.
I got hit with the same Zoom bug here, not sure if it’s still loading in the background or something but the clutter data is only visible when zoomed to 1:10,000 or more, but after doing so you should see the clutter data:
So now we’ve got our environment stuff we can start to add some cell sites and model the propagation & expected signal levels throughout the island in the next post.
The History Info extension defined in RFC7044 sets a way for an INVITE to include where the session (call) has been before that.
For example a call may be made to a desk phone, which is forwarded (302) to a home phone. The History Info extension would add a History Info header to the INVITE to the home phone, denoting the call had come to it via the desk phone.
Each Diameter packet has at a the following headers:
This 1 byte field is always (as of 2019) 0x01 (1)
3 bytes containing the total length of the Diameter packet and all it’s contained AVPs.
This allows the receiver to know when the packet has ended, by reading the length and it’s received bytes so far it can know when that packet ends.
Flags allow particular parameters to be set, defining some possible options for how the packet is to be handled by setting one of the 8 bits in the flags byte, for example Request Set, Proxyable, Error, Potentially Re-transmitted Message,
Command Code
Each Diameter packet has a 3 byte command code, that defines the method of the request,
The IETF have defined the basic command codes in the Diameter Base Protocol RFC, but many vendors have defined their own command codes, and users are free to create and define their own, and even register them for public use.
To allow vendors to define their own command codes, each command code is also accompanied by the Application ID, for example the command code 257 in the base Diameter protocol translates to Capabilities Exchange Request, used to specify the capabilities of each Diameter peer, but 257 is only a Capabilities Exchange Request if the Application ID is set to 0 (Diameter Base Protocol).
If we start developing our own applications, we would start with getting an Application ID, and then could define our own command codes. So 257 with Application ID 0 is Capabilities Exchange Request, but command code 257 with Application ID 1234 could be a totally different request.
Hop-By-Hop Identifier
The Hop By Hop identifier is a unique identifier that helps stateful Diameter proxies route messages to and fro. A Diameter proxy would record the source address and Hop-by-Hop Identifier of a received packet, replace the Hop by Hop Identifier with a new one it assigns and record that with the original Hop by Hop Identifier, original source and new Hop by Hop Identifier.
End-to-End Identifier
Unlike the Hop-by-Hop identifier the End to End Identifier does not change, and must not be modified, it’s used to detect duplicates of messages along with the Origin-Host AVP.
The real power of Diameter comes from AVPs, the base protocol defines how to structure a Diameter packet, but can’t convey any specific data or requests, we put these inside our Attribute Value Pairs.
Let’s take a look at a simple Diameter request, it’s got all the boilerplate headers we talked about, and contains an AVP with the username.
Here we can see we’ve got an AVP with AVP Code 1, containing a username
Let’s break this down a bit more.
AVP Codes are very similar to the Diameter Command Codes/ApplicationIDs we just talked about.
Combined with an AVP Vendor ID they define the information type of the AVP, some examples would be Username, Session-ID, Destination Realm, Authentication-Info, Result Code, etc.
AVP Flags are again like the Diameter Flags, and are made up a series of bits, denoting if a parameter is set or not, at this stage only the first two bits are used, the first is Vendor Specific which defines if the AVP Code is specific to an AVP Vendor ID, and the second is Mandatory which specifies the receiver must be able to interpret this AVP or reject the entire Diameter request.
AVP Length defines the length of the AVP, like the Diameter length field this is used to delineate the end of one AVP.
AVP Vendor ID
If the AVP Vendor Specific flag is set this optional field specifies the vendor ID of the AVP Code used.
AVP Data
The payload containing the actual AVP data, this could be a username, in this example, a session ID, a domain, or any other value the vendor defines.
AVP Padding
AVPs have to fit on a multiple of a 32 bit boundary, so padding bits are added to the end of a packet if required to total the next 32 bit boundary.
3GPP selected Diameter protocol to take care of Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA).
It’s typically used to authenticate users on a network, authorize them to use services they’re allowed to use and account for how much of the services they used.
In a EPC scenario the Authentication function takes the form verifying the subscriber is valid and knows the K & OP/OPc keys for their specific IMSI.
The Authorization function checks to find out which features, APNs, QCI values and services the subscriber is allowed to use.
The Accounting function records session usage of a subscriber, for example how many sessional units of talk time, Mb of data transferred, etc.
Diameter Packets are pretty simple in structure, there’s the packet itself, containing the basic information in the headers you’d expect, and then a series of one or more Attribute Value Pairs or “AVPs”.
These AVPs are exactly as they sound, there’s an attribute name, for example username, and a value, for example, “Nick”.
This could just as easily be for ordering food; we could send a Diameter packet with an imaginary command code for Food Order Request, containing a series of AVPs containing what we want. The AVPs could belike Food: Hawian Pizza, Food: Garlic Bread, Drink: Milkshake, Address: MyHouse. The Diameter server could then verify we’re allowed to order this food (Authorization) and charge us for the food (Accounting), and send back a Food Order Response containing a series of AVPs such as Delivery Time: 30 minutes, Price: $30.00, etc.
Diameter packets generally take the form of a request – response, for example a Capabilities Exchange Request contains a series of AVPs denoting the features supported by the requester, which is sent to a Diameter peer. The Diameter peer then sends back a Capabilities Exchange Response, containing a series of AVPs denoting the features that it supports.
Diameter is designed to be extensible, allowing vendors to define their own type of AVP and Diameter requests/responses and 3GPP have defined their own types of messages (Diameter Command Codes) and types of data to be transferred (AVP Codes).
LTE/EPC relies on Diameter and the 3GPP/ETSI defined AVP / Diameter Packet requests/responses to form the S6a Interface between an MME and a HSS, the Gx Interface between the PCEF and the PCRF, Cx Interface between the HSS and the CSCF, and many more interfaces used for Authentication in 3GPP networks.
ARP in LTE is not the Ethernet standard for address resolution, but rather the Allocation and Retention Policy.
A scenario may arise where on a congested cell another bearer is requested to be setup.
The P-GW, S-GW or eNB have to make a decision to either drop an existing bearer, or to refuse the request to setup a new bearer.
The ARP value is used to determine the priority of the bearer to be established compared to others,
For example a call to an emergency services number on a congested cell should drop any other bearers so the call can be made, thus the request for bearer for the VoLTE call would have a higher ARP value than the other bearers and the P-GW, S-GW or eNB would drop an existing bearer with a lower ARP value to accommodate the new bearer with a higher ARP value.
ARP is only used when setting up a new bearer, not to determine how much priority is given to that bearer once it’s established (that’s defined by the QCI).
MBR stands for Maximum Bit Rate, and it defines the maximum rate traffic can flow between a UE and the network.
It can be defined on several levels:
MBR per Bearer
This is the maximum bit rate per bearer, this rate can be exceeded but if it is exceeded it’s QoS (QCI) values for the traffic peaking higher than the MBR is back to best-effort.
Aggregate Maximum Bit Rate – Maximum bit rate of all Service Data Flows / Bearers to and from the network from a single UE.
The APN-MBR allows the operator to set a maximum bit rate per APN, for example an operator may choose to limit the MBR for subscriber on an APN for a MVNO to give it’s direct customers a higher speed.
The QCI (Quality Class Indicator) is a value of 0-9 to denote the service type and the maximum delays, packet loss and throughput the service requires.
Different data flows have different service requirements, let’s look at some examples:
A VoLTE call requires low latency and low packet loss, without low latency it’ll be impossible to hold a conversation with long delays, and with high packet loss you won’t be able to hear each other.
On the other hand a HTTP (Web) browsing session will be impervious to high latency or packet loss – the only perceived change would be slightly longer page load times as lost packets are resent and added delay on load of a few hundred ms.
So now we understand the different requirements of data flows, let’s look at the columns in the table above so we can understand what they actually signify:
Guaranteed Bit Rate bearers means our eNB will reserve resource blocks to carry this data no matter what, it’ll have those resource blocks ready to transport this data.
Even if the data’s not flowing a GBR means the resources are reserved even if nothing is going through them.
This means those resource blocks can’t be shared by other users on the network. The Uu interface in the E-UTRAN is shared between UEs in time and frequency, but with GBR bearers parts of this can be reserved exclusively for use by that traffic.
With a Non-GBR bearer this means there is no guaranteed bit rate, and it’s just best effort.
Non-GBR traffic is scheduled onto resource blocks when they’re not in use by other non-GBR traffic or by GBR traffic.
The priory value is used for preemption by the PCRF.
The lower the value the more quickly it’ll be processed and scheduled onto the Uu interface.
Packet Delay Budget
Maximum allowable packet delay as measured from P-GW to UE.
Most of the budget relates to the over-the-air scheduling delays.
The eNB uses the QCI information to make its scheduling decisions and packet prioritisation to ensure that the QoS requirements are met on a per-EPS-bearer basis.
(20ms is typically subtracted from this value to account for the radio propagation delay on the Uu interface)
Packet Error Loss Rate (PELR)
This is packets lost on the Uu interface, that have been sent but not confirmed received.
The PELR is an upper boundary for how high this can go, based on the SDUs (IP Packets) that have been processed by the sender on RLC but not delivered up to the next layers (PDCP) by the receiver.
(Any traffic bursting above the GBR is not counted toward the PELR)
GBR is a confusing concept at the start when looking at LTE but it’s actually kind of simple when we break it down.
GBR stands for Guaranteed Bit Rate, meaning the UE is guaranteed a set bit rate for the bearer.
The default bearer is always a non-GBR bearer, with best effort data rates.
Let’s look at non-GBR bearers to understand the need for GBR bearers:
As the Uu (Air) interface is shared between many UEs, each is able to transfer data. Let’s take an example of a cell with two UEs in it and not much bandwidth available.
If UE1 and UE2 are both sending the same amount of data it’ll be evenly split between the two.
But if UE1 starts sending a huge amount of data (high bit rate) this will impact on the other UEs in the cells ability to send data over the air as it’s a shared resource.
So if UE2 needs to send a stream of small but important data over the air interface, while UE2 is sending huge amounts of data, we’d have a problem.
To address this we introduce the concept of a Guaranteed Bit Rate. We tell the eNB that the bearer carrying UE2’s small but important data needs a Guaranteed Bit Rate and it reserves blocks on the air interface for UE2’s data.
So now we’ve seen the need for GBR there’s the counter point – the cost.
While UE1 can still continue sending but the eNB will schedule fewer resource blocks to it as it’s reserved some for UE2’s data flow.
If we introduced more and more UEs each requiring GBR bearers, eventually our non-GBR traffic would simply not get through, so GBR bearers have to be used sparingly.
Note: IP data isn’t like frame relay or circuit switched data that’s consistent, bit rate can spike and drop away all the time. GBR guarantees a minimum bit rate, which is generally tuned to the requirements of the data flow. For example a GBR for a Voice over IP call would reserve enough for the media (RTP stream) but no more, so as not to use up resources it doesn’t need.
If you’d like to write your own software using SCTP there’s a fantastic SCTP sockets library from P1 Security that makes this easy as any other socket programming.
Take a look at the super simple client-server I made:
NAT is still common in Voice networks, and while we’re all awaiting the full scale adoption of IPv6, it’s still going to be a thing for some time.
I thought I’d dive into some of the NAT “solutions” that are currently in use.
Old RFC 3489 Definitions
These were the first NAT implementations used, and are still often used today.
Full cone NAT
A request from a private address is mapped to a public address and a publicly available port.
Traffic can be sent from any external device to this public address / port combination, and will be sent the internal device.
This is often statically setup, where you’d log into your router and put a NAT rule saying “Traffic on Port 5060 I want forwarded to my desk phone on” for example, and is sometimes just called a “Port forward”.
This can work fine if you’ve just got one unchanging internal address, but starts to have issues with multiple devices or dynamically assigned IPs.
Restricted Cone NAT
A request from a private address is mapped to a public address.
Traffic sent to this public address from an allowed IP will be routed to the internal device, regardless of port used.
Port Restricted Cone
Like restricted cone but only a single port may be used, traffic sent to any other port will not be routed to the internal device.
Symmetric NAT
Each request to an external destination gets a unique Public IP / Port combination to be used only by that destination, and each new request with a different source port on the internal side, or different destination on the external side, sets up a new NAT path.
RFC 5389 NAT Definitions
Endpoint Independent Mapping
Each request to an external destination gets the same public IP address / Port combination used for the outbound traffic.
Return traffic from the external destination is routed based on the source address, to the internal IP of the originating user.
It’s possible to have multiple internal devices communicating with multiple external destinations, using the same public IP address / port combination for each of them.
The source IP address of the traffic back from the external destination is used to map the path back to the internal IP.
This is efficient (doesn’t need to keep using outbound ports on the public IP) but means that it’ll only work to the requested external destination’s IP.
If you register to a SIP server on one IP, and media comes in on another, an Endpoint Independent Mapping NAT will see you with one-way audio.
Address Dependant Mapping
Each request to an external destination gets a unique public IP address / port combination used for outbound traffic.
It is reused for packets sent to the same destination, regardless of which destination port is used.
Address and Port Dependant Mapping
Same as Address Dependant Mapping but a new mapping is created for each destination and port.
You’ll often see numbers listed in different formats, which often leads to confusion.
Australian SIP networks may format numbers in either 0NDC-SN or E.164 format, leading some confusion. There’s no “correct” way, ACMA format in 0-NDC-SN, while most Australian tier 1 carriers store the records in E.164 format.
There’s no clear standard, so it’s always best to ask.
Let’s say my number is in Melbourne and is 9123 4567,
This could be expressed in Subscriber Number (SN) format:
9123 4567
The problem is a caller from Perth calling that number wouldn’t get through to me, there’s a good chance they’d get a totally unrelated business.
To stop this we can add the National Destination Code (NDC), for Victoria / Tasmania this is 3, however when dialling domestically a 0 is prefixed.
The leading 0 is a carry over from the days of step-by-step based switching, which had technical and physical design constraints that dictated the dialling plan we see today, which I’ll do a post about another day.
So to put it in 0-NDC-S format we’d list
03 9123 4567
But an international caller wouldn’t be able to reach this from their home country, they’d need to add the Country Code (CC) which for Australia is 61, so they’d dial the CC-NDC-SN
Sometimes this is listed with the plus symbol in front of it, like
+61 3 9123 4567
Each country has it’s own international dialling prefix, and the plus symbol is to be replaced by the international dialling prefix used in the calling country. In Australia, we replace the + with 0011, but it’s different from country to country.
I’ve talked a bit in the past about using RTPengine to act as an RTP proxy / media proxy in conjunction with Kamailio.
Recently transcoding support was added to RTPengine, and although the Kamailio rtpengine module doesn’t yet recognise the commands when we put them in, they do work to transcode from one codec to another.
This will mask all the other codecs and transcode into PCMU, simple as that.
Beware software based transcoding is costly to resources, this works fine in small scale, but if you’re planning on transcoding more than 10 or so streams you’ll start to run into issues, and should look at hardware based transcoding.
Siremis is a web interface for Kamailio, created by the team at Asipto, who contribute huge amounts to the Kamailio project.
Siremis won’t create your Kamailio configuration file for you, but allows you to easily drive the dynamic functions like dialplan, subscribers, dispatcher, permissions, etc, from a web interface.
Siremis essentially interfaces with the Kamailio database, kamcmd and kamctl to look after your running Kamailio instance.
I’ll be installing on Ubuntu 18.04, but for most major distributions the process will be the same. We’re using PHP7 and Apache2, which are pretty much universal available on other distros.
First we need to install all the packages we require:
Next we’ll download Siremis from the Git repo, and put it into a folder, which I’ve named the same as my Kamailio version.
cd /var/www/html/ git clone https://github.com/asipto/siremis kamailio-5.1.2
Now we’ll move into the directory we’ve created (called kamailio-5.1.2) and build the apache2 config needed:
cd kamailio-5.1.2/ make apache24-conf
This then gives us a config except we can put into our Apache virtual host config file:
We can now copy and paste this into the end of an existing or new Apache virtual host file.
If this is a fresh install you can just pipe the output of this into the config file directly:
make apache24-conf >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf service apache2 restart
Now if you browse to http://yourserverip/siremis you should be redirected to http://yourserverip/siremis/install and have a few errors, that’s OK, it means our Apache config is working.
Next we’ll set the permissions, create the folders and .htaccess. The Siremis team have also created make files to take care of this too, so we can just run them to set everything up:
make prepare24 make chown
With that done we can try browsing to our server again ( http://yourserverip/siremis ) and you should hit the installation wizard:
Now we’ll need to setup our database, so we can read and write from it.
We’ll create new MySQL users for Kamailio and Seremis:
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON siremis.* TO siremis@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'siremisrw';
mysql> CREATE USER 'kamailio'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my5yhtY7zPJzV8vu';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'kamailio'@'localhost';
Next up we’ll need to configure kamctlrc so it knows the database details, we covered this the Security in Practice tutorial.
We’ll edit /etc/kamalio/kamctlrc and add our database information:
Once that’s done we can create the database and tables using kamdbctl the database tool:
kamdbctl create
I’ve selected to install the optional tables for completeness.
Once this is done we can go back to the web page and complete the installation wizard:
We’ll need to fill the password for the Siremis DB we created and for the Kamailio DB, and ensure all the boxes are ticked.
Next, Next, Next your way through until you hit the login page, login with admin/admin and you’re away!
If you have issues during the installation you can re-run the installation web wizard by removing the install.lock file in /var/www/html/kamailio-5.1.2/siremis
You can also try dropping the Siremis database and getting the installer to create it again for you:
The other day I got an SMS from my bank, one of the big 4 Australian Banks.
BANKNAME Alert: Block placed on card ending in XXXX, for suspicious transaction at ‘THING NICK PURCHASED ONLINE’ for $29.00 at 13:56. If genuine, reply ‘Yes’. If Fraud, reply ‘No’.
SMS from bank
They’d detected possible fraud on my card, and were asking me to confirm if it was me or not by texting back.
That is my correct card number, and as it happens I had made an online purchase that was what it was querying.
I was already at my computer, so out of curiosity, opened the SMS Gateway I use, and set the caller ID to be my mobile number (Because spoofing Caller ID is trivial) and replied to the number the bank sent me the SMS from.
My phone beeped again:
Thank you for confirming this transaction is genuine. The block will be removed from your card within the next 20 minutes. No further action is required.
SMS from Bank
So what’s the issue here?
The issue is if someone were to steal your card details, and know your mobile number, they could just keep texting the bank’s verification line the word “yes” from an SMS gateway spoofing your Caller ID, the bank won’t block it.
No system is foolproof, but it seems a bit short sighted by this bank.
Texting back a code would be a better solution, because it would allow you to verify the person texting received the original SMS, or cycling the caller IDs from a big pool would decrease the likelihood of this working
We’ve already touched on how subscribers are authenticated to the network, how the network is authenticated to subscribers and how the key hierarchy works for encryption of user data and control plane data.
If the IMSI was broadcast in the clear over the air, anyone listening would have the unique identifier of the subscriber nearby and be able to track their movements.
We want to limit the use of the IMSI over the air to a minimum.
During the first exchange the terminal is forced to send it’s IMSI, it’s the only way we can go about authenticating to the network, but once the terminal is authenticated and encryption of the radio link has been established, the network allocates a temporary identifier to the terminal, called the Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity (TMSI) by the serving MME.
The TMSI is given to the terminal once encryption is setup, so only the network and the terminal know the mapping between IMSI and TMSI.
The TMSI is used for all future communication between the Network and the Terminal, hiding the IMSI.
The TMSI can be updated / changed at regular intervals to ensure the IMSI-TMSI mapping cannot be ascertained by a process of elimination.
The TMSI is short – only 4 bytes long – and this only has significance for the serving MME.
For the network to ascertain what MME is serving what TMSI the terminal is also assigned a Globally Unique Temporary (UE) Identity (GUTI), to identify the MME that knows the TMSI to IMSI mapping.
The GUTI is made up of the MNC/MCC combination, then an MME group ID to identify the MME group the serving MME is in, a MME code to identify the MME that allocated the TMSI and finally the TMSI itself.
The decision to use the TMSI or GUTI in a dialog is dependant on the needs of the dialog and what information both sides have. For example in an MME change the GUTI is needed so the original IMSI can be determined by the new MME, while in a normal handover the TMSI is enough.
We’ve talked a bit in the past few posts about keys, K and all it’s derivatives, such as Kenc, Kint, etc.
Each of these is derived from our single secret key K, known only to the HSS and the USIM.
To minimise the load on the HSS, the HSS transfers some of the key management roles to the MME, without ever actually revealing what the secret key K actually is to the MME.
This means the HSS is only consulted by the MME when a UE/Terminal attaches to the network, and not each time it attaches to different cell etc.
When the UE/Terminal first attaches to the network, as outlined in my previous post, the HSS also generates an additional key it sends to the MME, called K-ASME.
K-ASME is the K key derived value generated by the HSS and sent to the MME. It sands for “Access Security Management Entity” key.
When the MME has the K-ASME it’s then able to generate the other keys for use within the network, for example the Kenb key, used by the eNodeB to generate the keys required for communications.
The USIM generates the K-ASME itself, and as it’s got the same input parameters, the K-ASME generated by the USIM is the same as that generated by the HSS.
The USIM can then give the terminal the K-ASME key, so it can generate the same Kenb key required to generate keys for complete communications.
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