Category Archives: VoIP

Kamailio Bytes – KEMI Intro

When learning to use Kamailio you might find yourself thinking about if you really want to learn to write a Kamailio configuration file, which is another weird scripting language to learn to achieve a task.

Enter KEMI – Kamailio Embedded Interface. KEMI allows you to abstract the routing logic to another programing language. In layman’s terms this means you can write your routing blocks, like request_route{}, reply_route{}, etc, in languages you already know – like Lua, JavaScript, Ruby – and my favorite – Python!

Why would you use KEMI?

Write in a language you already know;

You don’t need to learn how to do write complex routing logic in Kamailio’s native scripting language, you can instead do it in a language you’re already familiar with, writing your Routing Blocks in another programming language.

Change Routing on the Fly;

By writing the routing logic in KEMI allows you to change your routing blocks without having to restart Kamailio, something you can’t do with the “native” scripting language – This means you can change your routing live.

Note: This isn’t yet in place for all languages – Some still require a restart.

Leverage your prefered language’s libraries;

While Kamailio’s got a huge list of modules to interface with a vast number of different things, the ~200 Kamailio modules don’t compare with the thousands of premade libraries that exist for languages like Python, Ruby, JavaScript, etc.


We’ll obviously need Kamailio installed, but we’ll also need the programming language we want to leverage setup (fairly obvious).

Configuring Kamailio to talk to KEMI

KEMI only takes care of the routing of SIP messages inside our routing blocks – So we’ve still got the Kamailio cfg file (kamailio.cfg) that we use to bind and setup the service as required, load the modules we want and configure them.

Essentially we need to load the app for the language we use, in this example we’ll use and use that as our Config Engine.

loadmodule ""
modparam("app_python3", "load", "/etc/kamailio/")
cfgengine "python"

After that we just need to remove all our routing blocks and create a basic Python3 script to handle it,

We’ll create a new python file called

## Kamailio - equivalent of routing blocks in Python
import sys
import Router.Logger as Logger
import KSR as KSR

# global function to instantiate a kamailio class object
# -- executed when kamailio app_python module is initialized
def mod_init():"===== from Python mod init\n");
    return kamailio();

# -- {start defining kamailio class}
class kamailio:
    def __init__(self):'===== kamailio.__init__\n');

    # executed when kamailio child processes are initialized
    def child_init(self, rank):'===== kamailio.child_init(%d)\n' % rank);
        return 0;

    # SIP request routing
    # -- equivalent of request_route{}
    def ksr_request_route(self, msg):"===== request - from kamailio python script\n");"===== method [%s] r-uri [%s]\n" % (KSR.pv.get("$rm"),KSR.pv.get("$ru")));

So that’s it! We’re running,

The next step is of course, putting some logic into our Python script, but that’s a topic for another day, which I’ve covered in this post.

Running code for kamailio.cfg (Kamailio config) and (Python3 script).

Using Wireshark to peer inside IPsec ESP VoLTE data from the P-CSCF

IPsec ESP can be used in 3 different ways on the Gm interface between the Ue and the P-CSCF:

  • Integrity Protection – To prevent tampering
  • Ciphering – To prevent inception / eavesdropping
  • Integrity Protection & Ciphering

On Wireshark, you’ll see the ESP, but you won’t see the payload contents, just the fact it’s an Encapsulated Security Payload, it’s SPI and Sequence number.

By default, Kamailio’s P-CSCF only acts in Integrity Protection mode, meaning the ESP payloads aren’t actually encrypted, with a few clicks we can get Wireshark to decode this data;

Just open up Wireshark Preferences, expand Protocols and jump to ESP

Now we can set the decoding preferences for our ESP payloads,

In our case we’ll tick the “Attempt to detect/decode NULL encrypted ESP payloads” box and close the box by clicking OK button.

Now Wireshark will scan through all the frames again, anything that’s an ESP payload it will attempt to parse.

Now if we go back to the ESP payload with SQN 1 I showed a screenshot of earlier, we can see the contents are a TCP SYN.

Now we can see what’s going on inside this ESP data between the P-CSCF and the UE!

As a matter of interest if you can see the IK and CK values in the 401 response before they’re stripped you can decode encrypted ESP payloads from Wireshark, from the same Protocol -> ESP section you can load the Ciphering and Integrity keys used in that session to decrypt them.

If you’re leaning about VoLTE & IMS networks, or building your own, I’d suggest checking out my other posts on the topic.

SIP Supported & Require

On top of plain vanilla RFC3261, there’s a series of “Extension” methods added to SIP to expand it’s functionality, common extension methods are INFO, MESSAGE, NOTIFY, PRACK and UPDATE. Although now commonplace, of these is not defined in RFC3261 so is considered an “extension” to SIP.

It’s worth just pausing here to reiterate we’re not talking extensions like in a PBX context, like extra phones, we’re talking extensions like you’d add to a house, like extra functionality.

A SIP client can request functionality from a server (UAC to a UAS), if the server does not have support for that functionality, it can reject the session on those grounds and send back a response indicating it doesn’t know how to handle that extension, like a 420 Bad ExtensionBad SIP Protocol Extension used, not understood by the server. Response.

So clients can determine what functionality a server doesn’t support if it rejects the request, but there was no way to see what functionality the server does support, and what functionality the client requires.

Enter the Supported header, initially drafted by Rosenberg & Schulzrinne in 2000, it made it into the SIP we know today (SIP v2 / RFC3261).

If a UAC or UAS requires support for an extension – For example a Media Gateway has to understand PRACK, it can use the Require header to specify the request should be rejected if support for the listed extensions is not provided.

These headers are most commonly seen in SIP OPTIONS requests.

Kamailio Bytes – Configuring Diameter Peers with CDP

I’ve talked a little about my adventures with Diameter in the past, the basics of Diameter, the packet structure and the Python HSS I put together.

Kamailio is generally thought of as a SIP router, but it can in fact handle Diameter signaling as well.

Everything to do with Diameter in Kamailio relies on the C Diameter Peer and CDP_AVP modules which abstract the handling of Diameter messages, and allow us to handle them sort of like SIP messages.

CDP on it’s own doesn’t actually allow us to send Diameter messages, but it’s relied upon by other modules, like CDP_AVP and many of the Kamailio IMS modules, to handle Diameter signaling.

Before we can start shooting Diameter messages all over the place we’ve first got to configure our Kamailio instance, to bring up other Diameter peers, and learn about their capabilities.

C Diameter Peer (Aka CDP) manages the Diameter connections, the Device Watchdog Request/Answers etc, all in the background.

We’ll need to define our Diameter peers for CDP to use so Kamailio can talk to them. This is done in an XML file which lays out our Diameter peers and all the connection information.

In our Kamailio config we’ll add the following lines:

loadmodule ""
modparam("cdp", "config_file", "/etc/kamailio/diametercfg.xml")
loadmodule ""

This will load the CDP modules and instruct Kamailio to pull it’s CDP info from an XML config file at /etc/kamailio/diametercfg.xml

Let’s look at the basic example given when installed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

 DiameterPeer Parameters 
  - FQDN - FQDN of this peer, as it should apper in the Origin-Host AVP
  - Realm - Realm of this peer, as it should apper in the Origin-Realm AVP
  - Vendor_Id - Default Vendor-Id to appear in the Capabilities Exchange
  - Product_Name - Product Name to appear in the Capabilities Exchange 
  - AcceptUnknownPeers - Whether to accept (1) or deny (0) connections from peers with FQDN 
    not configured below
  - DropUnknownOnDisconnect - Whether to drop (1) or keep (0) and retry connections (until restart)
    unknown peers in the list of peers after a disconnection.
  - Tc - Value for the RFC3588 Tc timer - default 30 seconds
  - Workers - Number of incoming messages processing workers forked processes.
  - Queue - Length of queue of tasks for the workers:
     - too small and the incoming messages will be blocked too often;
     - too large and the senders of incoming messages will have a longer feedback loop to notice that
     this Diameter peer is overloaded in processing incoming requests;
     - a good choice is to have it about 2 times the number of workers. This will mean that each worker
     will have about 2 tasks in the queue to process before new incoming messages will start to block.
  - ConnectTimeout - time in seconds to wait for an outbound TCP connection to be established.
  - TransactionTimeout - time in seconds after which the transaction timeout callback will be fired,
    when using transactional processing.
  - SessionsHashSize - size of the hash-table to use for the Diameter sessions. When searching for a 
    session, the time required for this operation will be that of sequential searching in a list of 
    NumberOfActiveSessions/SessionsHashSize. So higher the better, yet each hashslot will consume an
    extra 2xsizeof(void*) bytes (typically 8 or 16 bytes extra).
  - DefaultAuthSessionTimeout - default value to use when there is no Authorization Session Timeout 
  AVP present.
  - MaxAuthSessionTimeout - maximum Authorization Session Timeout as a cut-out measure meant to
  enforce session refreshes.

                Definition of peers to connect to and accept connections from. For each peer found in here
                a dedicated receiver process will be forked. All other unkwnown peers will share a single
                receiver. NB: You must have a peer definition for each peer listed in the realm routing section
        <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/>
        <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/>
        <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/>
        <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/>
        <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/>
        <Peer FQDN="" Realm="" port="3868"/>

                Definition of incoming connection acceptors. If no bind is specified, the acceptor will bind
                on all available interfaces.
        <Acceptor port="3868"  />
        <Acceptor port="3869" bind="" />
        <Acceptor port="3870" bind="" />

                Definition of Auth (authorization) and Acct (accounting) supported applications. This
                information is sent as part of the Capabilities Exchange procedures on connecting to
                peers. If no common application is found, the peers will disconnect. Messages will only
                be sent to a peer if that peer actually has declared support for the application id of 
                the message.
        <Acct id="16777216" vendor="10415" />
        <Acct id="16777216" vendor="0" />
        <Auth id="16777216" vendor="10415"/>
        <Auth id="16777216" vendor="0" />

                Supported Vendor IDs - list of values which will be sent in the CER/CEA in the
                Supported-Vendor-ID AVPs
        <SupportedVendor vendor="10415" />

                Realm routing definition.
                Each Realm can have a different table of peers to route towards. In case the Destination
                Realm AVP contains a Realm not defined here, the DefaultRoute entries will be used.

                Note: In case a message already contains a Destination-Host AVP, Realm Routeing will not be
                Note: Routing will only happen towards connected and application id supporting peers.
                The metric is used to order the list of prefered peers, while looking for a connected and
                application id supporting peer. In the end, of course, just one peer will be selected.
        <Realm name="">
                <Route FQDN="" metric="3"/>
                <Route FQDN="" metric="5"/>

        <Realm name="">
                <Route FQDN="" metric="7"/>
                <Route FQDN="" metric="11"/>
        <DefaultRoute FQDN="" metric="15"/>
        <DefaultRoute FQDN="" metric="13"/>


First we need to start by telling CDP about the Diameter peer it’s going to be – we do this in the <DiameterPeer section where we define the FQDN and Diameter Realm we’re going to use, as well as some general configuration parameters.

<Peers are of course, Diameter peers. Defining them here will mean a connection is established to each one, Capabilities exchanged and Watchdog request/responses managed. We define the usage of each Peer further on in the config.

The Acceptor section – fairly obviously – sets the bindings for the addresses and ports we’ll listen on.

Next up we need to define the Diameter applications we support in the <Acct id=” /> and <SupportedVendor> parameters, this can be a little unintuitive as we could list support for every Diameter application here, but unless you’ve got a module that can handle those applications, it’s of no use.

Instead of using Dispatcher to manage sending Diameter requests, CDP handles this for us. CDP keeps track of the Peers status and it’s capabilities, but we can group like Peers together, for example we may have a pool of PCRF NEs, so we can group them together into a <Realm >. Instead of calling a peer directly we can call the realm and CDP will dispatch the request to an up peer inside the realm, similar to Dispatcher Groups.

Finally we can configure a <DefaultRoute> which will be used if we don’t specify the peer or realm the request needs to be sent to. Multiple default routes can exist, differentiated based on preference.

We can check the status of peers using Kamcmd’s cdp.list_peers command which lists the peers, their states and capabilities.

Kamailio Bytes – Dispatcher States

You may already be familiar with Kamailio’s Disptacher module, if you’re not, you can learn all about it in my Kamailio Bytes – Dispatcher Module post.

One question that’s not as obvious as it perhaps should be is the different states shown with kamcmd dispatcher.list command;

So what do the flags for state mean?

The first letter in the flag means is the current state, Active (A), Inactive (I) or Disabled (D).

The second letter in the flag means monitor status, Probing (P) meaning actively checked with SIP Options pings, or Not Set (X) denoting the device isn’t actively checked with SIP Options pings.

AP Actively Probing – SIP OPTIONS are getting a response, routing to this destination is possible, and it’s “Up” for all intents and purposes.

IPInactively Probing – Destination is not meeting the threshold of SIP OPTIONS request responses it needs to be considered active. The destination is either down or not responding to all SIP OPTIONS pings. Often this is due to needing X number of positive responses before considering the destination as “Up”.

DX Disabled & Not Probing – This device is disabled, no SIP OPTIONS are sent.

AX Active & Not Probing– No SIP OPTIONS are sent to check state, but is is effectively “Up” even though the remote end may not be reachable.

Kamailio Bytes – Rewriting SIP Headers (Caller ID Example)

Back to basics today,

In the third part of the Kamailio 101 series I briefly touched upon pseudovariables, but let’s look into what exactly they are and how we can manipulate them to change headers.

The term “pseudo-variable” is used for special tokens that can be given as parameters to different script functions and they will be replaced with a value before the execution of the function.

You’ve probably seen in any number of the previous Kamailio Bytes posts me use pseudovariables, often in xlog or in if statements, they’re generally short strings prefixed with a $ sign like $fU, $tU, $ua, etc.

When Kamailio gets a SIP message it explodes it into a pile of variables, getting the To URI and putting it into a psudovariable called $tU, etc.

We can update the value of say $tU and then forward the SIP message on, but the To URI will now use our updated value.

When it comes to rewriting caller ID, changing domains, manipulating specific headers etc, pseudovariables is where it mostly happens.

Kamailio allows us to read these variables and for most of them rewrite them – But there’s a catch. We can mess with the headers which could result in our traffic being considered invalid by the next SIP proxy / device in the chain, or we could mess with the routing headers like Route, Via, etc, and find that our responses never get where they need to go.

So be careful! Headers exist for a reason, some are informational for end users, others are functional so other SIP proxies and UACs can know what’s going on.

Rewriting SIP From Username Header (Caller ID)

When Kamailio’s SIP parser receives a SIP request/response it decodes the vast majority of the SIP headers into a variety of pseudovariables, we can then reference these variables we can then reference from our routing logic.

Let’s pause here and go back to the Stateless SIP Proxy Example, as we’ll build directly on that.

Follow the instructions in that post to get your stateless SIP proxy up and running, and we’ll make this simple change:

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        xlog("Received $rm to $ru - Forwarding");
        $fU = "Nick Blog Example";   #Set From Username to this value
        #Forward to new IP


Now when our traffic is proxied the From Username will show “Nick Blog Example” instead of what it previously showed.

Pretty simple, but very powerful.

As you’ve made it this far might be worth familiarising yourself with the different types of SIP proxy – Stateless, Transaction Stateful and Dialog Stateful.


VoLTE/IMS Debugging on Samsung Handsets using Sysdump & Samsung IMS Logger

Samsung handsets have a feature built in to allow debugging from the handset, called Sysdump.

Entering *#9900# from the Dialing Screen will bring up the Sysdump App, from here you can dump logs from the device, and run a variety of debugging procedures.

Samsung share information about this app publicly on their website,

Sysdump App in Samsung handsets used for debugging the device

But for private LTE operators, the two most interesting options are by far the TCPDUMP START option and IMS Logger, but both are grayed out.

Tapping on them asks for a one-time password and has a challenge key.

OTP Authentication required to unlock IMS Debugging and TCPDUMP on Samsung Sysdump tool

These options are not available in the commercial version of the OS and need to be unlocked with a one time key generated by a tool Samsung for unlocking engineering firmware on handsets.

Luckily this authentication happens client side, which means we can work out the password it’s expecting.

For those interested I’ve done a write up of how I reversed the password validation algorithm to take the key given in the OTP challenge and generate a valid response.

For those who just want to unlock these features you can click here to run the tool that generates the response.

Once you’ve entered the code and successfully unlocked the IMS Debugging tool there’s a few really cool features in the hamburger menu in the top right.

DM View

This shows the SIP / IMS Messaging and the current signal strength parameters (used to determine which RAN type to use (Ie falling back from VoLTE to UMTS / Circuit Switched when the LTE signal strength drops).

Screenshot of Samsung Sysdump tool in the IMS Debug - DM View section

Tapping on the SIP messages expands them and allows you to see the contents of the SIP messages.

Viewing SIP Messaging directly from the handset

Interesting the actual nitty-gritty parameters in the SIP headers are missing, replaced with X for anything “private” or identifiable.

Luckily all this info can be found in the Pcap.

The DM View is great for getting a quick look at what’s going on, on the mobile device itself, without needing a PC.


The real power comes in the logging functions,

There’s a lot of logging options, including screen recording, TCPdump (as in Packet Captures) and Syslog logging.

From the hamburger menu we can select the logging parameters we want to change.

Settings for Samsung IMS Logger

From the Filter Options menu we can set what info we’re going to log,

Filter options used in Dump output of Samsung IMS Logger application

If you’re leaning about VoLTE & IMS networks, or building your own, I’d suggest checking out my other posts on the topic.

Anatomy of Local Number Portability in Australia

The Australian telecommunications industry was deregulated in 1997, meaning customers could have telecommunications services through a Carriage Service Provider (CSP) of their choice.

In order to increase competition and make it easier to move to a different CSP, the ACMA (Or as they were then the ACA) declared that Local Numbers (Geo numbers / land lines) were a “Portable Service”. This meant that if a customer didn’t like their current Carriage Service Provider (CSP) they could give them the flick (making them the Loosing Carrier), move to a new CSP (Gaining Carrier) but keep their existing phone numbers by moving them to the new carrier in a process known as Local Number Portability (LNP).

The Local Number Portability (LNP) standard was first defined by Comms Alliance in 1999 in ACIF C540 and defines the process of moving numbers between Carriage Service Providers (CSPs), however 22 years later the process can still be a baffling system for many customers, end users and carrier staff to navigate.

Acronyms galore exist and often the porting teams involved themselves aren’t 100% sure what goes on in the porting process.

In 1997 ISDN was first still an emerging technology and porting was typically a customer moving from one PSTN / POTS line provided by one CSP to another PSTN / POTS line provided by a different CSP – a simple port.

Two processes were defined, one for managing simple ports involving moving one simple number from one CSP to another CSP – Called Simple Porting or “Cat A” – which made up the majority of porting requests at the time, and another process for everything else managed by a project manager from the Loosing and Gaining CSP called Complex Porting or “Cat C“.

Since 1997, the advent of the NBN, VoIP, SIP and the announcement that one of Australia’s largest carriers is shutting down their ISDN network by 2020, means that today the majority of ports a business customer will face will be Cat C – Complex Ports.

LNP is an issue worldwide, and ENUM was released to try and make this a bit better, however it had one short trial in Australia a long time ago and hasn’t been looked at since.

Cat A / Simple Number Porting

Simple porting, classified as “Cat A” is used for porting single simple services (numbers).

The Cat A process can only be used for moving a “simple” standalone number – with no additional features – from one carrier to another.

The typical use case for Cat A port is moving a one copper PSTN / POTS line (Active line with no Fax Duet, Line Hunt, etc) from one carrier to another – as I said before, Cat A ports made up the majority of porting requests when the system was first introduced as the vast majority of services were copper POTS lines.

The process is automated at both ends, essentially the carriers send each other the numbers to be moved (more on that later) and their switches automatically process this and begin routing the number.

These ports are typically completed within a few days to a week and the customer gets a notification when the port is completed.

Cat C / Complex Number Porting

For all number porting that don’t meet the very specific requirements of Cat A aren’t met – and sometimes even if they are met, ports are processed as Cat C ports.

Cat C ports require a project manager at both the Gaining Carrier and the Loosing Carrier to agree on the details for the port and the move the numbers, each using their own internal process.

Lead times on Cat C ports are long – and getting longer, so from submitting a port to it’s completion can take 90+ days, and there is no confirmation required to the customer to let them know the services have been ported successfully.

Administrative Process of Ports (CatA & CatC)

Strap yourself in for a whirlwind of acronyms…

The Code does not constrain two or more individual industry participants agreeing to different arrangements

Section 1.3.6

Because of this it means this is the minimum standard, some CSPs have improved upon this between each other, however there’s a bit of a catch 22 in that CSPs have no incentive to make porting numbers out easier, as they’re typically loosing that customer, so the process is typically not improved upon in any meaningful way that makes the customer experience easier.

Without further ado, here’s what Cat A & Cat C ports look like under the hood…

Note: These all assume the Losing CSP is also the Donor CSP. More on that in the LNP FAQ and Call Routing posts.

Cat A – Simple Porting – Process


Cat A ports are automated – The process involves CSPs transferring formatted data between each other and the process that goes on for these ports.

The Loosing CSP must use the Cat A process if the service meets the requirements to be ported under a Cat A and the Gaining Carrier has submitted it as a Cat A port. This means a Cat A port can’t be rejected by the loosing carrier as not a valid Cat A port to be resubmitted as a Cat C port, if it does actually meet the requirements for Cat A porting. That said numbers that are valid in terms of Cat A can be submitted as a Cat C, this is often cheaper than submitting multiple Cat A porting requests when you have more than 5 or so services to be ported.

Here’s a brief summary of the process:

  • Customer requests port and details are validated
  • Simple Notification Advice (SNA) is sent to the Loosing CSP via a Porting Notification Order (PNO) – Essentially a form send to the loosing CSP of the intention to port the service
  • Loosing CSP sends back SNA Confirmation Advice to confirm the service can be ported
  • Electronic Cutover Advice (ECA) sent by gaining CSP to indicate gaining CSP wanting to initiate port
  • Loosing CSP provides Donor Routing by essentially redirecting calls to the Gaining CSP
  • ECA Confirmation Advice sent by loosing CSP to denote the service has been removed from the loosing CSP’s network & number is with gaining CSP as far as they are concerned
  • Losing CSP updates a big text file (PLNR) with a list of numbers allocated to it, to show the numbers have been ported to a different carrier and indicates which carrier

We’ll talk about the technical process of how the data is transferred, what PLNR is and how routing is managed, later on.

In depth process:

Step 1 – Customer Authority

The Gaining CSP must obtain Customer’s Authority (CA) to port number (Section 4.1.2) – Typically this takes the form of a number porting form filled in by the customer, containing a list of numbers to port, account numbers with loosing carrier and date.

If requested by the customer the Loosing CSP must explain any costs / termination payments / contractual obligations to the customer (Section 4.1.4), however the Loosing CSP cannot reject the port based upon an outstanding contract being in place.

Step 2 – Validation

Before anything technical happens, the Gaining CSP must validate the porting request is valid – this means verifying:

  • The requested numbers are able to be ported under the selected method (Cat A or Cat C)
  • Confirming the date of the Customer Authority is less than 90 days old
  • The requested numbers must be recorded

In practice these 3 steps are typically handled by a single form filled out by the customer in the first step. (Section 4.1.5)

If requested by the Loosing CSP this Customer Authority information has to be given to the Loosing CSP. This typically happens in cases of disputed ownership / management of a number.

Step 3 – The SNA PNO

Once the Gaining CSP is satisfied the port is valid, a Simple Notification Advice (SNA) is sent to the Loosing CSP via a Porting Notification Order (PNO) (Section 4.2.2).

The PNO is essentially a form that includes:

  • Area Code & Telephone Number of service to be ported
  • Service Account number with Loosing CSP
  • Porting Category set to Cat A
  • Date of Customer Authority

The Loosing CSP must then validate this info, by checking: (Section 4.2.4)

  • The requested number is a Simple service (Meets the requirements of Cat A)
  • Is with the Loosing CSP (Has not been ported to another carrier already)
  • Is not disconnected or pending disconnection at the time the SNA was submitted
  • The Customer Authority (CA) date is not more than 90 days old
  • Does not currently have a port request pending

After the Loosing CSP has gone through this they will send back a SNA Confirmation Advice if the port request (SNA PNO) is valid or a SNA Reject Advice along with the phone number and reason for rejection if the port request is deemed invalid.

The confirmation, if SNA Confirmation Advice is received, is deemed valid for 30 days, after which the process would have to start again and the SNA PNO would have to be regenerated.

Step 4 – Electronic Cutover Advice (ECA)

After the Loosing CSP sends back a SNA Confirmation Advice, the gaining carrier sends the Loosing Carrier an Electronic Cutover Advice (ECA) via the Final Cutover Notification Interface (Section 4.2.24 ).

When the Loosing CSP get the ECA it’s showtime. The Loosing CSP checks that there’s a valid SNA in place for the number to be ported and that it’s less than 2 days old (Section 4.2.27).

If the Loosing CSP is not satisfied they send back a ECA Reject Advice listing the reason for rejection within 15 minutes (Section 4.2.32).

If all looks good, the Loosing Carrier sends the Gaining CSP back a ECA Confirmation Advice within 15 minutes (Section 4.2.33).

Now is when the magic happens – the Loosing CSP “ports out” that number via their internal process, for this they provide temporary Donor Transit Routing – Essentially redirecting any calls that come into the ported number to the new carrier.

Finally the Loosing CSP sends a Electronic Completion Advice (ECA) to confirm they’ve processed the port out from their network (Section 4.2.34).

Within a day of the port completing, the Losing CSP updates the Ported Local Number Registry (PLNR) to show the service has been ported out and the identifier of the gaining carrier the number has been ported to. PLNR is nothing more than a giant text file containing a list of all the numbers originally allocated to the Loosing CSP and the carrier code they should now be routing to, this data is published so the other CSPs can read it.

Other CSPs read this PLNR data and update their routing tables, meaning the calls will route directly to the new Gaining CSP, and the Donor Routing can be removed on the Losing CSPs switch.

Cat C – Complex Porting – Process


Cat C ports are a manually project managed, and unlike Cat A are not automated.

This means that the Loosing and Gaining CSP must both allocate a “project manager”, the two to liaise with each other (typically via email) to confirm the numbers can be ported and then find a suitable time to port the numbers, finally at the agreed upon date & time each side kicks off their own process to move the numbers and confirm when it’s done.

Porting Number Validation – PNV

Before a Cat C port can be initiated the PNV process is typically called upon to validate the port won’t get rejected. This isn’t mandatory but is often used as PNV is processed relatively quickly which means any issues with the services can be worked out prior to submitting the port request.

The submitted PNV request is very similar to the actual Cat C porting request (CNA), containing the customer’s details and list of services to be ported.

The loosing CSP returns the list of numbers each with a response code denoting particulars of the service, and if rejected, a rejection code.

Response Codes:

Reason CodeReason
P Prime/Directory Service Number
A Associated Service Numbers
SStandalone Number
RReserved Number
DExchange based diversion
SS Secondary Service linked to this Number (e.g. DSL)

Reject Codes:

1 Invalid Customer Authorization date Whole Request
2 Insufficient information supplied Whole Request
3 Telephone Number appears to belong to a completely different end customer Per Number
4 Telephone Numbers relate to cancelled services or services pending cancellation Per Number
5 Missing / invalid PNV Sequence Number Per Number
6 Telephone Numbers in the PNV request relate to services which are billed by a service provider other than the Losing Carrier. Per Number
7 Telephone Numbers are not found / not present on Losing Carrier’s Network Per Number

(Section 4.3.8)

It’s worth noting the main reason PNV is used so heavily in Cat C ports is if a batch of numbers / services are requested to be ported in a single Cat C porting request, if any one of those numbers gets rejected the whole port will need to be resubmitted, hence it being important that before submitting the numbers to be ported, the Gaining CSP verifies they can be ported via the PNV process.

The PNV does not guarantee a physical audit of the services, but rather an audit of available electronic data by the loosing CSP. It’s also only valid for the day of issue, so services can change between a PNV coming back clear and the port request being rejected.

99% of PNV requests should be processed within 5 business days. (Section 4.3.9)

Step 1 – Complex Notification Advice (CNA)

To initiate the port the gaining CSP submits a Complex Notification Advice (CNA) to the loosing CSP.

This contains all the data you’d expect, including customer’s details and the list of services/numbers to be ported, along with a batch number that’s unique to the Gaining CSP (Like a ticket / request number) and Gaining CSP’s Project Manager – The staff member as the Gaining CSP that will be responsible for the port.

Upon receipt, the Loosing CSP sends back a CNA Receipt Advice to confirm they’ve received and begins validating the CNA in a process very similar to the PNV process. (Section 4.4.1)

Step 2 – CNA Confirmation Advice

If verification fails and the CNA request is deemed not valid the CNA is rejected by the Loosing CSP, who sends back a CNA Reject Advice response. This response will contain a list of services and the reject code for each rejected service as per the PNV process.

If the CNA is deemed valid, the Loosing CSP responds with a CNA Confirmation Advice message, containing the Loosing CSP’s project manager for this port, along with the Gaining CSP’s batch number to the Gaining CSP.

This is sent in a batch file along with other CNA Confirmation Advice messages within 5 days. (Section 4.4.6)

Step 3 – Complex Cutover Advice (CCA)

Once the Gaining CSP has the CNA Confirmation Advice the project manager for the port at the Gaining CSP contacts the nominated project manager at the Loosing CSP and the two have to agree on a cutover date and time for the port. (Section 4.4.8)

The agreed date and time of the port is sent by the Gaining CSP to the Loosing CSP in the from of a Complex Cutover Advice (CCA) containing the Gaining CSP batch number and agreed date & time. (Section 4.4.27)

If the details of the CCA are valid from the Loosing CSP’s perspective, the Loosing CSP sends back CCA Confirmation Advice to confirm receipt.

Step 4 – The Porting

At the agreed upon date & time both CSPs are to execute the port from their organization’s perspective.

Typically the loosing CSP provides Donor Transit Routing forwarding / redirecting calls to the ported out number to the new CSP.

There is no completion advice and no verification the port has been completed successfully required by the code. (Section 4.4.48)

Within a day of the port completing, the Losing CSP updates the Ported Local Number Registry (PLNR).

Other CSPs read this PLNR data and update their routing tables, meaning the calls will route directly to the new Gaining CSP, and the Donor Routing can be removed on the Losing CSPs switch.

If you’ve made it this far I’m amazed. I’ve written two more posts on LNP that are relvant to this one, one with an FAQ on number porting, and another with info on how call routing in LNP works.

The case for Header Compression in VoIP/VoLTE

On a PCM (G.711) RTP packet the payload is typically 160 bytes per packet.

But the total size of the frame on the wire is typically ~214 bytes, to carry a 160 byte payload that means 25% of the data being carried is headers.

This is fine for VoIP services operating over fixed lines, but when we’re talking about VoLTE / IMS and the traffic is being transferred over Radio Access Networks with limited bandwidth / resources, it’s important to minimize this as much as possible.

IMS uses the AMR codec, where the RTP payload for each packet is around 90 bytes, meaning up to two thirds of the packet on the wire (Or in this case the air / Uu interface) is headers.

Enter Robust Header Compression which compresses the headers.

Using ROHC the size of the headers are cut down to only 4-5 bytes, this is because the IPv4 headers, UDP headers and RTP headers are typically the same in each packet – with only the RTP Sequence number, RTP timestamp IPv4 & UDP checksum and changing between frames.

Load Testing with SIPp

I recently wrote a post on software-based transcoding limits on common virtualisation hardware.

To do this I needed to make a lot of calls, consistently, so as to generate some pretty graphs and stats.

To do this, I used SIPp (a performance testing tool for SIP) to simulate many concurrent calls leading to many concurrent transcoding sessions.


I built SIPp on Ubuntu 18.04:

apt-get install make autoconf pkg-config automake libncurses5-dev libpcap*
git clone
cd sipp/
./ --with-rtpstream 
cp sipp /usr/local/bin/

Next I setup RTPengine and setup Kamailio to use it.

I modified the Kamailio config allow Transcoding, as I talked about in the post on setting up Transcoding in RTPengine with Kamailio.

Now I had a working Kamailio instance with RTPengine that was transcoding.

So the next step becomes testing the transcoding is working, for this I had two SIPp instances, one to make the calls and once to answer them.

Instance 1

Makes calls to the IP of the Kamailio / RTPengine instance, for this I modified the uac_pcap scenario to playback an RTP stream of a PCMA (G.711 a-law) call to the called party (stored in a pcap file), and made it call the Kamailio instance multiple times based on how many concurrent transcoding sessions I wanted:

sipp -m 120 -r 200 -sf uac_pcap.xml

Instance 2

Instance 2 acted as a simple SIP UAS, the call came in, it answered and echoed back the RTP stream it received.

sipp -rtp_echo -sf uas.xml

Kamailio Bytes – DMQ

We’ve talked about using a few different modules, like a SIP Registrar and Htable, that rely on data stored in Kamailio’s memory, the same is true for all the Stateful proxy discussion last week.

But what if you want to share this data between multiple Kamailio instances? This allows distributing workload and every server having the same information and therefore any server is able to process any request.

Enter DMQ the Distributed Messaging Queue,

This allows memory data to be shared between multiple Kamailio instances (aka “Nodes”), so for example if you are storing data in Htable on one Kamailio box, all the other boxes/nodes in the DMQ pool will have the same HTable data.

Kamailio uses SIP to transfer DMQ messages between DMQ nodes, and DNS to discover DMQ nodes.

For this example we’ll share user location data (usrloc) between Kamailio instances, so we’ll create a very simple setup to store location data:

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc


                sl_reply("500", "Nope");


Now if we register a SIP endpoint we should be able to view it using Kamcmd’s ul.dump call, as we talked about in the Kamailio SIP Registrar tutorial.

Next we’ll setup DMQ to allow this data to be shared to other nodes, so they also have the same userloc data available,

First we’ll begin by binding to an extra port for the DMQ messages to go to, to make it a bit clearer what is normal SIP and what’s DMQ,

So for this we’ll add a new line in the config to listen on port 5090:

/* uncomment and configure the following line if you want Kamailio to
 * bind on a specific interface/port/proto (default bind on all available) */

Next we’ll load the DMQ modules and set them up:

loadmodule ""
loadmodule ""

# ---- dmq params ----
modparam("dmq", "server_address", "sip:")
modparam("dmq", "notification_address", "")
modparam("dmq", "multi_notify", 1)
modparam("dmq_usrloc", "enable", 1)

The server_address means we’re listening on any IP on port 5090. In production you may have an IP set here of a private NIC or something non public facing.

The notification address resolves to 2x A records, one is the IP of this Kamailio instance / node, the other is the IP of the other Kamailio instance / node, I’ve just done this in /etc/hosts

root@dmq1:/etc/kamailio# nslookup
 Non-authoritative answer:

Finally we’ll add some routing logic to handle the DMQ messages coming in on port 5090:

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        if (is_method("KDMQ") && $Rp == 5090)

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc


                sl_reply("500", "Nope");


We’ll put the same config on the other Kamailio instance and restart Kamailio on both.

We can now check the DMQ node status to confirm they’re talking to each other.

root@dmq1:/etc/kamailio# kamcmd dmq.list_nodes
         port: 5090
         status: active
         last_notification: 0
         local: 0
         port: 5090
         status: active
         last_notification: 0
         local: 0
         port: 5090
         status: active
         last_notification: 0
         local: 1

Bingo they are,

Now if I register to one of these two instances, I can run a kamcmd ul.dump on either and they’ll both have the same data. Magic!

As always I’ve posted a copy of my code on GitHub here.

Kamailio Bytes – Transaction Module

We talked a little about the Transaction module and using it for Transaction Stateful SIP Proxy, but it’s worth knowing a bit more about the Transaction Module and the powerful functions it offers.

So today I’ll cover some cool functionality TM offers!

Different Reply Routes

By calling the t_on_reply(); we can specify the reply route to be used for replies in this transaction.


        #Use reply route "OurReplyRoute" for responses for this transaction

        #Relay (aka Forward) the request
        t_relay_to_udp("", "5060");


onreply_route[OurReplyRoute] {
        #On replies from route[RELAY]

        #Check our AVP we set in the initial request
        xlog("for $rs response the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

        #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");


Any responses from the route[RELAY] routing block will go to onreply_route[OurReplyRoute], the beauty of this is it allows you to have multiple reply routes each with their own logic. For example for a call leg to a carrier you may want to preserve CLI, but for a call leg to a customer you may wish to restrict it if that’s the option the user has selected, and you can make these changes / modifications in the reply messages.

Failure Routes

Failure routes allow the transaction module to know to try again if a call fails, for example if no response is received from the destination, send it to a different destination, like a backup.


        #Use reply route "OurReplyRoute" for responses for this transaction
        #Relay (aka Forward) the request
        t_relay_to_udp("", "5060");


        xlog("At failure route");
        t_reply("500", "Remote end never got back to us");

We can build upon this, and try a different destination if the first one fails:

request_route {

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc

        #Handle Registrations in a dumb way so they don't messy our tests
                sl_reply("200", "ok");

                 #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
                append_hf("X-Proxied: You betcha\r\n");

                        #Createa  new AVP called "state_test_var" and set the value to "I remember"
                        $avp(state_test_var) = "I remember";
                #Let syslog know we've set the value and check it
                xlog("for $rm the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

                #Send to route[RELAY] routing block



        #Use reply route "OurReplyRoute" for responses for this transaction
        #Relay (aka Forward) the request

        xlog("At failure route");
        #t_reply("500", "Remote end never got back to us");



onreply_route[OurReplyRoute] {
        #On replies from route[RELAY]

        #Check our AVP we set in the initial request
        xlog("for $rs response the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

        #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");


One thing to keep in mind is that there’s lots of definitions of failure, for example if you are sending a call to a carrier and get a 404 response back, you probably want to relay that through to the end user, because that destination isn’t there.

But if you get back a 5xx series response you may consider that to be a failure and select the next carrier for example.

Different conditions / requirements have different definitions of “failures” and so there’s a lot to think about when implementing this, along with timeouts for no replies, TCP session management, etc.

Parallel Forking the Call to Multiple Destinations

Parallel Forking is a fancy way of saying ring multiple destinations at the same time.

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc

        #Handle Registrations in a dumb way so they don't messy our tests
                sl_reply("200", "ok");

                 #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
                append_hf("X-Proxied: You betcha\r\n");

                        #Createa  new AVP called "state_test_var" and set the value to "I remember"
                        $avp(state_test_var) = "I remember";
                #Let syslog know we've set the value and check it
                xlog("for $rm the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

                #Send to route[RELAY] routing block



        #Use reply route "OurReplyRoute" for responses for this transaction

        #Append branches for each destination we want to forward to
        append_branch("sip:[email protected]");
        append_branch("sip:[email protected]");
        append_branch("sip:[email protected]");

        #Relay (aka Forward) the request

        xlog("At failure route");
        t_reply("500", "All those destinations failed us");


onreply_route[OurReplyRoute] {
        #On replies from route[RELAY]

        #Check our AVP we set in the initial request
        xlog("for $rs response the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

        #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");


Bit of a mess but here we see the initial INVITE being branched to the 3 destinations at the same time (Parallel forking)

Serial Forking / Sequential Forking the calls to Multiple Destinations one after the Other

This could be used to try a series of weighted destinations and only try the next if the preceding one fails:

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc

        #Send to route[RELAY] routing block



        #Use reply route "OurReplyRoute" for responses for this transaction

        append_branch("sip:[email protected]", "0.3");
        append_branch("sip:[email protected]", "0.2");
        append_branch("sip:[email protected]", "0.1");



        #Relay (aka Forward) the request


        xlog("At failure route - Trying next destination");


onreply_route[OurReplyRoute] {
        #On replies from route[RELAY]
        #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");


Again this will try each destination, but one after the other based on the weight we added to each destination in the append_branch()

Here we see each destination being tried sequentially

Transaction Stateful Proxy with Kamailio

We covered the 3 different types of SIP Proxy, Stateless, Transaction Stateful and Dialog Stateful.

It’s probably worth going back to have a read over the description of the types of proxy and have a read over the whole Stateless proxy we implemented in Kamailio, before we get started on Stateful proxies, because we’ll be carrying on from what we started there.

The Setup

The 3 different proxies all do the same thing, they all relay SIP messages, so we need a way to determine what state has been saved.

To do this we’ll create a variable (actually an AVP) in the initial request (in our example it’ll be an INVITE), and we’ll reference it when handling a response to make sure we’ve got transactional state.

We’ll also try and reference it in the BYE message, which will fail, as we’re only creating a Transaction Stateful proxy, and the BYE isn’t part of the transaction, but in order to see the BYE we’ll need to enable Record Routing.

Stateless Proof

Before we add any state, let’s create a working stateless proxy, and add see how it doesn’t remember:

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc

        #Handle Registrations in a dumb way so they don't messy our tests
                sl_reply("200", "ok");

                 #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
                append_hf("X-Proxied: You betcha\r\n");

                        #Createa  new AVP called "state_test_var" and set the value to "I remember"
                        $avp(state_test_var) = "I remember";
                #Let syslog know we've set the value and check it
                xlog("for $rm the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

                #Forard to new IP


        #Check our AVP we set in the initial request
        xlog("for $rs response the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

        #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");

Now when we run this and call from any phone other than, the SIP INVITE will hit the Proxy, and be forwarded to

Syslog will show the INVITE and us setting the var, but for the replies, the value of AVP $avp(state_test_var) won’t be set, as it’s stateless.

Let’s take a look:

kamailio[2577]: {1 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: : for INVITE the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[2575]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 100 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[2576]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 180 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[2579]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 200 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[2580]: {1 1 ACK [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for ACK the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[2581]: {1 2 BYE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for BYE the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>

We can see after the initial INVITE none of the subsequent replies knew the value of our $avp(state_test_var), so we know the proxy is at this stage – Stateless.

I’ve put a copy of this code on GitHub for you to replicate yourself.

Adding State

Doing the heavy lifting of our state management is the Transaction Module (aka TM). The Transaction Module deserves a post of it’s own (and it’ll get one).

We’ll load the TM module (loadmodule “”) and use the t_relay() function instead of the forward() function.

But we’ll need to do a bit of setup around this, we’ll need to create a new route block to call t_relay() from (It’s finicky as to where it can be called from), and we’ll need to create a new reply_route{} to manage the response for this particular dialog.

Let’s take a look at the code:

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc

        #Handle Registrations in a dumb way so they don't messy our tests
                sl_reply("200", "ok");

                 #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
                append_hf("X-Proxied: You betcha\r\n");

                        #Createa  new AVP called "state_test_var" and set the value to "I remember"
                        $avp(state_test_var) = "I remember";
                #Let syslog know we've set the value and check it
                xlog("for $rm the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

                #Send to route[RELAY] routing block



        #Use reply route "OurReplyRoute" for responses for this transaction

        #Relay (aka Forward) the request
        t_relay_to_udp("", "5060");


onreply_route[OurReplyRoute] {
        #On replies from route[RELAY]

        #Check our AVP we set in the initial request
        xlog("for $rs response the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

        #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");


So unlike before where we just called forward(); to forward the traffic we’re now calling in a routing block called RELAY.

Inside route[RELAY] we set the routing block that will be used to manage replies for this particular transaction, and then call t_relay_to_udp() to relay the request.

We renamed our onreply_route to onreply_route[OurReplyRoute], as specified in the route[RELAY].

So now let’s make a call (INVITE) and see how it looks in the log:

kamailio[5008]: {1 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: : for INVITE the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[5005]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 100 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[5009]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 180 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[5011]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 200 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[5010]: {1 1 ACK [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for ACK the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[5004]: {1 2 BYE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for BYE the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[5007]: {2 2 BYE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 200 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>

Here we can see for the INVITE, the 100 TRYING, 180 RINGING and 200 OK responses, state was maintained as the variable we set in the INVITE we were able to reference again.

(The subsequent BYE didn’t get state maintained because it’s not part of the transaction.)

And that’s it.

Here’s a copy of my running code on GitHub.

Hopefully now you’ve got an idea of the basics of how to implement a transaction stateful application in Kamailio.

SIP SDP – ptime

ptime is the packetization timer in VoIP, it’s set in the SDP message and defines the length of each RTP packet that’s sent;

This gives the length of time in milliseconds represented by the media in a packet. This is probably only meaningful for audio data, but may be used with other media types if it makes sense. It should not be necessary to know ptime to decode RTP or vat audio, and it is intended as a recommendation for the encoding/packetisation of audio. It is a media-level attribute, and it is not dependent on charset.

RFC 4556 – SDP: Session Description Protocol, Section 6
SDP body showing ptime value of 20ms

What it’s all about

A lower ptime value leads to more packet per second, while longer ptime leads to fewer packets per second.

In a Toll Quality (TDM) network 8000 samples per second are taken, this is reflected in PCM (Pulse Code Modulation) encoding of the data, see in PCMA / G.711 a-law for example.

But if each of these 8,000 samples per second were sent on an individual packet, we’d be seeing a huge number of tiny RTP packets where the header is a lot larger than the payload.

Instead endpoints generally wait until they’ve got a certain number of theses samples and then send them at once, every X milliseconds as defined by the ptime value.

  • A ptime of 1000ms would mean 1 packet per second.
  • A ptime of 20ms would mean 50 packets per second.
  • A ptime of 50ms would mean 20 packets per second.

ptime headaches

Some VoIP endpoints have issues with varied ptime (*cough Cisco SPA series cough*), and if you’re interconnecting with other carrier networks you have no real control as to what ptime endpoints use (except if you have a B2Bua that can resample / restuff the packets, or you use maxptime which really just limits more than fixes) so it’s worth understanding well.

International carrier trunks often have higher ptime values as they're often dealing with lower quality links, so they want to cut down the packets per second and often have jitter buffers in place to compensate for poor quality links.

RFC4566 (the second version of SDP) introduced the maxptime value.

This optional header in the SDP body allows an endpoint to specify the maximum ptime value it supports.

Older endpoints often don’t have much memory or processing power, so have very small buffers to store the received audio in before playing it to the user, and store the audio to be transmitted before sending it down the wire.

Mismatched ptime or a ptime that’s out of bounds for one endpoint can lead to some strange issues. Often an endpoint will ring, answer the call and even get a 200 OK, but immediately followed by a BYE from the incompatible end instead of an ACK.

In the initial INVITE ptime is not mandatory, meaning you may not know the caller has limits to the ptime values they can support, and the endpoint hangs up the calls straight after the 200 OK.

Identifying these issues may take some time, but here’s some good places to look:

  • SDP ptime value on INVITE and 200 OK
  • Time between RTP packets
  • Timestamp difference between RTP packets

Although it seems pretty self evident, if your endpoint only supports up to 20ms ptime, set the maxptime header to 20ms. You’d be surprised how often this isn’t the case.

You can read more about SDP on my Overview of SDP post and the RFC – RFC4566. You can lean about manipulating SDP headers in Kamailio in my post on SDPops.

Kamailio vs Asterisk

One of the most searched keywords that leads to this site is Kamailio vs Asterisk, so I thought I’d expand upon this a bit more as I’m a big fan of both, and it’s somewhat confusing.

(Almost everything in this post I talk about on Asterisk is roughly true for FreeSWITCH as well, although FS is generally more stable and scalable than Asterisk. )


Asterisk is a collection of PBX / softswitch components that you can configure and put together to create a large number of different products with the use of config files and modules.

Asterisk can read and write the RTP media stream, allowing it to offer services like Voicemail, B2B-UA, Conferencing, Playing back audio, call recording, etc.

It’s easy to learn and clear to understand how it handles “calls”.


Kamailio is a SIP proxy, from which you can modify SIP headers and then forward them on or process them and generate a response.

Kamailio is unable to do manipulate the RTP media stream. It can’t listen to, modify or add to the call audio, it only cares about SIP and not the media stream. This means it can’t playback an audio file, record a call or serve voicemail.

Kamailio has a bit of a steep learning curve, which I’ve tried to cover in my Kamailio 101 series, but even so, Kamailio doesn’t understand the concept of a “call”, it deals in Sessions, as in SIP, and everything you want to do, you have to write into Kamailio’s logic. Awesome power but a lot to take in.

Note – RTPengine is growing in capabilities and integrates beautifully into Kamailio, so for some applications you may be able to use RTPengine for media handling.

ScaleSpeedStabilityMedia FunctionsEase

Working Together

Asterisk has always had issues at scale. This is for a variety of reasons, but the most simplistic explanation is that Asterisk is fairly hefty software, and that each subscriber you add to the system consumes resources at a rate where once your system reaches a few hundred users you start to see issues with stability.

Kamailio works amazingly at scale, it’s architecture was designed with running at scale in mind, and it’s super lightweight footprint means the load on the box between handling 1,000 sessions and handling 100,000 sessions isn’t that much.

Because Asterisk has the feature set, and Kamailio has the scalability, so the the two can be used together really effectively. Let’s look at some examples of Asterisk and Kamailio working together:

Asterisk Clustering

You have a cluster of Asterisk based Voicemail servers, serving your softswitch environment. You can use a Kamailio instance to sit in front of them and route INVITEs evenly throughout the cluster of Asterisk instances.

You’d be using Asterisk’s VM functions (because Asterisk can do media functions) and Kamailio’s SIP routing functions.

Here’s an example of Kamailio Dispatcher acting in this function.

Application Server for SIP Softswitch

You have a Kamailio based Softswitch that routes SIP traffic from customers to carriers, customers want a hosted Conference Bridge. You offer this by routing any SIP INVITES to the address of the conference bridge to an Asterisk server that serves as the conference bridge.

You’d be using Kamialio to route the SIP traffic and using Asterisk’s ability to be aware of the media stream and join several sources to offer the conference bridge.

Which should I use?

It all depends on what you need to do.

If you need to do anything with the audio stream you probably need to use something like Asterisk, FreeSwitch, YaTE, etc, as Kamailio can’t do anything with the audio stream.*

If it’s just signalling, both would generally be able to work, Asterisk would be easier to setup but Kamailio would be more scaleable / stable.

Asterisk is amazingly quick and versatile when it comes to solving problems, I can whip something together with Asterisk that’ll fix an immediate need in a faction of the time I can do the same thing in Kamailio.

On the other hand I can fix a problem with Kamailio that’ll scale to hundreds of thousands of users without an issue, and be lightning fast and rock solid.


Kamailio only deals with SIP signalling. It’s very fast, very solid, but if you need to do anything with the media stream like mixing, muxing or transcoding (RTP / audio) itself, Kamailio can’t help you.*

Asterisk is able to deal with the media stream, and offer a variety of services through it’s rich module ecosystem, but the trade-off is less stability and more resource intensive.

If you do require Asterisk functionality it’s worth looking into FreeSWITCH, although slightly harder to learn it’s generally regarded as superior in a lot of ways to Asterisk.

I don’t write much about Asterisk these days – the rest of the internet has that pretty well covered, but I regularly post about Kamailio and other facets of SIP.

Kamailio Bytes – SDP Manipulation with SDPops

I’m not a fan of Transcoding. It costs resources, often leads to reduced quality and adds latency.

Through some fancy SDP manipulating footwork we can often rejig the SDP order or limit the codecs we don’t support to cut down, or even remove entirely, the need for transcoding in the network.

If you’re not yet familiar with SDP have a read over my post on SDP Overview.


There are no module parameters for SDP ops, we’ve just got to load the module with loadmodule “”

Use in Routing Logic

We’ll pickup where we left off on the Basic Stateless SIP Proxy use case (You can grab the basic code from that post), but this time we’ll remove PCMU (Aka G.711 μ-law) from the SDP body:

loadmodule ""

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        sl_reply("200", "Ok");

        xlog("Received $rm to $ru - Forwarding");

        append_hf("X-Proxied: You betcha\r\n");

        #Remove PCMU (G.711 u-law) by it's SDP Payload ID

        #Remove PCMU by name

        #Forard to new IP


        xlog("Got a reply $rs");
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");

We can remove the codec either by it’s name (PCMU) or by it’s payload ID.

Before traversing the Proxy
After traversing the proxy

For removing it by name we just specify the name:

#Remove PCMU by name

And by payload ID:

#Remove PCMU (G.711 u-law) by it's SDP Payload ID

We may want to remove all but one codec, again super simple:

#Only keep PCMA codec

If you can’t help but transcode RTPengine now has this functionality, have a read of Transcoding with RTPengine and Kamailio and it may be worth looking over Virtualized Transcoding Dimensioning for an idea of how powerful your box is going to have to be.

SIP Extensions – Path

In vanilla RFC3261 SIP, a UA can only send a REGISTER request to a SIP Registrar.

It can’t go via any intermediary proxies.

That’s obviously a bit of a problem, as we build out our network we might have a series of load balancers that send traffic to a pool of Registrars, but according to RFC3261 this can’t be done, the SIP REGISTER request would need to go direct to one of these Registrars.

To get around this the SIP Path extensions, officially called “Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Extension Header Field for Registering Non-Adjacent Contacts” (catchy title) was defined under RFC 3327.

An additional header is introduced called “Path:” for each proxy between the UA and the Registrar,

As the SIP REGISTER request passes through each proxy, each proxy appends the Path header with the value of it’s own SIP URI.

Let’s take a look at an example call flow from [email protected] who sends his REGISTER to, which is proxied by to

Bob to

[email protected] >
      REGISTER SIP/2.0
      Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7
      To: Bob <sip:[email protected]>
      From: Bob <sip:[email protected]>;tag=456248
      Call-ID: 843817637684230@998sdasdh09
      CSeq: 1826 REGISTER
      Contact: <Bob <sip:[email protected]>>
      Supported: path

The REGISTER request is received by, which forwards it to after adding it’s own URI as a Path header. >
      REGISTER SIP/2.0
      Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK34ghi7ab04
      Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7
      To: Bob <sip:[email protected]>
      From: Bob <sip:[email protected]>;tag=456248
      Call-ID: 843817637684230@998sdasdh09
      CSeq: 1826 REGISTER
      Contact: <Bob <sip:[email protected]>>
      Supported: path
      Path: <;lr>

The response is sent back in the same way, relying on the via headers and Path headers.

Virtualized Transcoding Dimensioning

A seemingly simple question is how many concurrent calls can a system handle.

Sadly the answer to that question is seldom simple and easy to say, even more so when we talk about transcoding.

Transcoding is the process of taking a media stream encoded in one codec (format) and transferring it to a different codec (hence trans-coding).

This can be a very resource intensive process, so there’s a large number of hardware based solutions (PCI cards / network devices) that use FGPAs and clever processor arrangements to handle the transcoding. These products are made by a multitude of different vendors but are generally called hardware transcoders.

Today we’ll talk a bit about software based transcoding, and how many concurrent calls you can transcode on common VM configurations.

These stats will translate fairly well to their dedicated hardware counterparts, but a VM provides us with a consistent hardware environment so makes it a bit easier.

For these tests I created the baseline VM to run in VMWare Workstation with the below settings:

We’ll be transcoding using RTPengine, which recently added transcoding capabilities, so I set that up as per my post on setting up RTPengine for Transcoding.

Next I setup some SIPp scenarios to simulate call loads, from G.711 a-law to G.711 u-law (the simplest of transcoding (well re-compounding)) and used glances to get the max CPU usage and logged the results.

PCMA to PCMU (Re-companding)


RTPengine fared significantly better than I expected, I stopped at 150 concurrent transcoding sessions as that’s when call quality was really starting to degrade, but I was still achieving MOS of 4.3+ up to 130 concurrent sessions.

For what I needed to do, running this in a virtualised environment allowed 150 transcoding sessions before the MOS started to drop and call quality was adversely affected. Either way I was pretty amazed at how efficiently RTPengine managed to handle this.

Transcoding from one codec to a different codec was a different matter, and I’ll post the results from that another day.

If you want to learn more about RTPengine have a read of my other posts on RTPengine, that cover Installing and configuring RTPengine, using RTPengine with Kamailio, transcoding with RTPengine and scaling with RTPengine over geographic areas.

Building IBM Watson Voice Engine with Docker & Ubuntu 18.04

Upgrade Repos

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Install Docker-CE

Latest info available from Docker directly.

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository    "deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli

Docker Installer Machine

Latest info from Docker directly.

base= &&
curl -L $base/docker-machine-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) >/tmp/docker-machine &&
sudo install /tmp/docker-machine /usr/local/bin/docker-machine

Set system Variables

Install Virtualbox

apt-get install virtualbox
docker-machine create default

If you’re using VMWare (I’m using Workstation) you’ll need to enable Virtualizing the Intel VT-x/EPT Virtualisation engine:

Otherwise you’ll get the error: “This computer doesn’t have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is mandatory”
docker-machine create default

Now you have created a default docker-machine you can finally set the system variable to point the system shell at the Docker engine:

eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

Clone Git Repo

git clone

Download Docker Images

docker pull ibmcom/voice-gateway-so:latest && docker pull ibmcom/voice-gateway-mr:latest

This step takes a while, downloads aren’t super quick, but once it’s finished you’re setup and all you need to do is add your credentials.

Kamailio Bytes – Stateless SIP Proxy

We’ve talked a bit in the Kamailio Bytes series about different modules we can use, but I thought it’d be useful to talk about setting up a SIP Proxy using Kamailio, and what’s involved in routing a message from Host A to Host B.

In the past I’ve talked about the 3 types of SIP proxies out there, stateless, dialog stateful and transaction stateful.

Proxying the initial Request

When we talk about proxying for the most part we’re talking about forwarding, let’s look at the steps involved:

  1. Our Kamailio instance receives a SIP request (for simplicity we’ll assume an INVITE).
  2. Kamailio looks at it’s routing logic to lookup where to forward the request to. You could find out where to send the request to from a lot of different sources, you could consult the Dialplan Module or Dispatcher Module, perform an SQL lookup, consult UsrLoc table to find a AoR, etc.
  3. Add it’s own Via header (more on that later)
  4. Forward the Request (aka Proxy it) to the destination selected

Let’s take a look at a very simple way we can do this with two lines in Kamailio to forward any requests to

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        xlog("Received $rm to $ru - Forwarding");

        #Forard to new IP


After we restart Kamailio and send a call (INVITE) to it let’s see how it handles it: > SIP: INVITE sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0 > SIP: INVITE sip:[email protected]:5060 SIP/2.0 > SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying > SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying > SIP: SIP/2.0 180 Ringing > SIP: SIP/2.0 180 Ringing

Presto, our request was proxied (forwarded).

Let’s make a small modification, we’ll add a header called “X-Proxied” to the request before we forward it.

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        xlog("Received $rm to $ru - Forwarding");

        append_hf("X-Proxied: You betcha\r\n");
        #Forard to new IP


On the wire the packets still come from the requester, to the Proxy (Kamailio) before being forwarded to the forward destination (

We’ve now got a basic proxy that takes all requests to the proxy address and forwards it to an IP Address.

If you’re very perceptive you might have picked up the fact that the in-dialog responses, like the 100 Trying, the 180 Ringing and the 200 Ok also all went through the proxy, but if you look at syslog you’ll only see the initial request.

/usr/sbin/kamailio: Received INVITE to sip:[email protected]:5060 - Forwarding

So why didn’t we hit that xlog() route and generate a log entry for the replies?

But before we can talk too much about managing replies, let’s talk about Via…

It’s all about the Via

Before we can answer that question let’s take a look at Via headers.

The SIP Via header is added by a proxy when it forwards a SIP message onto another destination,

When a response is sent the reverse is done, each SIP proxy removes their details from the Via header and forwards to the next Via header along.

SIP Via headers in action
SIP Via headers in action

As we can see in the example above, each proxy adds it’s own address as a Via header, before it uses it’s internal logic to work out where to forward it to, and then forward on the INVITE.

Now because all our routing information is stored in Via headers when we need to route a Response back, each proxy doesn’t need to consult it’s internal logic to work out where to route to, but can instead just strip it’s own address out of the Via header, and then forward it to the next Via header IP Address down in the list.

SIP Via headers in action

Via headers are also used to detect looping, a proxy can check when it receives a SIP message if it’s own IP address is already in a Via header, if it is, there’s a loop there.

Managing Responses in Kamailio

By default Kamailio manages responses by looking at the Via header, if the top Via header is its own IP address, it strips it’s own Via header and forwards it onto the next destination in the Via header.

We can add our own logic into this by adding a new route called onreply_route{}

        xlog("Got a reply $rs");
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");

Now we’ll create a log entry with the response code in syslog for each response we receive, and we’ll add a header on the replies too:


A simple proxy to forward INVITEs is easy to implement in Kamailio, the real tricky question is what’s the logic involved to make the decision,

I’ve put a copy of the running code for this on GitHub.