Tag Archives: SIP

Kamailio Use Case – SIP Honeypot with SQL Database

In my last few Kamailio Bytes posts, I’ve talked about using the GeoIP2 module to lookup the location of IP Addresses and SQLops and db_mysql to work with relational databases from within Kamailio.

Now we’ll put both together to create something functional you could use in your own deployments. (You’d often find it’s faster to use HTable to store and retrieve data like this, but that’s a conversation for another day)

The Project

We’ll build a SIP honeypot using Kamailio. It’ll listen on a Public IP address for SIP connections from people scanning the internet with malicious intent and log their IPs, so our real SIP softswitches know to ignore them.

We’ll use GeoIP2 to lookup the location of the IP and then store that data into a MySQL database.

Lastly we’ll create a routing block we can use on another Kamailio instance to verify if that the IP address of the received SIP message is not in our blacklist by searching the MySQL database for the source IP.

The Database

In this example I’m going to create a database called “blacklist” with one table called “baddies”, in MySQL I’ll run:

CREATE database blacklist;
CREATE TABLE `baddies` (
	`ip_address` INT unsigned UNIQUE,
	`hits` INT,
	`last_seen` DATETIME,
	`ua` TEXT,
	`country` TEXT,
	`city` TEXT

I’ll setup a MySQL user to INSERT/UPDATE/SELECT data from the MySQL database.

For storing IP addresses in the database we’ll store them as unsigned integers, and then use the INET_ATON('') MySQL command to encode them from dotted-decimal format, and the INET_NTOA('2130706433') to put them back into dotted decimal.


Now we’ll need to configure Kamailio, I’ll continue on from where we left off in the last post on GeoIP2 as we’ll use that to put Geographic data about the IP before adding the MySQL and SQLOps modules:

# ----- SQL params -----
loadmodule "db_mysql.so"
loadmodule "sqlops.so"

#Create a new MySQL database connection called blacklist_db 

#Set timeouts for MySQL Connections
modparam("db_mysql", "ping_interval", 60)
modparam("db_mysql", "auto_reconnect", 1)
modparam("db_mysql", "timeout_interval", 2)

After loading db_mysql and sqlops we create a new object / connection called blacklist_db with our MySQL Database parameters.

Now after a restart we’ll be connected to our MySQL database.

Honeypot Routing Logic

Now we’ll create a route to log the traffic:

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        sl_reply('200', 'Sure thing boss!');

        xlog("Packet received from IP $si");
        sql_xquery("blacklist_db", "insert into baddies (ip_address, hits, last_seen, ua, country, city) values (2130706433, 10, NOW(), 'testua2', 'Australia', 'Hobart');");

Now for each SIP message received a new record will be inserted into the database:

 root@ip-172-31-8-156:/etc/kamailio# mysql -u root -p blacklist -e "select * from baddies;"
 Enter password:
 | id | ip_address | hits | last_seen           | ua      | country   | city   |
 |  1 | 2130706433 |   10 | 2019-08-13 02:52:57 | testua2 | Australia | Hobart |
 |  2 | 2130706433 |   10 | 2019-08-13 02:53:01 | testua2 | Australia | Hobart |
 |  3 | 2130706433 |   10 | 2019-08-13 02:53:05 | testua2 | Australia | Hobart |

This is great but we’re not actually putting the call variables in here, and we’ve got a lot of duplicates, let’s modify our sql_xquery() to include the call variables:

sql_xquery("blacklist_db", "insert into baddies (ip_address, hits, last_seen, ua, country, city) values (INET_ATON('$si'), 10, NOW(), '$ua', 'Australia', 'Hobart');");

Now we’re setting the IP Address value to the Source IP psedovariable ($si) and formatting it using the INET_ATON function in MySQL, setting the last_seen to the current timestamp and setting the user agent to the User Agent psedovariable ($ua).

Let’s restart Kamailio, truncate the data that’s currently in the DB, send some SIP traffic to it and then check the contents:

mysql -u root -p blacklist -e "select *, INET_NTOA(ip_address) from baddies;"

Here you can see we’re starting to get somewhere, the IP, UA and last_seen values are all now correct.

We’re getting multiple entries from the same IP though, instead we just want to increment the hits counter and set the last_seen to the current time, for that we’ll just update the SQL query to set the time to be NOW() and if that IP is already in the database to update the last_seen value and incriment the hits counter:

sql_xquery("blacklist_db", "insert into baddies (ip_address, hits, last_seen, ua, country, city) values (INET_ATON('$si'), 1, NOW(), '$ua', 'Australia', 'Hobart') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_seen = NOW(), hits = hits + 1;");

Now we’ve only got one line per IP address, with the hit counters showing how many SIP requests we’ve received from that IP.

Finally we’ll use the GeoIP2 Module to get the geographic info of the source of the traffic, like we’ve talked about in the previous post:

        xlog("Packet received from IP $si");
        geoip2_match("$si", "src"))
        sql_xquery("blacklist_db", "insert into baddies (ip_address, hits, last_seen, ua, country, city) values (INET_ATON('$si'), 1, NOW(), '$ua', '$gip2(src=>cc)', '$gip2(src=>city)') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_seen = NOW(), hits = hits + 1;", "r_sql");


The only issue with this is if GeoIP2 doesn’t have a match, no record will be added in the database, so we’ll add a handler for that:

        xlog("Packet received from IP $si");
        if(geoip2_match("$si", "src")){
                sql_xquery("blacklist_db", "insert into baddies (ip_address, hits, last_seen, ua, country, city) values (INET_ATON('$si'), 1, NOW(), '$ua', '$gip2(src=>cc)', '$gip2(src=>city)') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_seen = NOW(), hits = hits + 1;", "r_sql");
        }else{          ##If no match in GeoIP2 leave Country & City fields blank
                sql_xquery("blacklist_db", "insert into baddies (ip_address, hits, last_seen, ua, country, city) values (INET_ATON('$si'), 1, NOW(), '$ua', '', '') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE last_seen = NOW(), hits = hits + 1;", "r_sql");

Now let’s check our database again and see how the data looks:

mysql -u root -p blacklist -e "select *, INET_NTOA(ip_address) from baddies;" 

Perfect! Now we’re inserting data into our blacklist from our honeypot. Now we’ll configure a new routing block we can use on another Kamailio instance to see if an IP is in the blacklist.

I left this running on my AWS box for a few hours, and lots of dodgy UAs dropped in to say hello, one of which was very insistent on making calls to Poland…

Querying the Data

Now we’ve got a blacklist it’s only useful if we block the traffic from our malicous actors who we’ve profiled in the database.

You could feed this into BGP to null route the traffic, or hook this into your firewall’s API, but we’re going to do this in Kamailio, so we’ll create a new routing block we can use on a different Kamailio instance – Like a production one – to see if the IP it just received traffic from is in the blacklist.

We’ve already spoken about querying databases in the SQLops Kamailio bytes, but this routing block will query the blacklist database, and if the sender is in the database, one or more records will be returned, so we know they’re bad and will drop their traffic:


        xlog("Checking blacklist for ip $si");

        #Define a variable containing the SQL query we'll run
        $var(sql) = "select INET_NTOA(ip_address) as ip_address from baddies;";

        #Log the SQL query we're going to run to syslog for easy debugging
        xlog("Query to run is $var(sql)");

        #Query blacklist_db running the query stored in $var(sql) and store the result of the query to result_sql
        sql_query("blacklist_db", "$var(sql)", "result_sql");

        #If more than 0 records were returned from the database, drop the traffic
                xlog("This guy is bad news. Dropping traffic from $si");
                xlog("No criminal record for $si - Allowing to progress");



We’d previously touched on using the GeoIP2 module to lookup the location of IP Addresses and SQLops and db_mysql to work with relational databases from within Kamailio.

This Honeypot use case just put those elements together.

In reality a far better implementation of this would use HTable to store this data, but hopefully this gives you a better understanding of how to actually work with data.

Final Note

I wrote this post about a week ago, and left the config running on an AWS box. I was getting hits to it within the hour, and in the past week I’ve had 172 IPs come and say hello, and some like the FriendlyScanner instance at has sent over 93,000 requests:

mysql> select *, INET_NTOA(ip_address) from baddies;
 | id     | ip_address | hits  | last_seen           | ua                         | country | city                | INET_NTOA(ip_address) |
 |      1 | 3070413354 |    23 | 2019-08-23 14:15:40 | friendly-scanner           | CN      | Guangzhou           |          |
 |      2 | 1053957678 |     2 | 2019-08-16 00:09:06 | Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK v11.1.2 | FR      | Andresy             |          |
 |      3 | 2455302148 |     7 | 2019-08-23 00:05:03 |                      | US      |               |          |
 |      5 | 3107280921 |    26 | 2019-08-23 20:46:59 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 |      6 | 1308060846 |    53 | 2019-08-23 20:13:12 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |        |
 |      7 | 2671893706 |    90 | 2019-08-16 02:42:20 | 808                        | US      | North Bergen        |        |
 |     14 | 3110176716 |     6 | 2019-08-16 04:44:25 | sipcli/v1.8                | PS      |               |        |
 |     22 | 1308061231 |    18 | 2019-08-22 07:24:38 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 |     48 | 1347570964 |     8 | 2019-08-17 02:24:36 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |           |
 |     59 | 3107280933 |  9883 | 2019-08-19 03:03:32 |                      | NL      |               |          |
 |   1608 | 1308060849 |    35 | 2019-08-16 03:59:29 | sipcli/v1.8                | NL      |               |        |
 |   3967 | 3428686544 |     1 | 2019-08-16 04:03:13 | Asterisk PBX               | US      | Chicago             |        |
 |   3994 | 1754805254 |     1 | 2019-08-16 04:03:52 | Asterisk PBX               | US      |               |          |
 |   5290 | 3507576938 |     1 | 2019-08-16 04:37:12 | UnYeznuK                   | US      |               |         |
 |   7905 | 3107280927 |  3867 | 2019-08-22 11:42:00 |                      | NL      |               |          |
 |   8012 | 1356068398 |     1 | 2019-08-16 05:52:59 | Zeeko                      | PL      | Warsaw              |         |
 |   8207 | 3107280926 |  1825 | 2019-08-21 06:01:23 |                      | NL      |               |          |
 |   8412 | 3070413353 |    10 | 2019-08-23 07:18:04 | friendly-scanner           | CN      | Guangzhou           |          |
 |   8415 | 1308060851 |     1 | 2019-08-16 06:13:32 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |        |
 |   8746 | 1308060835 |    31 | 2019-08-16 08:45:51 | sipcli/v1.8                | NL      |               |        |
 |   8755 | 3107280940 |     3 | 2019-08-17 16:21:55 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 |   8761 | 1111941599 |     1 | 2019-08-16 07:26:55 | friendly-scanner           | CA      | Montreal            |         |
 |   9009 | 1308060832 |     9 | 2019-08-18 00:22:01 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |        |
 |   9250 | 2746007762 |   805 | 2019-08-20 10:26:04 | pplsip                     | FR      |               |       |
 |   9440 | 1308061242 |    16 | 2019-08-23 21:10:59 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 |   9458 | 3635051022 |   328 | 2019-08-17 11:17:00 | pplsip                     | US      | Buffalo             |        |
 |   9474 | 2959836555 |     8 | 2019-08-23 09:27:08 | Bria 5                     | PL      | Warsaw              |       |
 |   9494 | 3107280945 |     7 | 2019-08-22 18:24:01 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 |   9516 | 1308061267 |    64 | 2019-08-23 19:38:43 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 |   9546 | 1308061199 |  1884 | 2019-08-17 00:19:02 | sipcli/v1.8                | NL      |               |         |
 |   9684 | 1308061400 |     7 | 2019-08-23 20:59:58 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |        |
 |  10088 | 3565227944 |     2 | 2019-08-22 17:47:04 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |        |
 |  10335 | 1588721057 |     3 | 2019-08-19 12:08:11 | friendly-scanner           | DE      | Frankfurt am Main   |        |
 |  10372 | 3107280931 |     8 | 2019-08-21 00:32:14 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 |  10440 | 1588717692 |     6 | 2019-08-18 11:37:20 | friendly-scanner           | FR      | Paris               |        |
 |  10451 | 3507577090 |     1 | 2019-08-16 18:18:32 | haLoBtKl                   | US      |               |           |
 |  10507 | 1505473210 |     1 | 2019-08-16 18:33:49 | pplsip                     | US      |               |        |
 |  10653 | 3562251402 |    90 | 2019-08-22 17:24:00 | pplsip                     | FR      | Nuits-Saint-Georges |        |
 |  11077 |  861095860 |     1 | 2019-08-16 21:11:03 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |          |
 |  11157 | 1722098888 |   197 | 2019-08-22 14:11:49 | sipcli/v1.8                | US      |               |        |
 |  11408 |   87965623 |    37 | 2019-08-17 12:18:29 | pplsip                     | US      | New York            |           |
 |  11589 | 1308061418 |     5 | 2019-08-19 12:34:55 | Telefonadapter             | NL      |               |        |
 |  11781 | 3281662327 |     3 | 2019-08-20 14:51:30 | support                    | FR      | Paris               |        |
 |  11812 | 2680904312 |     1 | 2019-08-17 01:09:40 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Clifton             |        |
 |  11826 |  624027040 |   258 | 2019-08-23 21:31:43 | Telefonadapter             | NL      |               |         |
 |  11827 | 1051561183 |     1 | 2019-08-17 01:47:04 | friendly-scanner           | RU      |               |        |
 |  11830 | 3514713984 |     3 | 2019-08-18 02:57:23 | sipcli/v1.8                | US      | St Louis            |        |
 |  11863 | 2382633440 |     1 | 2019-08-17 03:22:02 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Provo               |          |
 |  11895 | 1123085431 |     1 | 2019-08-17 05:05:58 |                      | US      | San Diego           |        |
 |  11917 | 3562247345 |     1 | 2019-08-17 05:58:21 | Bria 5                     | FR      | Paris               |        |
 |  11951 | 3507577002 |     1 | 2019-08-17 07:18:45 | vCbNSKtv                   | US      |               |         |
 |  11997 | 2256000670 |     2 | 2019-08-18 22:15:28 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |       |
 |  12012 | 2806494445 |     1 | 2019-08-17 09:08:55 | friendly-scanner           | US      | New York            |        |
 |  12060 | 1588719724 | 12958 | 2019-08-17 10:34:45 | Asterisk PBX               | FR      | Paris               |        |
 |  25027 | 1308060847 |     3 | 2019-08-17 14:05:12 | PortSIP VoIP SDK 11.2      | NL      |               |        |
 |  25052 | 1051560788 |     6 | 2019-08-22 23:41:20 | friendly-scanner           | RU      |               |         |
 |  25061 | 2769743287 |  3827 | 2019-08-20 13:28:17 |                      | CA      | Toronto             |        |
 |  25089 |  624027025 |   237 | 2019-08-23 21:30:21 | Cisco-SIPGateway/IOS-12.x  | NL      |               |         |
 |  25135 | 1308060845 |     1 | 2019-08-17 13:13:26 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |        |
 |  25314 | 1356068336 |     4 | 2019-08-23 06:41:51 |                            | PL      | Warsaw              |        |
 |  25342 | 1308061206 |     5 | 2019-08-21 05:50:11 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 |  27328 | 3507576890 |     2 | 2019-08-19 20:41:58 | BQDPtxsE                   | US      |               |          |
 |  28414 | 3107280932 |     1 | 2019-08-17 22:24:17 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 |  29304 | 2745967553 |     2 | 2019-08-21 12:05:24 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |        |
 |  29317 | 2671893719 | 93202 | 2019-08-18 01:55:38 | friendly-scanner           | US      | North Bergen        |        |
 | 122638 |  624634839 |     1 | 2019-08-18 03:44:42 | Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK v11.1.2 | FR      |               |          |
 | 122643 | 1308060935 |     1 | 2019-08-18 03:48:16 |                      | NL      |               |          |
 | 122692 | 3107280934 |  8470 | 2019-08-18 15:22:11 |                      | NL      |               |          |
 | 123190 | 1308061276 |     2 | 2019-08-22 08:42:06 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 | 123505 |  860848595 |     1 | 2019-08-18 05:28:07 | friendly-scanner           | CA      |               |         |
 | 124707 | 3565236782 |     3 | 2019-08-19 22:04:23 | Careers                    | FR      | Paris               |         |
 | 130299 | 3119862842 |     1 | 2019-08-18 12:51:44 | VOIP                       | DK      | Copenhagen          |         |
 | 130398 |  394281064 |     1 | 2019-08-18 13:00:27 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Portland            |         |
 | 131093 | 3644653804 |     2 | 2019-08-20 08:21:00 | friendly-scanner           | DE      | Frankfurt am Main   |          |
 | 131760 | 1588720143 |     1 | 2019-08-18 15:09:48 | friendly-scanner           | FR      | Paris               |         |
 | 131891 | 3633377286 |     1 | 2019-08-18 16:03:16 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Dallas              |         |
 | 131905 | 3510351397 |    12 | 2019-08-23 14:24:14 | PortSIP VoIP SDK 11.2      | US      | Lansing             |         |
 | 131979 | 1356070905 |     1 | 2019-08-18 17:10:47 | friendly-scanner           | PL      | Warsaw              |        |
 | 132142 | 1308060872 |     1 | 2019-08-18 19:27:15 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |        |
 | 132163 | 3507577122 |     1 | 2019-08-18 19:45:08 | jXIjYZTm                   | US      |               |          |
 | 132185 | 1308061207 |     2 | 2019-08-19 20:21:17 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 | 132244 | 1431941221 |     2 | 2019-08-22 03:46:37 | friendly-scanner           | PL      | �ódź             |         |
 | 133058 | 1308061211 |     1 | 2019-08-19 00:03:59 | PBX                        | NL      |               |         |
 | 133193 |  861606239 |     1 | 2019-08-19 00:27:24 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |           |
 | 133194 | 2261891524 |     1 | 2019-08-19 00:27:26 | friendly-scanner           | GB      | London              |       |
 | 133247 | 1311362863 |     1 | 2019-08-19 00:35:16 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 | 133562 | 3221485468 |     4 | 2019-08-23 00:50:28 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Buffalo             |         |
 | 133573 | 2673412367 |     1 | 2019-08-19 01:28:30 | friendly-scanner           | DE      | Frankfurt am Main   |           |
 | 134160 |  861605605 |   690 | 2019-08-19 12:20:33 | gffg                       | FR      |               |          |
 | 134218 | 3562255759 |     1 | 2019-08-19 05:15:30 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |        |
 | 134412 | 1053973250 |    22 | 2019-08-23 19:24:58 | friendly-scanner           | FR      | Paris               |           |
 | 134556 | 1308061221 |     1 | 2019-08-19 08:19:53 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 | 134665 | 1249543663 |     1 | 2019-08-19 10:06:49 | friendly-scanner           | CA      |               |        |
 | 134750 |   93785829 |     1 | 2019-08-19 10:52:57 | friendly-scanner           | GB      |               |          |
 | 134831 | 1347570977 |     1 | 2019-08-19 11:36:12 |                      | NL      |               |           |
 | 134939 | 3225441884 |     3 | 2019-08-23 12:53:33 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Secaucus            |          |
 | 134944 | 3276722437 |     1 | 2019-08-19 14:48:33 | friendly-scanner           | IT      |               |          |
 | 134945 | 1122091794 |   147 | 2019-08-19 15:48:28 | MizuPhone                  | US      | Schaumburg          |         |
 | 135140 | 3000185825 |     1 | 2019-08-19 19:01:47 | friendly-scanner           | TR      | Samsun              |        |
 | 135169 | 2745980561 |     1 | 2019-08-19 20:38:42 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |        |
 | 135205 | 1066345778 |    77 | 2019-08-23 06:04:18 | FreePBX 1.8                | US      | Dallas              |          |
 | 135212 | 1053994118 |     1 | 2019-08-19 22:28:37 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |        |
 | 135218 | 3565239451 |     2 | 2019-08-19 22:49:18 | VaxSIPUserAgent/3.5        | FR      | Le Plessis-Robinson |        |
 | 135225 | 3639984622 |     3 | 2019-08-22 20:40:42 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Dallas              |       |
 | 135246 | 3000185822 |     1 | 2019-08-19 23:56:45 | friendly-scanner           | TR      | Samsun              |        |
 | 135266 | 3562255783 |     1 | 2019-08-20 00:42:30 | friendly-scanner           | FR      |               |        |
 | 135284 | 1308061283 |     2 | 2019-08-22 06:51:28 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 | 135289 | 2727356702 |     1 | 2019-08-20 01:31:33 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Provo               |         |
 | 135324 | 1053992906 |  6758 | 2019-08-23 00:25:28 | fgfdhgfxjfhyjhkj           | FR      |               |        |
 | 135353 | 1053988629 |  4944 | 2019-08-23 00:25:51 | fgfdhgfxjfhyjhkj           | FR      |               |         |
 | 135695 |  782669768 |     5 | 2019-08-20 04:15:47 | fgfdhgfxjfhyjhkj           | NL      | Uddel               |        |
 | 136185 |  782669779 | 35927 | 2019-08-22 20:33:51 | fgfdhgfxjfhyjhkj           | NL      | Uddel               |        |
 | 138056 | 3562244647 |     2 | 2019-08-21 06:56:33 | testsip                    | FR      | Guyancourt          |         |
 | 141492 | 3281660074 |     2 | 2019-08-23 03:57:42 | Bria 5                     | FR      | Argenteuil          |        |
 | 141905 | 2649154441 |  2025 | 2019-08-20 15:24:27 |                      | US      | North Bergen        |       |
 | 142082 | 3107280950 |     1 | 2019-08-20 11:55:44 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 | 144875 | 3107280956 |     2 | 2019-08-23 03:08:10 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 | 144881 | 3281677282 |    74 | 2019-08-20 23:27:29 |                      | FR      |               |       |
 | 148332 | 3423277731 |     1 | 2019-08-20 17:15:49 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Seattle             |         |
 | 148463 |  866041843 |     1 | 2019-08-20 17:29:43 | friendly-scanner           | FR      | Paris               |        |
 | 148935 | 3000019324 |     1 | 2019-08-20 18:17:37 | friendly-scanner           | GB      | London              |       |
 | 150006 | 1051562889 |     1 | 2019-08-20 20:02:47 | friendly-scanner           | RU      | Moscow              |        |
 | 150459 | 1308060874 |     4 | 2019-08-21 23:39:45 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |        |
 | 151158 | 3291753334 |     1 | 2019-08-20 22:05:46 | VhPrwfzK                   | US      | Edison              |         |
 | 152525 | 1308061269 |     1 | 2019-08-21 00:31:18 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |         |
 | 152748 | 1588719753 |     2 | 2019-08-21 20:19:51 | friendly-scanner           | FR      | Paris               |        |
 | 152938 | 1308061244 |   862 | 2019-08-22 16:25:35 |                      | NL      |               |         |
 | 154063 | 3639886154 |   216 | 2019-08-22 02:36:47 | sipcli/v1.8                | US      | Seattle             |         |
 | 154100 | 2806460368 |     1 | 2019-08-21 02:06:05 | friendly-scanner           | DE      | Frankfurt am Main   |         |
 | 155564 | 1308061232 |   430 | 2019-08-21 04:50:00 |                      | NL      |               |         |
 | 156748 | 3107280962 |     1 | 2019-08-21 04:32:50 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 | 158028 | 3507576914 |     1 | 2019-08-21 05:49:21 | yMQsDpTp                   | US      |               |          |
 | 159649 | 2659999515 |     3 | 2019-08-21 11:24:18 | PortSIP VoIP SDK 11.2      | PS      |               |         |
 | 159710 | 2769728503 |     1 | 2019-08-21 09:12:10 | 808                        | US      | North Bergen        |        |
 | 160120 | 2755949120 |     1 | 2019-08-21 09:53:12 | friendly-scanner           | DE      |               |         |
 | 160495 | 2809328307 |     1 | 2019-08-21 10:31:39 | friendly-scanner           | FR      | Roubaix             |       |
 | 160763 | 2807459643 |     2 | 2019-08-23 19:48:17 | friendly-scanner           | DE      | Nuremberg           |         |
 | 161033 | 1356048200 |     1 | 2019-08-21 11:27:02 | friendly-scanner           | IT      | Arezzo              |         |
 | 162648 | 1245704902 |     1 | 2019-08-21 14:08:05 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Dallas              |         |
 | 163133 | 1308060834 |     3 | 2019-08-23 06:01:53 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |        |
 | 168263 | 2746011496 |   552 | 2019-08-23 14:00:56 | pplsip                     | FR      |               |       |
 | 168773 | 2807450735 |     1 | 2019-08-21 21:25:23 | friendly-scanner           | DE      | Nuremberg           |         |
 | 169044 | 1308061297 |    17 | 2019-08-23 21:17:33 | FreePBX 1.8                | NL      |               |        |
 | 169067 | 3507577202 |     1 | 2019-08-21 21:44:59 | YtsNMLcO                   | US      |               |         |
 | 171542 | 1588717792 |     1 | 2019-08-22 00:23:29 | friendly-scanner           | FR      | Paris               |        |
 | 171799 | 1053987565 | 12958 | 2019-08-22 00:42:46 | Asterisk PBX               | FR      |               |        |
 | 185012 | 1334405281 |     2 | 2019-08-22 00:56:21 | VaxSIPUserAgent/3.5        | FR      |               |        |
 | 185327 |   87965663 |    25 | 2019-08-22 07:07:17 | pplsip                     | US      | New York            |           |
 | 187784 | 1090198397 |     2 | 2019-08-23 05:41:24 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Fort Lauderdale     |         |
 | 187866 | 2731950313 | 12958 | 2019-08-22 04:06:58 | Asterisk PBX               | US      | Provo               |        |
 | 202877 | 3107280937 |     1 | 2019-08-22 06:18:42 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 | 206150 | 3221475752 |     2 | 2019-08-23 05:25:06 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Buffalo             |         |
 | 207013 | 3106407447 |     2 | 2019-08-22 10:45:26 | MizuPhone                  | RU      |               |           |
 | 207253 | 3537074702 |     1 | 2019-08-22 11:00:38 | friendly-scanner           | VN      |               |        |
 | 207349 | 1611166586 |    75 | 2019-08-23 17:39:14 | Conaito                    | US      | Buffalo             |          |
 | 207758 | 2207850059 |     2 | 2019-08-23 07:04:37 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Atlanta             |         |
 | 207804 | 3644668999 |     1 | 2019-08-22 11:35:07 | friendly-scanner           | IT      | Ponte San Pietro    |          |
 | 208524 | 1066345266 |     1 | 2019-08-22 12:22:59 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Dallas              |          |
 | 212570 | 1051564796 |     1 | 2019-08-22 16:38:40 | friendly-scanner           | RU      | Moscow              |        |
 | 214517 | 1168277118 |    25 | 2019-08-23 06:00:47 |                      | US      | Dallas              |        |
 | 214658 | 3107280948 |     1 | 2019-08-22 18:58:40 | friendly-scanner           | NL      |               |          |
 | 215069 | 2382630478 | 12911 | 2019-08-22 19:31:21 | Asterisk PBX               | US      | Provo               |           |
 | 229501 | 3507576850 |     1 | 2019-08-22 22:57:06 | VnghmpQZ                   | US      |               |          |
 | 229709 | 1446618158 |     1 | 2019-08-22 23:53:04 | friendly-scanner           | BY      | Hrodna              |          |
 | 229774 | 1051560609 |     1 | 2019-08-23 00:10:51 | friendly-scanner           | RU      |               |        |
 | 229848 |  602425983 |     1 | 2019-08-23 01:44:50 | friendly-scanner           | US      |               |         |
 | 229891 | 1051563810 |     1 | 2019-08-23 04:02:30 | friendly-scanner           | RU      | Moscow              |         |
 | 229907 | 1551278113 |     1 | 2019-08-23 04:56:25 | vdjbTQHQ                   | LT      |               |         |
 | 230115 | 1168270182 |     1 | 2019-08-23 14:01:07 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Dallas              |         |
 | 230116 |   87965622 |    31 | 2019-08-23 21:29:53 | pplsip                     | US      | New York            |           |
 | 230122 |  392083557 |     1 | 2019-08-23 14:31:38 | friendly-scanner           | US      | Buffalo             |         |
 | 230125 | 1870059136 |     1 | 2019-08-23 15:01:48 | friendly-scanner           | IN      |               |       |
 172 rows in set (0.00 sec)

RTPengine Python API Calls via ng Control Protocol

RTPengine has an API / control protocol, which is what Kamailio / OpenSER uses to interact with RTPengine, called the ng Control Protocol.

Connection is based on Bencode encoded data and communicates via a UDP socket.

I wrote a simple Python script to pull active calls from RTPengine, code below:

#Quick Python library for interfacing with Sipwise's fantastic rtpengine - https://github.com/sipwise/rtpengine
#Bencode library from https://pypi.org/project/bencode.py/ (Had to download files from webpage (PIP was out of date))

import bencode
import socket
import sys
import random
import string

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
server_address = ('', 2224)     #Your server address

cookie = "0_2393_6"
data = bencode.encode({'command': 'list'})

message = str(cookie) + " " + str(data)

sent = sock.sendto(message, server_address)

print('waiting to receive')
data, server = sock.recvfrom(4096)
print('received "%s"' % data)
data = data.split(" ", 1)       #Only split on first space
print("Cookie is: " + str(data[0]))
print("Data is: " + str(bencode.decode(data[1])))
print("There are " + str(len(bencode.decode(data[1])['calls'])) + " calls up on RTPengine at " + str(server_address[0]))
for calls in bencode.decode(data[1])['calls']:
    cookie = "1_2393_6"
    data = bencode.encode({'command': 'query', 'call-id': str(calls)})
    message = str(cookie).encode('utf-8') + " ".encode('utf-8') + str(data).encode('utf-8')
    sent = sock.sendto(message, server_address)
    print('\n\nwaiting to receive')
    data, server = sock.recvfrom(8192)

    data = data.split(" ", 1)       #Only split on first space
    bencoded_data = bencode.decode(data[1])

    for keys in bencoded_data:
        print("\t" + str(bencoded_data[keys]))


Kamailio Bytes – Databases

We’ve touched a tiny bit on basic database functionality in Kamailio, using MySQL to store User Data for authentication, ACLs or Dispatcher entries.

But with all those we were using Databases to load the config / dynamic data for a module.

We’ll build upon that, to connect to a Database that we can INSERT, UPDATE and SELECT data from within the dialplan.

For today’s example we’ll lookup the To address from a SIP INVITE and send back

Heads Up

There’s a lot of different use cases for reading and writing data from a database, but Kamailio also has a lot of native modules that handle this better, for example:

  • You might want to store a record of each INVITE and BYE you recieve for accounting, a better option is to use the Accounting Module in Kamailio.
  • You might want to authenticate user’s based on ACLs stored in a database, a better option would be to use Permissions Module.
  • User authentication info is best handled by Auth DB module.
  • The Dialplan module handles number translation really well and is lightning quick.

Just keep this in mind before jumping in that a lot of use cases have already been covered by a Kamailio module.

The Architecture

For today’s example we’ll be using MySQL as the database backend (db_mysl), but the db_mysql module simply connects us to a database, a bit like ODBC.

The real MVP is the SQLops module, that does all the heavy lifting by running the queries and managing the responses.

The majority of this config would work fine for other database backends, like PostGres, MongoDB, Oracle, etc.

I’ll demonstrate this same setup using different database backends in future posts.

MySQL Database

Before we get too excited we’ll need to setup a database to query. I’ll create a database called dyamic_routing with a table called routing storing source / destinations.

USE  phonebook;
CREATE TABLE contacts (
     source TEXT,
     name TEXT
INSERT INTO contacts VALUES (1, '200', 'Nick Deskphone');

I’ll setup a MySQL user to INSERT/UPDATE/SELECT data from the MySQL database the normal way.


The module parameters for connecting to a database backend are fairly straight forward, but we’ll go into a bit of depth here to drive home the point.

# ----- SQL params -----
loadmodule "db_mysql.so"
loadmodule "sqlops.so"

#Create a new MySQL database connection called contacts_db

#Set timeouts for MySQL Connections
modparam("db_mysql", "ping_interval", 60)
modparam("db_mysql", "auto_reconnect", 1)
modparam("db_mysql", "timeout_interval", 2)

First off we load the two modules we need for this, db_mysql and sqlops. This is fairly self explanatory, if we were using db_postgres, db_mongodb or even db_text we’d load them instead of db_mysql.

The sqlops “sqlcon” modparam is where we define our MySQL database connection.

In this case we create a new database connection object called contacts_db– We can have connections to multiple databases, hence requiring a name.

The MySQL URL is fairly straightforward, database type, username, password, host and database:


In production obviously you shouldn’t use root as the user account to log into the database, and lock it down to only the source IP of your Kamailio instance and with only the permissions it needs. (If it’s just selecting data there’s no need for GRANT…)

Basic Query

Now we’ve created a database connection it’s time to start using it.

request_route {
                xlog("New request to $tU");

                #Query database object called "contacts_db", run the below query and store the output to a variable called result_sql
                sql_query("contacts_db", "select * from contacts;", "result_sql");

                #output number of rows in database returned
                xlog("number of rows in table is $dbr(result_sql=>rows)\n");

If the method is an INVITE we’ll query the database object called “contacts_db” to run the query select * from contacts;

We’ll then output the number of rows in the table to xlog.

The query actually happens in the sql_query() command, which takes the name of the database object ( contacts_db ), the query itself ( select * from contacts; ) and stores it into a variable called result_sql.

Finally xlog references the variable we stored our result in (result_sql) using the $dbr() handler to output the number of rows in the table.

If you save this and send an INVITE to any destination and watch the syslog you should see something along the lines of this:

/usr/sbin/kamailio[7815]: ERROR: : New request to 200
/usr/sbin/kamailio[7815]: ERROR: <script>: number of rows in table is 1

This means we’ve got a connection to the database and we can run queries.

Accessing the Output

Now we’ve got the data back from the database and stored it in result_sql we probably want to do something with the outputted data.

By wrapping the result_sql variable in the $dbr() tags we can access it’s jucy insides, let’s take a look:

                #output number of columns
                xlog("Result has $dbr(result_sql=>cols) Columns");
                #output number of rows
                xlog("Result has $dbr(result_sql=>rows) rows");
                #output contents of row 0, column 2
                xlog("Contents of row 0 col 2 is $dbr(result_sql=>[0,2]) ");
                #output name of column 2
                xlog("name of column 2 is $dbr(result_sql=>colname[2]) ");

If we add this after our last xlog line, restart Kamailio and view syslog it should look something like this:

/usr/sbin/kamailio[8249]: ERROR: <script>: New request to 200
/usr/sbin/kamailio[8249]: ERROR: <script>: number of rows in table is 1
/usr/sbin/kamailio[8249]: ERROR: <script>: Result has 3 Columns
/usr/sbin/kamailio[8249]: ERROR: <script>: Result has 1 rows
/usr/sbin/kamailio[8249]: ERROR: <script>: Contents of row 0 column 2 is Nick Deskphone

Now we can see the data in the result we’ll start to refine this down a bit, we’ll begin by limiting the SQL query to search for the called number.

For this we’ll update the sql_query(); function to:

sql_query("contacts_db", "select * from contacts where source = $tU;", "result_sql");

This will include the the To URI Username pseudo variable in our query, so will only return results if the number we dial has one or more matching “source” entries in the database.

If we dial 200 the query that’s actually run against the database will look like this:

select * from contacts where source = '200';

Now once we save and try again our traffic will look the same, except it’ll only return data if we dial 200, if we dial 201 the SQL server won’t have any matching results to return:

/usr/sbin/kamailio[9069]: ERROR: : New request from 2029
/usr/sbin/kamailio[9069]: ERROR: number of rows in table is 0
/usr/sbin/kamailio[9069]: ERROR: Result has 0 Columns

So that’s all well and good but we haven’t really got the data easily yet, while we’re outputting the contents of row 0 col 2 to syslog, it’s not going to handle multiple results being returned, or 0 results being returned, so we need a better way to handle this.

We’ll use a for loop to loop through all the results returned and output the second column of each (the “name” field in the database).

                #Loop through results
                #Create variable i to use as the counter
                $var(i) = 0;
                #While the contents of row i, position 2, is not null:
                while ($dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2]) != $null) {
                        #Output row i, position 2 (name)
                        xlog("name is $dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2])");
                        #increment i by 1
                        $var(i) = $var(i) + 1;

So while the contents of row i, position 2, is not null, we’ll output the contents and increment i to get the next row in the database until there are none left.

Now we can give our code a bit of a clean up:

request_route {
                xlog("New request from $tU");

                #Query database object called "contacts_db", run the below query and store the output to a variable called result_sql
                sql_query("contacts_db", "select * from contacts where source = $tU;", "result_sql");

                #Loop through results
                #Create variable i to use as the counter
                $var(i) = 0;
                #While the contents of row i, position 2, is not null:
                while ($dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2]) != $null) {
                        #Output row i, position 2 (name)
                        xlog("name $dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2])");
                        #increment i by 1
                        $var(i) = $var(i) + 1;

        if(method=="REGISTER"){ sl_reply('200', 'OK'); }

I’ve removed many of our xlog entries we put in for debugging and also added a handler to handle REGISTER requests to keep my IP phone happy.

Now if we make a call to number 200:

/usr/sbin/kamailio[9686]: ERROR: New request from 200
/usr/sbin/kamailio[9686]: ERROR: name Nick Deskphone

And for comparison a call to 201 (no matching database entry):

/usr/sbin/kamailio[9686]: ERROR: New request from 200

Using the Resulting Output

Now we’ve got access to the data from the database let’s do something with it.

Inside our loop we’ll send a reply to the SIP requester, with a 410 “Gone” response with the body containing the data returned from the database:

                        #Loop through results
                        #Create variable i to use as the counter
                        $var(i) = 0;
                        #While the contents of row i, position 2, is not null:
                        while ($dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2]) != $null) {
                                #Output row i, position 2 (name)
                                xlog("name $dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2])");
                                $var(name) = $dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2]);
                                #increment i by 1
                                $var(i) = $var(i) + 1;

                                #Reply with a 410 (User Gone) response with the name returned from the database
                                sl_reply("410", "Sorry $var(name) has gone home");

Now calls to 200 will get the message “Sorry Nick desk phone has gone home”.

Lastly we probably want to only loop through the output if there’s more than one row returned from the database, so we’ll put the looping code in an if statement that evaluates if the number of returned rows from the database is 1 or more, and if not just send a 404 response:

                #if one or more results are returned from the database

                        #Loop through results
                        #Create variable i to use as the counter
                        $var(i) = 0;
                        #While the contents of row i, position 2, is not null:
                        while ($dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2]) != $null) {
                                #Output row i, position 2 (name)
                                xlog("name $dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2])");
                                $var(name) = $dbr(result_sql=>[$var(i),2]);
                                #increment i by 1
                                $var(i) = $var(i) + 1;

                                #Reply with a 410 (User Gone) response with the name returned from the database
                                sl_reply("410", "Sorry $var(name) has gone home");
                        #if 0 results are returned from database
                        sl_reply("404", "Never heard of them");


Although we only covered SELECT, queries that don’t return data like an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE etc, can all be run the same way but we just don’t need to worry about managing the returned data.

For example we could delete a record using:

sql_query("contacts_db", "delete * from contacts where source = $tU;");

We don’t even need to store the output unless we need to.


Hopefully you’ve now got an idea how to query data from a database and view / manipulated the returned data.

As always I’ve posted my running source code for you to play with on GitHub, and I’ll do a few follow up posts on other database backends you may want to use other than MySQL.

Kamailio Bytes – Geoip2

GeoIP2 allows simple Geo IP location parsing using mmdb files, to allow us to map IP addresses to geographic locations in standardized format.

Getting the GeoIP Data

MaxMind provide GeoIP2 formatted data ready for use, albeit with limited accuracy.

We need to download them from MaxMind and extract them for use, so let’s download the file:

#> wget https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.tar.gz

Next we’ll extract the data:

#> tar -xzvf GeoLite2-City.tar.gz

Next we’ll add the below to our Kamailio config (replace the path to the GeoLite2-City.mmdb to your directory).

loadmodule "geoip2.so"
modparam("geoip2", "path", "/home/ubuntu/GeoLite2-City_20190709/GeoLite2-City.mmdb");

If you’re planning on using this in production you probably want to automate the pulling of this data on a regular basis and keep it in a different directory.

I’ve made a very simple example Kamailio config that shows off some of the features of GeoIP2’s logic and what can be shown, so let’s look at the basics of the module:

if(geoip2_match("$si", "src")){
                xlog("Packet received from IP $si");
                xlog("Country is: $gip2(src=>cc)\n");

If we put this at the top of our request_route block every time we recieve a new request we can see the country from which the packet came from.

Let’s take a look at the output of syslog (with my IP removed):

#> tail -f /var/log/syslog
ERROR: <script>: Packet received from IP 203.###.###.###
ERROR: <script>: Country is: AU
ERROR: <script>: City is:  Melbourne
ERROR: <script>: ZIP is:  3004
ERROR: <script>: Regc is:  VIC
ERROR: <script>: Regn is:  Victoria
ERROR: <script>: Metro Code is:  <null>

We can add a bunch more smarts to this and get back a bunch more variables, including city, ZIP code, Lat & Long (Approx), timezone, etc.

        if(geoip2_match("$si", "src")){
                xlog("Packet received from IP $si");
                xlog("Country is: $gip2(src=>cc)\n");
                xlog("City is:  $gip2(src=>city)");
                xlog("ZIP is:  $gip2(src=>zip)");
                xlog("Regc is:  $gip2(src=>regc)");
                xlog("Regn is:  $gip2(src=>regn)");
                xlog("Metro Code is:  $gip2(src=>metro)");

                        xlog("Traffic is from Australia");
                xlog("No GeoIP Match for  $si");
#> tail -f /var/log/syslog
ERROR: <script>: Packet received from IP ###.###.###.###
ERROR: <script>: Country is: AU
ERROR: <script>: City is:  Melbourne
ERROR: <script>: ZIP is:  3004
ERROR: <script>: Regc is:  VIC
ERROR: <script>: Regn is:  Victoria
ERROR: <script>: Metro Code is:  <null>

Using GeoIP2 you could use different rate limits for domestic users vs overseas users, guess the dialling rules based on the location of the caller and generate alerts if accounts are used outside their standard areas.

We’ll touch upon this again in our next post on RTPengine where we’ll use an RTPengine closes to the area in which the traffic originates.

Full example config on GitHub here.

NBNco Australia network map

Kamailio Bytes – Routing to geo local RTPengine Instances with Kamailio

I’m a big fan of RTPengine, and I’ve written a bit about it in the past.

Let’s say we’re building an Australia wide VoIP network. It’s a big country with a lot of nothing in the middle. We’ve got a POP in each of Australia’s capital cities, and two core softswitch clusters, one in Melbourne and one in Sydney.

These two cores will work fine, but a call from a customer in Perth, WA to another customer in Perth, WA would mean their RTP stream will need to go across your inter-caps to Sydney or Melbourne only to route back to Perth.

That’s 3,500Km each way, which is going to lead to higher latency, wasted bandwidth and decreased customer experience.

What if we could have an RTPengine instance in our Perth POP, handling RTP proxying for our Perth customers? Another in Brisbane, Canberra etc, all while keeping our complex expensive core signalling in just the two locations?

RTPengine to the rescue!

Preparing our RTPEngine Instances

In each of our POPs we’ll spin up a box with RTPengine,

We’d set it up in the way outlined in this post,

The only thing we’d do differently is set the listen-ng value to be and the interface to be the IP of the box.

By setting the listen-ng value to it’ll mean that RTPengine’s management port will be bound to any IP, so we can remotely manage it via it’s ng-control protocol, using the rtpengine Kamailio module.

Naturally you’d limit access to port 2223 only to allowed devices inside your network.

Adding Multiple RTP Engines to Kamailio Database

After adding database functionality to our Kamailio instance as we covered in this post, we’ll just need to add the follow lines to our config:

loadmodule "rtpengine.so"
modparam("rtpengine", "db_url", DBURL)
modparam("rtpengine", "table_name", "rtpengine")
modparam("rtpengine", "setid_avp", "$avp(setid)")

Next we’ll need to add the details of each of our RTP engine instances to MySQL, I’ve used a different setid for each of the RTPengines. I’ve chosen to use the first digit of the Zipcode for that state (WA’s Zipcodes / Postcodes are in the format 6xxx while NSW postcodes are look like 2xxx), we’ll use this later when we select which RTPengine instances to use.

I’ve also added localhost with setid of 0, we’ll use this as our fallback route if it’s not coming from Australia.

INSERT INTO `rtpengine` (`id`, `setid`, `url`, `weight`, `disabled`, `stamp`) VALUES (NULL, '6', 'udp:WA-POP.rtpengine.nickvsnetworking.com:2223', '1', '0', NOW());
INSERT INTO `rtpengine` (`id`, `setid`, `url`, `weight`, `disabled`, `stamp`) VALUES (NULL, '2', 'udp:NSW-POP.rtpengine.nickvsnetworking.com:2223', '1', '0', NOW());
INSERT INTO `rtpengine` (`id`, `setid`, `url`, `weight`, `disabled`, `stamp`) VALUES (NULL, '0', 'udp:localhost:2223', '1', '0', NOW());

We’ll restart Kamailio, and check the status of the RTPengines we added:

#> kamcmd rtpengine.show all
        url: udp:NSW-POP.rtpengine.nickvsnetworking.com:2223
        set: 2
        index: 1
        weight: 1
        disabled: 0
        recheck_ticks: 0
        url: udp:WA-POP.rtpengine.nickvsnetworking.com:2223
        set: 6
        index: 3
        weight: 1
        disabled: 0
        recheck_ticks: 0
        url: udp:localhost:2223
        set: 6
        index: 3
        weight: 1
        disabled: 0
        recheck_ticks: 0

Bingo, we’re connected to three RTPengine instances,

Next up we’ll use the Geoip2 module to determine the source of the traffic and route to the correct, I’ve touched upon the Geoip2 module’s basic usage in the past, so if you’re not already familiar with it, read up on it’s usage and we’ll build upon that.

We’ll load GeoIP2 and run some checks in the initial request_route{} block to select the correct RTPengine instance:

        if(geoip2_match("$si", "src")){
                        $var(zip) =  $gip2(src=>zip);
                        $avp(setid) = $(var(zip){s.substr,0,1});
                        xlog("rtpengine setID is $avp(setid)");
                        xlog("GeoIP not in Australia - Using default RTPengine instance");
                xlog("No GeoIP Match - Using default RTPengine instance");

In the above example if we have a match on source, and the Country code is Australia, the first digit of the ZIP / Postcode is extracted and assigned to the AVP “setid” so RTPengine knows which set ID to use.

In practice an INVITE from an IP in WA returns setID 6, and uses our RTPengine in WA, while one from NSW returns 2 and uses one in NSW. In production we’d need to setup rules for all the other states / territories, and generally have more than one RTPengine instance in each location (we can have multiple instances with the same setid).

Hopefully you’re starting to get an idea of the fun and relatively painless things you can achieve with RTPengine and Kamailio!

SIP Extensions – History Info

The History Info extension defined in RFC7044 sets a way for an INVITE to include where the session (call) has been before that.

For example a call may be made to a desk phone, which is forwarded (302) to a home phone. The History Info extension would add a History Info header to the INVITE to the home phone, denoting the call had come to it via the desk phone.

Here the home phone can see the call first tried [email protected], at the same time tried [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected], base don the index values.

More Info:



Kamailio Bytes – Siremis Installation

Siremis is a web interface for Kamailio, created by the team at Asipto, who contribute huge amounts to the Kamailio project.

Siremis won’t create your Kamailio configuration file for you, but allows you to easily drive the dynamic functions like dialplan, subscribers, dispatcher, permissions, etc, from a web interface.

Siremis essentially interfaces with the Kamailio database, kamcmd and kamctl to look after your running Kamailio instance.


I’ll be installing on Ubuntu 18.04, but for most major distributions the process will be the same. We’re using PHP7 and Apache2, which are pretty much universal available on other distros.

First we need to install all the packages we require:

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade

apt-get install kamailio* mysql-server apache2 php php-mysql php-gd php-curl php-xml libapache2-mod-php php-pear php-xmlrpc make

Enable apache2 rewrite & restart Apache

a2enmod rewrite
service apache2 reload

Next we’ll download Siremis from the Git repo, and put it into a folder, which I’ve named the same as my Kamailio version.

cd /var/www/html/
git clone https://github.com/asipto/siremis kamailio-5.1.2

Now we’ll move into the directory we’ve created (called kamailio-5.1.2) and build the apache2 config needed:

cd kamailio-5.1.2/
make apache24-conf

This then gives us a config except we can put into our Apache virtual host config file:

We can now copy and paste this into the end of an existing or new Apache virtual host file.

If this is a fresh install you can just pipe the output of this into the config file directly:

make apache24-conf >> /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
service apache2 restart

Now if you browse to http://yourserverip/siremis you should be redirected to http://yourserverip/siremis/install and have a few errors, that’s OK, it means our Apache config is working.

Next we’ll set the permissions, create the folders and .htaccess. The Siremis team have also created make files to take care of this too, so we can just run them to set everything up:

make prepare24
make chown

With that done we can try browsing to our server again ( http://yourserverip/siremis ) and you should hit the installation wizard:

Now we’ll need to setup our database, so we can read and write from it.

We’ll create new MySQL users for Kamailio and Seremis:


mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON siremis.* TO siremis@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'siremisrw';

mysql> CREATE USER 'kamailio'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'my5yhtY7zPJzV8vu';

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'kamailio'@'localhost';


Next up we’ll need to configure kamctlrc so it knows the database details, we covered this the Security in Practice tutorial.

We’ll edit /etc/kamalio/kamctlrc and add our database information:

Once that’s done we can create the database and tables using kamdbctl the database tool:

kamdbctl create

I’ve selected to install the optional tables for completeness.

Once this is done we can go back to the web page and complete the installation wizard:

We’ll need to fill the password for the Siremis DB we created and for the Kamailio DB, and ensure all the boxes are ticked.

Next, Next, Next your way through until you hit the login page, login with admin/admin and you’re away!


If you have issues during the installation you can re-run the installation web wizard by removing the install.lock file in /var/www/html/kamailio-5.1.2/siremis

You can also try dropping the Siremis database and getting the installer to create it again for you:

mysql> drop database siremis;

Kamailio Bytes – HTable

HTable is Kamailio’s implimentation of Hash Tables a database-like data structure that runs in memory and is very quick.

It’s uses only become apparent when you’ve become exposed to it.

Let’s take an example of protecting against multiple failed registration attempts.

We could create a SQL database called registration attempts, and each time one failed log the time and attempted username.

Then we could set it so before we respond to traffic we query the database, find out how many rows there are that match the username being attempted and if it’s more than a threshold we set we send back a rate limit response.

The problem is that’s fairly resource intensive, the SQL data is read and written from disks and is slow to do both.

Enter HTable, which achieves the same thing with an in-memory database, that’s lightning fast.

Basic Setup

We’ll need to load htable and create an htable called Table1 to store data in:

loadmodule "htable.so"
modparam("htable", "htable", "MessageCount=>size=12;initval=0")

Now we’ve initialised a new htable called MessageCount with a size of 12 bytes, and an initial value of 0.

Basic Usage

Now we can put some code in our request_route{} block to increment the MessageCount htable entry each time a new message is received.

request_route {
         $sht(MessageCount=>test) = $sht(MessageCount=>test) + 1;
         xlog("MessageCount is $sht(MessageCount=>test)");

$sht(MessageCount=>test) is the logical link to the Htable called MessageCount with a key named test. We’re making that equal itself + 1.

We’re then outputting the content of $sht(MessageCount=>test) to xlog too so we can see it’s value in Syslog.

Now each time a new dialog is started the MessageCount htable key “test” will be incremented.

We can confirm this in Syslog:

ERROR: : MessageCount is 1
ERROR: : MessageCount is 2

We can also check this in kamcmd too:

htable.dump MessageCount

Here we can see in MessageCount there is one key named “test” with a value of 6, and it’s an integer. (You can also store Strings in HTable).

So that’s all well and pointless, but let’s do make it a bit more useful, report on how many SIP transactions we get per IP. Instead of storing our values with the name key “test” we’ll name it based on the Source IP of the message, which lives in Psedovariable $si for Source IP Address.

request_route {
        $sht(MessageCount=>$si) = $sht(MessageCount=>$si) + 1;
        xlog("MessageCount is $sht(MessageCount=>$si)");

Now let’s dump the MessageCount again:

htable.dump MessageCount


Now we can see a count of how many transactions each IP has.

Doing Useful Things

One of the most obvious usage examples of HTable usage is rate limiting authentication attempts. So let’s do that.

We’ll need to create a new htable to contain our AuthCount table:

modparam("htable", "htable", "AuthCount=>size=12;initval=0;autoexpire=360")

I’m calling the boilerplate AUTH block, and I’ve added some logic to increment the AuthCount for each failed auth attempt, and reset it to $null if authentication is successful, thus resetting the counter for that IP Address.

if (is_method("REGISTER") || from_uri==myself) {
        # authenticate requests
        if (!auth_check("$fd", "subscriber", "1")) {
                auth_challenge("$fd", "0");
                $sht(AuthCount=>$si) = $sht(AuthCount=>$si) + 1;
        # user authenticated - remove auth header
                $sht(AuthCount=>$si) = $null;

Now we’ve done that we need to actually stop the traffic if it’s failed too many times. I’ve added the below check into REQINIT block, which I call at the start of processing:

if($sht(AuthCount=>$si) > 5){
        xlog("$si is back again, rate limiting them...");
        sl_send_reply("429", "Rate limiting");

Now if AuthCount is more than 5, it’ll respond with a Rate Limiting response.

Because in our modparam() setup for AuthCount we set an expiry, after 360 seconds (10 minutes), after 10 minutes all will be forgiven and our blocked UA can register again.

Advanced Usage / Notes

So now we’ve got Kamailio doing rate limiting, it’s probably worth mentioning the Pike module, which can also be used.

You’ll notice if you reboot Kamailio all the htable values are lost, that’s because the hashes are stored in memory, so aren’t persistent.

You have a few options for making this data persistent,

By using DMQ you can Sync data between Kamailio instances including htable values.

modparam("htable", "enable_dmq", 1)

You can also sync it to a database backend:

modparam("htable", "db_url", "mysql://kamailio:kamailiorw@localhost/kamailio")

kamcmd can view, modify & manipulate htable values.

As we’ve seen before we can dump the contents of an htable using:

kamcmd htable.dump MessageCount
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Kamailio-HTable-Dump.png

We can also add new entries & modify existing ones:

kamcmd htable.seti MessageCount ExampleAdd s:999

htable.seti is for setting integer values, we can also use htable.sets to set string values:

htable.sets MessageCount ExampleAdd Iamastring

We can also delete values from here too, which can be super useful for unblocking destinations manually:

htable.delete MessageCount ExampleAdd

As always code from this example is on GitHub. (Please don’t use it in production without modification, Authentication is only called on Register, and it’s just built upon the previous tutorials).

Kamailio documentation for HTable module.

Setup HOMER SIP captagent and HEP processor on Ubuntu 18.04

There are a number of ways to feed Homer data, in this case we’re going to use Kamailio, which has a HEP module, so when we feed Kamailio SIP data it’ll use the HEP module to encapsulate it and send it to the database for parsing on the WebUI.

We won’t actually do any SIP routing with Kamailio, we’ll just use it to parse copies of SIP messages sent to it, encapsulate them into HEP and send them to the DB.

We’ll be doing this on the same box that we’re running the HomerUI on, if we weren’t we’d need to adjust the database parameters in Kamailio so it pushes the data to the correct MySQL database.

apt-get install kamailio* kamailio-mysql-modules captagent

Next we’ll need to configure Kamailio to capture data from captagent, for this we’ll use the provided config.

cp homer-api/examples/sipcapture/sipcapture.kamailio /etc/kamailio/kamailio.cfg

/etc/init.d/kamailio restart

Next we’ll need to configure captagent to capture data and feed it to Kamailio. There’s two things we’ll need to change from the default, the first is the interface we capture on (By default it’s eth0, but Ubuntu uses eth33 as the first network interface ID) and the second is the HEP destination we send our data to (By default it’s on 9061 but our Kamailio instance is listening on 9060).

We’ll start by editing captagent’s socket_pcap.xml file to change the interface we capture on:

vi /etc/captagent/socket_pcap.xml 
HOMER Captagent Interface Setup
HOMER Captagent Interface Setup

Next we’ll edit the port that we send HEP data on

vi /etc/captagent/transport_hep.xml
Set HEP Port for Transport
Set HEP Port for Transport

And finally we’ll restart captagent


Now if we send SIP traffic to this box it’ll be fed into HOMER.

In most use cases you’d use a port mirror so you may need to define the network interface that’s the destination of the port mirror in socket_pcap.xml

Setup HOMER Web UI, API & DB on Ubuntu 18.04

HOMER is a popular open source SIP / RTP debug / recording tool.

It’s architecture is pretty straight forward, we have a series of Capture Agents feeding data into a central HOMER Capture Server, which runs a database (today we’re using MySQL), a Homer-UI (Running on Apache), a Homer-API (Also running on Apache) and a HEP processor, which takes the HEP encoded data from the Capture Agents and runs on Kamailio. (That’s right, I’m back rambling about Kamailio)

Homer data flow diagram

So this will get the web interface and DB backend of HOMER setup,

For HOMER to actually work you’ll need to feed it data, in the next tutorial we’ll cover configuring a capture agent to feed the HEP processor (Kamailio) which we’ll also setup, but for now we’ll just setup the web user interface for HOMER, API and Database.

Install Web Server Prerequisites

apt-get install apache2 php php-mysql mysql-server

git clone https://github.com/sipcapture/homer-api.git

git clone https://github.com/sipcapture/homer-ui.git

Configure Apache

cp homer-api/examples/web/homer5.apache /etc/apache2/sites-available/homer.conf

a2ensite homer
a2dissite 000-default

a2enmod rewrite

mkdir /var/log/httpd

systemctl reload apache2

Setup MySQL

mysql -u root < homer-api/sql/mysql/homer_databases.sql
mysql -u root < homer-api/sql/mysql/homer_user.sql
mysql -u root homer_data < homer-api/sql/mysql/schema_data.sql
mysql -u root homer_configuration < homer-api/sql/mysql/schema_configuration.sql
mysql -u root homer_statistic < homer-api/sql/mysql/schema_statistic.sql

Copy files to web server directory

mkdir /var/www/sipcapture
mkdir /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs
cp -r homer-ui/ /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/
cp -r homer-api/api /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/

Setup Rotation Script

mkdir /opt/sipcapture
cp homer-api/scripts/mysql/* /opt/sipcapture/
chmod +x /opt/sipcapture/*
apt-get install libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl
echo "30 3 * * * /opt/sipcapture/homer_mysql_rotate > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab

Copy default configuration files

cp /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/api/preferences_example.php /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/api/preferences.php
cp /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/api/configuration_example.php /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/api/configuration.php

Log in


Username: admin
Password: test123

Kamailio Bytes – SCTP

I’ve talked about how cool SCTP is in the past, so I thought I’d describe how easy it is to start using SCTP as the Transport protocol in Kamailio.

I’m working on a Debian based system, and I’ll need to install libsctp-dev to use the SCTP module.

apt-get install libsctp-dev

Next we’ll edit the Kamailio config to load module sctp in the loadmodules section:

loadmodule "sctp.so"

Now we’ll start listening on SCTP, so where your current listen= entries are we’ll add one:


I’ve loaded Dispatcher for this example, and we’ll add a new entry to Dispatcher so we can ping ourselves.

We’ll use kamctl to add a new dispatcher entry of our loopback IP ( but using SCTP as the transport.

kamctl dispatcher add 1 'sip:;transport=sctp' 0 0 '' 'Myself SCTP'

Now I’ll restart Kamailio and check kamcmd:

kamcmd dispatcher.list

All going well you’ll see the entry as up in Dispatcher:

And firing up tcpdump should show you that sweet SCTP traffic:

tcpdump -i lo -n sctp

Sadly by default TCPdump doesn’t show our SIP packets as they’re in SCTP, you can still view this in Wireshark though:

Here’s a copy of the packet capture I took:

I’ve put a copy of my basic config on GitHub.

Now get out there and put SCTP into the real world!

SIP Extensions – RFC4474

Caller-ID spoofing has been an issue in most countries since networks went digital.

SS7 doesn’t provide any caller ID validation facilities, with the assumption that everyone you have peered with you trust the calls from. So because of this it’s up to the originating switch to verify the caller ID selected by the caller is valid and permissible, something that’s not often implemented. Some SIP providers sell the ability to present any number as your CLI as a “feature”.

There’s heaps of news articles on the topic, but I thought it’d be worth talking about RFC4474 – Designed for cryptographically identifying users that originate SIP requests. While almost never used it’s a cool solution to a problem that didn’t take off.

It does this by adding a new header field, called Identity, for conveying a signature used for validating the identity of the caller, and Identity-Info for a reference to the certificate signing authority.

The calling proxy / UA creates a hash of it’s certificate, and inserts that into the SIP message in the Identity header.

The calling proxy / UA also inserts a “Identity-Info” header containing

The called party can then independently get the certificate, create it’s own hash of it, and if they match, then the identity of the caller has been verified.

Kamailio Bytes – Setting up rtpengine in Kamailio to relay RTP / Media

In an ideal world all media would go direct from one endpoint to another.

But it’s not an ideal world and relaying RTP / media streams is as much a necessary evil as transcoding and NAT in the real world.

The Setup

We’ll assume you’ve already got a rtpengine instance on your local machine running, if you don’t check out my previous post on installation & setup.

We’ll need to load the rtpengine module and set it’s parameters, luckily that’s two lines in our Kamailio file:

loadmodule "rtpengine.so"
modparam("rtpengine", "rtpengine_sock", "udp:localhost:2223")

Now we’ll restart Kamailio and use kamcmd to check the status of our rtpengine instance:

kamcmd rtpengine.show all

All going well you’ll see something like this showing your instance:

Putting it into Practice

If you’ve ever had experience with the other RTP proxies out there you’ll know you’ve had to offer, rewrite SDP and accept the streams in Kamailio.

Luckily rtpengine makes this a bit easier, we need to call rtpengine_manage(); when the initial INVITE is sent and when a response is received with SDP (Like a 200 OK).

So for calling on the INVITE I’ve done it in the route[relay] route which I’m using:

And for the reply I’ve simply put a conditional in the onreply_route[MANAGE_REPLY] for if it has SDP:

onreply_route[MANAGE_REPLY] {
        xdbg("incoming reply\n");
        if(status=~"[12][0-9][0-9]") {


And that’s it, now our calls will get RTP relayed through our Kamailio box.

Advanced Usage

There’s a bunch of more cool features you can use rtpengine for than just relay, for example:

  • IPv4 <-> IPv6 translation for Media
  • ICE Bridging
  • SRTP / Encrypted RTP to clear RTP bridging
  • Transcoding
  • Repacketization
  • Media Playback
  • Call Recording

I’ll cover some of these in future posts.

Here’s a copy of my running config on GitHub.

For more in-depth info on the workings of RTP check out my post RTP – More than you wanted to Know

SIP Route, Contact, From Headers – Which to use?

SIP Proxies are simple in theory but start to get a bit more complex when implemented.

When a proxy has a response to send back to an endpoint, it can have multiple headers with routing information for how to get that response back to the endpoint that requested it.

So how to know which header to use on a new request?

Routing SIP Requests


If Route header is present (Like Record-Route) the proxy should use the contents of the Record-Route header to route the traffic back.

The Record-Route header is generally not the endpoint itself but another proxy, but that’s not an issue as the next proxy will know how to get to the endpoint, or use this same logic to know how to get it to the next proxy.


If no Route headers are present, the contact header is used.

The contact provides an address at which a endpoint can be contacted directly, this is used when no Record-Route header present.


If there is no Contact or Route headers the proxy should use the From address.

A note about Via

Via headers are only used in getting responses back to a client, and each hop removes it’s own IP on the response before forwarding it onto the next proxy.

This means the client doesn’t know all the Via headers that were on this SIP request, because by the time it gets back to the client they’ve all been removed one by one as it passed through each proxy.

A client can’t send a SIP request using Via’s as it hasn’t been through the proxies for their details to be added, so Via is only used in responding to a request, for example responding with a 404 to an INVITE, but cannot be used on a request itself (For example an INVITE).

SNgrep – Command line SIP Debugging

If you, like me, spend a lot of time looking at SIP logs, sngrep is an awesome tool for debugging on remote machines. It’s kind of like if VoIP Monitor was ported back to the days of mainframes & minimal remote terminal GUIs.


It’s in the Repos for Debian and Ubuntu:

apt-get install sngrep

GUI Usage

sngrep can be used to parse packet captures and create packet captures by capturing off an interface, and view them at the same time.

We’ll start by just calling sngrep on a box with some SIP traffic, and waiting to see the dialogs appear.

Here we can see some dialogs, two REGISTERs and 4 INVITEs.

By using the up and down arrow keys we can select a dialog, hitting Enter (Return) will allow us to view that dialog in more detail:

Again we can use the up and down arrow keys to view each of the responses / messages in the dialog.

Hitting Enter again will show you that message in full screen, and hitting Escape will bring you back to the first screen.

From the home screen you can filter with F7, to find the dialog you’re interested in.

Command Line Parameters

One of the best features about sngrep is that you can capture and view at the same time.

As a long time user of TCPdump, I’d been faced with two options, capture the packets, download them, view them and look for what I’m after, or view it live with a pile of chained grep statements and hope to see what I want.

By adding -O filename.pcap to sngrep you can capture to a packet capture and view at the same time.

You can use expression matching to match only specific dialogs.

Kamailio Bytes – Permissions Module

Kamailio’s permissions module is simple to use, and we’ve already touched upon it in the security section in our Kamailio 101 series, but I thought I’d go over some of it’s features in more detail.

At it’s core, Kamailio’s Permissions module is a series of Access Control Lists (ACLs) that can be applied to different sections of your config.

We can manage permissions to do with call routing, for example, is that source allowed to route to that destination.

We can manage registration permissions, for example, is this subnet allowed to register this username.

We can manage URI permissions & address permissions to check if a specific SIP URI or source address is allowed to do something.

We’ll touch on a simple IP Address based ACL setup in this post, but you can find more information in the module documentation itself.

The Setup

We’ll be using a database backend for this (MySQL), setup the usual way.

We’ll need to load the permissions module and setup it’s basic parameters, for more info on setting up the database side of things have a look here.

loadmodule "permissions.so"
modparam("permissions", "db_url", DBURL)
modparam("permissions", "db_mode", 1)

Next we’ll need to add some IPs, we could use Serimis for this, or a straight MySQL INSERT, but we’ll use kamctl to add them. (kamcmd can reload addresses but doesn’t currently have the functionality to add them)

kamctl address add 250 32 5060 TestServer
kamctl address add 200 24 5060 OfficeSubnet

The above example we added a two new address entries,

The first one added a new entry in group 250 of “”, with a /32 subnet mask (Single IP), on port 5060 with the label “TestServer”,

The second one we added to group 200 was a subnet of with a /24 subnet mask (255 IPs), on port 5060 with the label “OfficeSubnet”

On startup, or when we manually reload the addressTable, Kamailio grabs all the records and stores them in RAM. This makes lookup super fast, but the tradeoff is you have to load the entries, so changes aren’t immediate.

Let’s use Kamcmd to reload the entries and check their status.

kamcmd permissions.addressReload

kamcmd permissions.addressDump

kamcmd permissions.subnetDump

You should see the single IP in the output of the permissions.addressDump and see the subnet on the subnetDump:


It’s usage is pretty simple, combined with a simple nested if statement.

if (allow_source_address("200")) {
	xlog("Coming from address group 200");
if (allow_source_address("250")) {
	xlog("Coming from address group 250");

The above example just outputs to xlog with the address group, but we can expand upon this to give us our ACL service.

if (allow_source_address("200")) {
	xlog("Coming from address group 200");
}else if (allow_source_address("250")) {
	xlog("Coming from address group 250");
        sl_reply("401", "Address not authorised");

If we put this at the top of our Kamailio config we’ll reply with a 401 response to any traffic not in address group 200 or 250.

Stateless, Stateful, Dialog Stateful and Transaction Stateful SIP Proxies

If you’ve ever phoned a big company like a government agency or an ISP to get something resolved, and been transferred between person to person, having to start again explaining the problem to each of them, then you know how frustrating this can be.

If they stored information about your call that they could bring up later during the call, it’d make your call better.

If the big company, started keeping a record of the call that could be referenced as the call progresses, they’d be storing state for that call.

Let’s build on this a bit more,

You phone Big Company again, the receptionist answers and says “Thank you for calling Big Company, how many I direct your call?”, and you ask to speak to John Smith.

The receptionist puts you through to John Smith, who’s not at his desk and has setup a forward on his phone to send all his calls to reception, so you ring back at reception.

A stateful receptionist would say “Hello again, it seems John Smith isn’t at his desk, would you like me to take a message?”.

A stateless receptionist would say “Thank you for calling Big Company, how many I direct your call?”, and you’d start all over again.

Our stateful receptionist remembered something about our call, they remembered they’d spoken to you, remembered who you were, that you were trying to get to John Smith.

While our stateless receptionist remembered nothing and treated this like a new call.

In SIP, state is simply remembering something about that particular session (series of SIP messages).

SIP State just means bits of information related to the session.

Stateless SIP Proxy

A Stateless SIP proxy doesn’t remember anything about the messages (sessions), no state information is kept. As soon as the proxy forwards the message, it forgets all about it, like our receptionist who just forwards the call and doesn’t remember anything.

Going back to our Big Company example, as you can imagine, this is much more scaleable, you can have a pool of stateless receptionists, none of whom know who you are if you speak to them again, but they’re a lot more efficient because they don’t need to remember any state information, and they can quickly do their thing without looking stuff up or memorising it.

The same is true of a Stateless SIP proxy.

Stateless proxies are commonly used for load balancing, where you want to just forward the traffic to another destination (maybe using the Dispatcher module) and don’t need to remember anything about that session.

It sounds obvious, but because a Stateless SIP proxy it stateless it doesn’t store state, but that also means it doesn’t need to lookup state information or write it back, making it much faster and generally able to handle larger call loads than a stateful equivalent.

Dialog Stateful SIP Proxy

A dialog stateful proxy keeps state information for the duration of that session (dialog).

By dialog we mean for the entire duration on the call/session (called a dialog) from beginning to end, INVITE to BYE.

While this takes more resources, it means we can do some more advanced functions.

For example if we want to charge based on the length of a call/session, we’d need to store state information, like the Call-ID, the start and end time of the call. We can only do this with a stateful proxy, as a stateless proxy wouldn’t know what time the call started.

Also if we wanted to know if a user was on a call or not, a Dialog Stateful proxy knows there’s been a 200 OK, but no Bye yet, so knows if a user is on a call or not, this is useful for presence. We could tie this in with a NOTIFY so other users could know their status.

A Dialog Stateful Proxy is the most resource intensive, as it needs to store state for the duration of the session.

Transaction Stateful SIP Proxy

A transactional proxy keeps state until a final response is received, and then forgets the state information after the final response.

A Transaction Stateful proxy stores state from the initial INVITE until a 200 OK is received. As soon as the session is setup it forgets everything. This means we won’t have any state information when the BYE is eventually received.

While this means we won’t be able to do the same features as the Dialog Stateful Proxy, but you’ll find that most of the time you can get away with just using Transaction Stateful proxies, which are less resource intensive.

For example if we want to send a call to multiple carriers and wait for a successful response before connecting it to the UA, a Transactional proxy would do the trick, with no need to go down the Dialog Stateful path, as we only need to keep state until a session is successfully setup.

For the most part, SIP is focused on setting up sessions, and so is a Transaction Stateful Proxy.

Typical Use Cases

StatelesssDialog StatefulTransaction Stateful
Load balancer,
Redirection server,
Manipulate headers,
Call charging,
CDR generation,
User status (Knows if on call)
All features of transaction stateful
Dispatch to destinations until successful
Call forward on Busy / No Answer
SIP Registrar
Call forking

Kamailio Bytes – Dialplan Module

Kamalio’s dialplan is a bit of a misleading title, as it can do so much more than just act as a dialplan.

At it’s core, it runs transformations. You feed it a value, if the value matches the regex Kamailio has it can either apply a transformation to that value or return a different value.

Adding to Config

For now we’ll just load the dialplan module and point it at our DBURL variable:

loadmodule "dialplan.so"
modparam("dialplan", "db_url", DBURL);                 #Dialplan database from DBURL variable

Restart Kamailio and we can get started.


Let’s say we want to take StringA and translate it in the dialplan module to StringB, so we’d add an entry to the database in the dialplan table, to take StringA and replace it with StringB.

We’ll go through the contents of the database in more detail later in the post

Now we’ll fire up Kamailio, open kamcmd and reload the dialplan, and dump out the entries in Dialplan ID 1:

dialplan.dump 1

You should see the output of what we just put into the database reflected in kamcmd:

Now we can test our dialplan translations, using Kamcmd again.

dialplan.translate 1 StringA

All going well Kamailio will match StringA and return StringB:

So we can see when we feed in String A, to dialplan ID 1, we get String B returned.

Database Structure

There’s a few fields in the database we populated, let’s talk about what each one does.


dpid = Dialplan ID. This means we can have multiple dialplans, each with a unique dialplan ID. When testing we’ll always need to specific the dialplan ID we’re using to make sure we’re testing with the right rules.


Priorities in the dialplan allow us to have different weighted priorities. For example we might want a match all wildcard entry, but more specific entries with lower values. We don’t want to match our wildcard failover entry if there’s a more specific match, so we use priorities to run through the list, first we try and match the group with the lowest number, then the next lowest and so on, until a match is found.


match_op = Match Operation. There are 3 options:

  • 0 – string comparison;
  • 1 – regular expression matching (pcre);
  • 2 – fnmatch (shell-like pattern) matching

In our first example we had match_op set to 0, so we exactly matched “StringA”. The real power comes from Regex Matching, which we’ll cover soon.


match_exp = Match expression. When match_op is set to 0 this matches exactly the string in match_exp, when match_op is set to 1 this will contain a regular expression to match.


match_len = Match Length. Allows you to match a specific length of string.


subst_exp = Substitute Expression. If match_op is set to 0 this will contain be empty If match_op is 1 this will contain the same as match_exp.


repl_exp = replacement expression. If match_op is set to 0 this will contain the string to replace the matched string.

If match_op is set to 1 this can contain the regex group matching (\1, \2, etc) and any suffixes / prefixes (for example 61\1 will prefix 61 and add the contents of matched group 1).


Attributes. Often used as a descriptive name for the matched rule.

Getting Regex Rules Setup

The real power of the dialplan comes from Regular Expression matching. Let’s look at some use cases and how to solve them with Dialplans.

Note for MySQL users: MySQL treats \ as the escape character, but we need it for things like matching a digit in Regex (that’s \d ) – So keep in mind when inserting this into MySQL you may need to escale the escape, so to enter \d into the match_exp field in MySQL you’d enter \\d – This has caught me in the past!

The hyperlinks below take you to the examples in Regex101.com so you can preview the rules and make sure it’s matching what it should prior to putting it into the database.

Speed Dial

Let’s start with a simple example of a speed dial. When a user dials 101 we want to translate it to a PSTN number of 0212341234.

Without Regex this looks very similar to our first example, we’ve just changed the dialplan id (dpid) and the match_op and repl_exp.

Once we’ve added it to the database we’ll reload the dialplan module and dump dialplan 2 to check it all looks correct:

Now let’s test what happens if we do a dialplan translate on dialplan 2 with 101.

Tip: If you’re testing a dialplan and what you’re matching is a number, add s: before it so it matches as a number, not a string.

dialplan.translate 2 s:101

Here we can see we’ve matched 101 and the output is the PSTN number we wanted to translate too.

Interoffice Dial

Let’s take a slightly more complex example. We’ve got an office with two branches, office A’s phone numbers start with 0299991000, and they have 4 digit extensions, so extension 1002 maps to 0299991002, 0299991003 maps to extension 1003, etc.

From Office B we want to be able to just dial the 4 digit extensions of a user in Office A.

This means if we receive 1003 we need to prefix
029999 + 10003.

We’ll use Regular Expressions to achieve this.

We can use a simple Regular Expression to match any number starting with 1 with 3 digits after it.

But the problem here is we want to collect the output into a Regex Group, and then prefix 029999 and the output of that group.

So let’s match it using a group.


So let’s put this into the database and prefix everything in matching group 1 with 029999.

We’ll use dialplan ID 3 to separate it from the others, and we’ll set match_op to 1 to use Regex.

As you can see in repl_exp we’ve got our prefix and then \1.

\1 just means the contents of regex matching group 1.

After running dialplan reload let’s try this one out:

dialplan.translate 3 s:1003

We tested with 1003, but we could use 1000 through to 1999 and all would match.

But if we’ve only got a 100 number range (0299991000 to
0299991099) we’ll only want to match the first 100 numbers, so let’s tweak our regex to only allow the first two digits to be wildcards.


Now let’s update the database:

Then another reload and translate, and we can test again.

dialplan.translate 3 s:1003 (Translates to 0299991003)
dialplan.translate 3 s:1101 (no translation)

Interoffice Dial Failure Route (Priorities)

So let’s say we’ve got lots of branches configured like this, and we don’t want to just get “No Translation” if a match isn’t found, but rather send it to a specific destination, say reception on extension 9000.

So we’ll keep using dpid 3 and we’ll set all our interoffice dial rules to have priority 1, and we’ll create a new entry to match anything 4 digits long and route it to the switch.

This entry will have a higher priority value than the other so will only mach if nothing else with a lower priority number matches.

We’ll use this simple regex to match anything 4 digits long into group 1.


Now let’s run through some test again.

dialplan.translate 3 s:1003 (Translates to 0299991003)
dialplan.translate 3 s:1101 (Translates to 9000 (Attributes: Interoffice Dial - Backup to Reception)

Translate 0NSN to E.164 format numbers

Let’s say we’ve got a local 10 digit number. In 0NSN format it looks like 0399999999 but we want it in E.164 so it looks like 613999999999.

Let’s use Kamailio to translate this from 0NSN to E.164.

The first thing we’ll need to do is create a regular expression to match

We’ll match anything starting with 03, with 9 digits after the 0 matched in Group 2.


Now we’ve got Group 2 containing the data we need, we just need to prefix 613 in front of it.

Let’s go ahead an put this into the database, with dialplan ID set to 4, match_op set to 1 (for regex)

Then we’ll do a dialplan reload and a dialplan dump for dialplan ID 4 to check everything is there:

Now let’s put it to the test.

dialplan.translate 4 s:0399999999

Bingo, we’ve matched the regex, and returned 613 and the output of Regex Match group 2. (999999999)

Let’s expand upon this a bit, a valid 0NSN number could also be a mobile (0400000000) or a local number in a different area code (0299999999, 0799999999 or 0899999999).

We could create a dialplan entry for each, our we could expand upon our regex to match all these scenarios.

So let’s update our regex to match anything starting with 0 followed by either a 2, 3, 4, 7 or 8, and then 8 digits after that. 


Now let’s update the database so that once we’re matched we’ll just prefix 61 and the output of regex group 2.

Again we’ll do a dialplan reload and a dialplan dump to check everything.

Now let’s run through our examples to check they correctly translate:

And there you go, we’re matched and the 0NSN formatted number was translated to E.164.

Adding to Kamailio Routing

So far we’ve just used kamcmd’s dialplan.translate function to test our dialplan rules, now let’s actually put them into play.

For this we’ll use the function

dp_translate(id, [src[/dest]])

dp_translate is dialplan translate. We’ll feed it the dialplan id (id) and a source variable and destination variable. The source variable is the equivalent of what we put into our kamcmd dialplan.translate, and the destination is the output.

In this example we’ll rewrite the Request URI which is in variable $rU, we’ll take the output of $rU, feed it through dialplan translate and save the output as $rU (overwrite it).

Let’s start with the Speed Dial example we setup earlier, and put that into play.

                xlog("rU before dialplan translation is $rU");
                dp_translate("2", "$rU/$rU");
                xlog("rU after dialplan translation is $rU");

The above example will output our $rU variable before and after the translation, and we’re using Dialplan ID 2, which we used for our speed dial example.

So let’s send an INVITE from our Softphone to our Kamailio instance with to 101, which will be translated to 0212341234.

Before we do we can check it with Kamcmd to see what output we expect:

dialplan.translate 2 s:101

Let’s take a look at the out put of Syslog when we call 101.

But our INVITE doesn’t actually go anywhere, so we’ll add it to our dispatcher example from the other day so you can see it in action, we’ll relay the INVITE to an active Media Gateway, but the $rU will change.

                xlog("rU before dialplan translation is $rU");
                dp_translate("2", "$rU/$rU");
                xlog("rU after dialplan translation is $rU");
                ds_select_dst(1, 12);

Let’s take a look at how the packet captures now look:

UA > Kamailio: INVITE sip:101@kamailio SIP/2.0
Kamailio > UA: SIP/2.0 100 trying -- your call is important to us
Kamailio > MG1: INVITE sip:0212341234@MG1 SIP/2.0

So as you can see we translated 101 to 0212341234 based on the info in dialplan id 2 in the database.

That’s all well and good if we dial 101, but what if we dial 102, there’s no entry in the database for 102, as we see if we try it in Kamcmd:

dialplan.translate 2 s102

And if we make a call to 102 and check syslog:

rU before dialplan translation is 102
rU after dialplan translation is 102

Let’s setup some logic so we’ll respond with a 404 “Not found in Dialplan” response if the dialplan lookup doesn’t return a result:

if(dp_translate("2", "$rU/$rU")){
  xlog("Successfully translated rU to $rU using dialplan ID 2");
  xlog("Failed to translate rU using dialplan ID 2");
  sl_reply("404", "Not found in dialplan");

By putting dp_translate inside an if we’re saying “if dp_translate is successful then do {} and the else will be called if dp_translate wasn’t successful.

Let’s take a look at a call to 101 again.

UA > Kamailio: INVITE sip:101@kamailio SIP/2.0
Kamailio > UA: SIP/2.0 100 trying -- your call is important to us
Kamailio > MG1: INVITE sip:0212341234@MG1 SIP/2.0

Still works, and a call to 102 (which we don’t have an entry for in the dialplan).

UA > Kamailio: INVITE sip:102@kamailio SIP/2.0
Kamailio > UA: SIP/2.0 404 Not found in dialplan

Hopefully by now you’ve got a feel for the dialplan module, how to set it up, debug it, and use it.

As always I’ve put my working code on GitHub.

SIP Extensions – 100rel SIP (RFC3262)

When a final response, like a 200 OK, or a 404, etc, is sent, the receiving party acknowledges that it received this with an ACK.

By provisional responses, such as 180 RINGING, are not acknowledged, this means we have no way of knowing for sure if our UAC received the provisional response.

The issues start to arise when using SIP on Media Gateways or inter-operating with SS7 / ISUP / PSTN, all of which have have guaranteed delivery of a RINGING response, but SIP doesn’t. (Folks from the TDM world will remember ALERTING messages)

The IETF saw there was in some cases, a need to confirm these provisional responses were received, and so should have an ACK.

They created the Reliability of Provisional Responses in the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) under RFC3262 to address this.

This introduced the Provisional Acknowledgement (PRACK) and added the 100rel extension to Supported / Requires headers where implemented.

This means when 100rel extension is not used a media gateway that generates a 180 RINGING or a 183 SESSION PROGRESS response, sends it down the chain of proxies to our endpoint, but could be lost anywhere along the chain and the media gateway would never know.

When the 100rel extension is used, our media gateway generates a 18x response, and forwards it down the chain of proxies to our endpoint, and our 18x response now also includes a RSeq which is a reliable sequence number.

The endpoint receives this 18x response and sends back a Provisional Acknowledgement or PRACK, with a Rack header (Reliable Acknowledgement) header with the same value as the RSeq of the received 18x response.

The media gateway then sends back a 200 OK for the PRACK.

In the above example we see a SIP call to a media gateway,

The INVITE is sent from the caller to the Media Gateway via the Proxy. The caller has included value “100rel” in the Supported: header, showing support for RFC3262.

The Media gateway looks at the destination and knows it needs to translate this SIP message to a different a different protocol. Our media gateway is translating our SIP INVITE message into it’s Sigtran equivalent (IAM), and forward it on, which it does, sending an IAM (Initial Address Message) via Sigtran.

When the media gateways gets confirmation the remote destination is ringing via Sigtran (ACM ISUP message), it translates that to it’s SIP equivalent message which is, 180 RINGING.

The Media Gateway set a reliable sequence number on this provisional response, contained in the RSeq header.

This response is carried through the proxy back to the caller, who signals back to the media gateway it got the 180 RINGING message by sending a PRACK (Provisional ACK) with the same RSeq number.

The call is eventually answered and goes on.

Kamailio Bytes – Dispatcher Module

The Dispatcher module is used to offer load balancing functionality and intelligent dispatching of SIP messages.

Let’s say you’ve added a second Media Gateway to your network, and you want to send 75% of traffic to the new gateway and 25% to the old gateway, you’d use the load balancing functionality of the Dispatcher module.

Let’s say if the new Media Gateway goes down you want to send 100% of traffic to the original Media Gateway, you’d use the intelligent dispatching to detect status of the Media Gateway and manage failures.

These are all problems the Dispatcher Module is here to help with.

Before we get started….

Your Kamailio instance will need:

  • Installed and running Kamailio instance
  • Database configured and tables created (We’ll be using MySQL but any backed is fine)
  • kamcmd & kamctl working (kamctlrc configured)
  • Basic Kamailio understanding

The Story

So we’ve got 4 players in this story:

  • Our User Agent (UA) (Softphone on my PC)
  • Our Kamailio instance
  • Media Gateway 1 (mg1)
  • Media Gateway 2 (mg2)

Our UA will make a call to Kamailio. (Send an INVITE)

Kamailio will keep track of the up/down status of each of the media gateways, and based on rules we define pick one of the Media Gateways to forward the INVITE too.

The Media Gateways will playback “Media Gateway 1” or “Media Gateway 2” depending on which one we end up talking too.



You’ll need to load the dispatcher module, by adding the below line with the rest of your loadmodules:

loadmodule "dispatcher.so"

Next we’ll need to set the module specific config using modparam for dispatcher:

modparam("dispatcher", "db_url", DBURL)                 #Use DBURL variable for database parameters
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 10)          #How often to ping destinations to check status
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_method", "OPTIONS")     #Send SIP Options ping
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_threshold", 10)      #How many failed pings in a row do we need before we consider it down
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_inactive_threshold", 10)     #How many sucessful pings in a row do we need before considering it up
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_latency_stats", 1)      #Enables stats on latency
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1)            #Keeps pinging gateways when state is known (to detect change in state)

Most of these are pretty self explanatory but you’ll probably need to tweak these to match your environment.

Destination Setup

Like the permissions module, dispatcher module has groups of destinations.

For this example we’ll be using dispatch group 1, which will be a group containing our Media Gateways, and the SIP URIs are sip:mg1:5060 and sip:mg2:5060

From the shell we’ll use kamctl to add a new dispatcher entry.

kamctl dispatcher add 1 sip:mg1:5060 0 0 '' 'Media Gateway 1'
kamctl dispatcher add 1 sip:mg2:5060 0 0 '' 'Media Gateway 2'

Alternately you could do this in the database itself:

INSERT INTO `dispatcher` (`id`, `setid`, `destination`, `flags`, `priority`, `attrs`, `description`) VALUES (NULL, '1', 'sip:mg3:5060', '0', '0', '', 'Media Gateway 3'); 

Or you could use Siremis GUI to add the entries.

You can use kamctl to show you the database entries:

kamctl dispatcher show

A restart to Kamailio will make our changes live.

Destination Status / Control

Checking Status

Next up we’ll check if our gateways are online, we’ll use kamcmd to show the current status of the destinations:

kamcmd dispatcher.list

Here we can see our two media gateways, quick response times to each, and everything looks good.

Take a note of the FLAGS field, it’s currently set to AP which is good, but there’s a few states:

  • AP – Active Probing – Destination is responding to pings & is up
  • IP – Inactive Probing – Destination is not responding to pings and is probably unreachable
  • DX – Destination is disabled (administratively down)
  • AX – Looks like is up or is coming up, but has yet to satisfy minimum thresholds to be considered up (ds_inactive_threshold)
  • TX – Looks like or is, down. Has stopped responding to pings but has not yet satisfied down state failed ping count (ds_probing_threshold)

Adding Additional Destinations without Restarting

If we add an extra destination now, we can add it without having to restart Kamailio, by using kamcmd:

kamcmd dispatcher.reload

There’s some sanity checks built into this, if the OS can’t resolve a domain name in dispatcher you’ll get back an error:

Administratively Disable Destinations

You may want to do some work on one of the Media Gateways and want to nicely take it offline, for this we use kamcmd again:

kamcmd dispatcher.set_state dx 1 sip:mg1:5060

Now if we check status we see MG1’s status is DX:

Once we’re done with the maintenance we could force it into the up state by replacing dx with ap.

It’s worth noting that if you restart Kamailio, or reload dispatcher, the state of each destination is reset, and starts again from AX and progresses to AP (Up) or IP (Down) based on if the destination is responding.

Routing using Dispatcher

The magic really comes down to single simple line, ds_select_dst();

The command sets the destination address to an address from the pool of up addresses in dispatcher.

You’d generally give ds_select_dst(); two parameters, the first is the destination set, in our case this is 1, because all our Media Gateway destinations are in set ID 1. The next parameter is is the algorithm used to work out which destination from the pool to use for this request.

Some common entries would be random, round robin, weight based or priority value.

In our example we’ll use a random selection between up destinations in group 1:

   ds_select_dst(1, 4);    #Get a random up destination from dispatcher
   route(RELAY);           #Route it

Now let’s try and make a call:

UA > Kamailio: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@Kamailio SIP/2.0

Kamailio > UA: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 trying -- your call is important to us

Kamailio > MG1: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@MG1 SIP/2.0

MG1 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying

Kamailio > UA : SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying

MG1 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 200 OK

Kamailio > UA : SIP: SIP/2.0 200 OK

And bingo, we’re connected to a Media Gateway 1.
If I try it again I’ll get MG2, then MG1, then MG2, as we’re using round robin selection.

Destination Selection Algorithm

We talked a little about the different destination select algorithm, let’s dig a little deeper into the common ones, this is taken from the Dispatcher documentation:

  • “0” – hash over callid
  • “4” – round-robin (next destination).
  • “6” – random destination (using rand()).
  • “8” – select destination sorted by priority attribute value (serial forking ordered by priority).
  • “9” – use weight based load distribution.
  • “10” – use call load distribution. 
  • “12” – dispatch to all destination in setid at once

For select destination sorted by priority (8) to work you need to include a priority, you can do this when adding the dispatcher entry or after the fact by editing the data. In the below example if MG1 is up, calls will always go to MG1, if MG1 is down it’ll go to the next highest priority (MG2).

The higher the priority the more calls it will get

For use weight based load distribution (9) to work, you’ll need to set a weight as well, this is similar to priority but allows you to split load, for example you could put weight=25 on a less powerful or slower destination, and weight=75 for a faster or more powerful destination, so the better destination gets 75% of traffic and the other gets 25%. (You don’t have to do these to add to 100%, I just find it easier to think of them as percentages).

use call load distribution (10) allows you to evenly split the number of calls to each destination. This could be useful if you’ve got say 2 SIP trunks with x channels on each trunk, but only x concurrent calls allowed on each. Like adding a weight you need to set a duid= value with the total number of calls each destination can handle.

dispatch to all destination in setid at once (12) allows you to perform parallel branching of your call to all the destinations in the address group and whichever one answers first will handle the call. This adds a lot of overhead, as for each destination you have in that set will need a new dialog to be managed, but it sure is quick for the user. The other major issue is let’s say I have three carriers configured in dispatcher, and I call a landline.

That landline will receive three calls, which will ring at the same time until the called party answers one of the calls. When they do the other two calls will stop ringing. This can get really messy.

Managing Failure

Let’s say we try and send a call to one of our Media Gateways and it fails, we could forward that failure response to the UA, or, better yet, we could try on another Media Gateway.

Let’s set a priority of 10 to MG1 and a priority of 5 to MG2, and then set MG1 to reject the call.

We’ll also need to add a failure route, so let’s tweak our code:

                ds_select_dst(1, 12);

And the failure route:

        xlog("Trying next destination");


ds_next_dst() gets the next available destination from dispatcher. Let’s see how this looks in practice:

UA > Kamailio: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@Kamailio SIP/2.0

Kamailio > UA: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 trying -- your call is important to us

Kamailio > MG1: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@MG1 SIP/2.0

MG1 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying

MG1 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found

Kamailio > MG1 : SIP: SIP/2.0 ACK

Kamailio > MG2: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@MG2 SIP/2.0

MG2 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying

MG2 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 200 OK

Kamailio > UA : SIP: SIP/2.0 200 OK

Here’s a copy of my entire code as a reference.