Tag Archives: OCS

Basic CAMEL Charging Flow

CAMEL handles charging in 2G and 3G networks, much like Diameter handles charging in LTE.

CAMEL runs on top of SS7, specifically it sits on top of TCAP, which sits on top of SCCP, which can ride on M3UA or MTP3 (so it sits at the same layer as MAP).

CAMEL is primarily focused on charging for Voice & SMS services, as data generally uses Diameter, so it’s voice and SMS we’ll focus on.

CAMEL is spoken between the MSC (gsmSSF) and the OCS (gsmSCF).

Basic Call State Model

CAMEL is closely related to the Intelligent Network stuff on the 1980s, and steals a lot of it’s ideas from there, unfortunately if you’re to read the CAMEL standard it also implies you were involved in IN stuff and had been born at that point, alas I was neither.

So the key to understanding CAMEL is the Basic Call State Model (BCSM) which is a model of all the different states a call can be in, such as ringing, answered, abandoned, call failed, etc, etc.

Over CAMEL, our OCS can be told by the MSC when a certain event happens; the MSC can tell the OCS, that the call has changed state. For example a BCSM event might indicate the call has hung up, is ringing, cancelled, etc.

Below is the list of all the valid BCSM states:

List of BCSM states for events

Basic MO Call with CAMEL

Our subscriber makes an outbound call.

Based on the data the MSC has in it from the HLR, it knows that we should use CAMEL for this call, and it has the SCCP Address of the OCS (gsmSCF) it needs to send the CAMEL messages to.

So the MSC sends an InitialDP message to the OCS (via it’s Global Title Address) to Authorize the call that the user is trying to make.

This is like any other Authorization step for an OCS, which allows the OCS to authorize the call by checking the subscriber is valid, check if they’re allowed to call that destination and they’ve got the balance to do so, etc.

initialDP message from an MSC to an OCS

The initialDP (Initial Detection Point) is telling our OCS all about the call event that’s being requested, who’s calling, what number they’ve dialed, where they are in the network (of note especially if they’re roaming), etc, etc.

The OCS runs through it’s own checks to see if it wants to allow the call to proceed by checking if the subscriber has got enough balance, unit reservation, etc, etc, and if it does, the OCS sends back a Continue message to the MSC to allow the call to continue.

Generally the OCS also uses this message as a chance to subscribe to BCSM Events using RequestReportBCSMEventArg so the OCS will get notified by the MSC when the state of the call changes. This means the MSC will tell us when the state of the call changes; events like the call getting answered, disconnected, etc. This is critical so we know when the call gets answered and hung-up, so we can charge correctly.

In the below example, as well as sending the Continue and RequestReportBCSMEventArg the OCS is also setting the ChargingArgs for this call, so the MSC knows who to charge (the caller) set via sendingSide and that the MSC must send an Apply Charging Report (ACR) messages every 300 units (1 unit = 100 ms, so a value of 300 = 300 x 100 milliseconds = 30 seconds) so the OCS keeps track of what’s going on.

continue sent by the OCS to the MSC, also including reportBCSMEvent and applyCharging messages

At this point the call can start to proceed – In ISUP terms the InitialDP is triggered between the Initial Address Message and the Address Complete message is sent after the continue is sent back.

Or in a slightly less appropriate analogy but easier to understand for SIP folks, the InitialDP is sent for INVITE and the 180 RINGING is sent once the continue message is received.

Call is Answered

So at this stage our call can start to ring.

As we’ve subscribed to BCSM events in our last message, the MSC is going to tell us when the call gets answered or the call times out, is abandoned or the sun burns out.

The MSC provides this info a eventReportBCSM, which is very simple and just tells us the event that’s been triggered, in the example below, the call was answered.

eventReportBCSM from MSC to OCS

These eventReportBCSM are informational from the MSC to the OCS, so the OCS doesn’t need to send anything back, but the OCS does need to mark the call as answered so it can start timing the call.

At this stage, the call is connected and our two parties are talking, but our MSC has been told it needs to send us applyChargingReports every 30 seconds (due to the value of 300 in maxCallPeriodDuration) after the call was connected, so the MSC sends the OCS it’s first applyChargingReport 30 seconds after the call was answered:

applyChargingReport sent by the MSC to the OCS every reporting period

We can calculate the duration of the call so far based on the time of the eventReportBCSM, then the OCS must make a decision of if it should allow the call to continue or not.

For simplicity’s sake, let’s imagine we’re still got a balance in the OCS and the OCS wants the call to continue, the OCS send back an applyCharging message to the MSC in response, and includes the current allowed maxCallPeriodDuration, keeping in mind the value is x100 and in nanoseconds (so this is 30 seconds).

applyCharging from the OCS back to the MSC

Perfect, our call is good to go for another 30 more seconds, son in 30 seconds we’ll get another ACR messages from MSC to the OCS to keep it abreast of what’s going on.

Now one of two things is going to happen, either subscriber is going to burn through all of their minutes, and get their call cutoff, or the call will end while they’ve still got balance, let’s look at both scenarios.

Normal Hangup Scenario

When the call ends, we get an applyChargingReport from the MSC to the OCS.

As we’ve subscribed to reportBCSMEvent we get both the applyChargingReport with legActive: False` so we know the call has hungup, and we’ve got an event report to tell us more about the event, in this case a hangup from the Originating Side.

reportBCSMEvent and applyChargingReport Sent by the MSC to the OCS to indicate the call has ended, note the legActive flag is now false

Lastly the OCS confirms by sending a releaseCall to the MSC, to indicate all legs should now terminate.

releaseCall Sent by OCS to MSC at the very end

So that’s it!

Obviously there are other flows, such as running out of balance mid-call, rejecting a call, SMS and PBX / VPN services that rely on CAMEL, but hopefully you now understand the basics of how CAMEL based charging looks and works.

If you’re looking for a CAMEL capable OCS or a CAMEL to Diameter or API gateway, get in touch!

CGrateS in Baby Steps – Part 5 – Events, Agents & Subsystems

Up until this point in the series, I’ve tried to hide all the complexity of CGrateS, so people following along can see some progress and feel like they’re making it somewhere with CGrateS, but it’s time to tear off the plaster and talk about the actual concepts, about what’s under the hood, and how all the components interact, as it’ll make it much easier then for us to learn more about how to use CGrateS.

This will be the last post in the “CGrateS in Baby Steps” series (Which I started in 2022), if you’ve made it this far congratulations, all the future posts will be on specific topics and build upon the concepts we’ve covered here.

This took me a while to grasp – CGrateS is both crazy complex and beautifully simple, but getting to the stage where you can “see through the matrix” on CGrateS and see the beautiful simplicity involves a bit of understanding how everything fits together.

Once you realize once you can see the pattern, and understand the building blocks, everything else CGrateS related becomes super simple.


in CGrateS Agents are consumers of the services. That’s a super generic answer, but let’s take a closer look at what that actually means with some examples:

Diameter is a protocol that can be used for Online Charging.
CGrateS has a common interface for API calls that can perform Online Charging.
The CGrateS Diameter Agent translates between Diameter on one side, and CGrateS API calls on the other.

Likewise, if we want to speak Radius, we can use the CGrateS Radius Agent, this translates between RADIUS and the CGrateS API calls.

FreeSWITCH, Asterisk and Kamailio don’t use specific protocols like Diameter or Radius, but rather modules or plugins to connect that application to a CGrateS Agent, and they all just end up talking the same CGrateS API calls.

Lastly, there’s even an HTTP agent so you could define your own agent to talk another protocol if you wanted to use CGrateS for anything else (We’ve been playing with CAMEL based charging with CGrateS and 5GC charging).

The config for each of the CGrateS Agents happens in the cgrates.json config file (Typically in /etc/cgrates).

Because the Agents just translate everything into API calls, logic for billing a call from FreeSWITCH is the same as for Diameter, the same as for RADIUS, the same as for SIP, the same as for Asterisk.

The Agents just translate all the domain-specific stuff into the common CGrateS RPC API, which we’ve been working with up to this point.

This is key part to understand; because once you understand how to do the CGrateS part, moving from Asterisk to FreeSWITCH, to DNS, to RADIUS, to any other Agent, it’s all the same to you.

The Agents just translate domain-specific stuff (Diameter requests, CSV files, Asterisk Calls, FreeSWITCH calls, etc, etc) and act as a translator to translate these requests into CGrateS RPC API calls.

On the left side of the image below are the Agents, and on the right side, the Subsystems that do stuff with things.


So with these API calls, where do they go, what do they do?

Well, it’s the Subsystems that do the things.

What things?

Well, everything of use.

Each subsystem has a purpose, AttributeS transforms stuff, EeS exports CDRs, RALs applies our charging logic, CDRs writes CDRs to StorDB, etc, etc.

In each event we can set flags to denote which subsystems it should be routed to, and we can set the links between components in our cgrates.json file.

Based on the flags, we pass events between these subsystems.


So our Agents create the API calls, which contain Events, which are JSON RPC calls.

They look like all the API examples we’ve played with, because that’s exactly what they are.

We can access them via the JSON RPC API, but when you start a call on Kamailio, the Kamailio Agent generates a JSON RPC API call containing an Event into CGrateS for that call on Kamailio.

When you send a DNS request, the DNS Agent translate this DNS request into a CGrateS JSON RPC API containing the event for the DNS request.

Let’s take an example, we’re going to use the ErS as it’s the simplest to demonstrate with.

I’ve already written about ERS the Event Reader Service, and it reads text files / CSVs so we can import them into CGrateS.

So if you setup your enviroment per the tutorial above (but don’t load the CSV yet), we’ll start running some experiments…

Anatomy of an Event

We can “sniff” the events bouncing around between the Agent and the various Subsystems in real time, by using ngrep:

sudo ngrep -t -W byline port 2012 or port 2080 or port 8021 or port 2014 or port 2053 -d any

So let’ we’ve got ngrep running, we can move our CSV file in to be processed in another tab.

Plonking the CSV file into the path ERS is monitoring will mean the ErS Agent will generate a CGrateS JSON RPC “event” for each row in the file, it’ll look something like this:

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.357151 -> [AP] #404
{"method":"CDRsV1.ProcessEvent","params":[{"Flags":["*rals"],"Tenant":"cgrates.org","ID":"c2ce33d","Time":"2024-12-22T09:09:47.356294838+11:00","Event":{"Account":"61412341234","Animal":"Dog","CGRID":"6330859b7c38c1d508f9e5e0043950079e54fef1","Category":"call","Destination":"61812341234","OriginID":"1lklkjfds","RequestType":"*rated","SetupTime":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Source":"*sessions","Subject":"61812341234","ToR":"*voice","Usage":"60","Value0":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Value1":"2024-01-01 01:01:00","Value2":"Nick","Value3":"60","Value4":"61412341234","Value5":"61812341234","Value6":"Dog","Value7":"1lklkjfds"},"APIOpts":{}}],"id":1}

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.357427 -> [AP] #406
{"method":"AttributeSv1.ProcessEvent","params":[{"Tenant":"cgrates.org","ID":"c2ce33d","Time":"2024-12-22T09:09:47.356294838+11:00","Event":{"Account":"61412341234","Animal":"Dog","CGRID":"6330859b7c38c1d508f9e5e0043950079e54fef1","Category":"call","Destination":"61812341234","OriginID":"1lklkjfds","RequestType":"*rated","SetupTime":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Source":"*sessions","Subject":"61812341234","ToR":"*voice","Usage":"60","Value0":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Value1":"2024-01-01 01:01:00","Value2":"Nick","Value3":"60","Value4":"61412341234","Value5":"61812341234","Value6":"Dog","Value7":"1lklkjfds"},"APIOpts":{"*context":"*cdrs","*subsys":"*cdrs"}}],"id":2}

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.422623 -> [AP] #408

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.422788 -> [AP] #410
{"method":"ChargerSv1.ProcessEvent","params":[{"Tenant":"cgrates.org","ID":"c2ce33d","Time":"2024-12-22T09:09:47.356294838+11:00","Event":{"Account":"61412341234","Animal":"Dog","CGRID":"6330859b7c38c1d508f9e5e0043950079e54fef1","Category":"call","Destination":"61812341234","OriginID":"1lklkjfds","RequestType":"*rated","SetupTime":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Source":"*sessions","Subject":"61812341234","ToR":"*voice","Usage":"60","Value0":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Value1":"2024-01-01 01:01:00","Value2":"Nick","Value3":"60","Value4":"61412341234","Value5":"61812341234","Value6":"Dog","Value7":"1lklkjfds"},"APIOpts":{"*context":"*cdrs","*subsys":"*cdrs"}}],"id":3}

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.451702 -> [AP] #412
{"id":3,"result":[{"ChargerSProfile":"DEFAULT","AttributeSProfiles":null,"AlteredFields":["*req.RunID"],"CGREvent":{"Tenant":"cgrates.org","ID":"c2ce33d","Time":"2024-12-22T09:09:47.356294838+11:00","Event":{"Account":"61412341234","Animal":"Dog","CGRID":"6330859b7c38c1d508f9e5e0043950079e54fef1","Category":"call","Destination":"61812341234","OriginID":"1lklkjfds","RequestType":"*rated","RunID":"DEFAULT","SetupTime":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Source":"*sessions","Subject":"61812341234","ToR":"*voice","Usage":"60","Value0":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Value1":"2024-01-01 01:01:00","Value2":"Nick","Value3":"60","Value4":"61412341234","Value5":"61812341234","Value6":"Dog","Value7":"1lklkjfds"},"APIOpts":{"*context":"*cdrs","*subsys":"*chargers"}}}],"error":null}

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.452021 -> [AP] #413
{"method":"Responder.GetCost","params":[{"Category":"call","Tenant":"cgrates.org","Subject":"61812341234","Account":"61412341234","Destination":"61812341234","TimeStart":"2024-01-01T01:00:00+11:00","TimeEnd":"2024-01-01T01:00:00.00000006+11:00","LoopIndex":0,"DurationIndex":60,"FallbackSubject":"","RatingInfos":null,"Increments":null,"ToR":"*voice","ExtraFields":{"Animal":"Dog","Value0":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Value1":"2024-01-01 01:01:00","Value2":"Nick","Value3":"60","Value4":"61412341234","Value5":"61812341234","Value6":"Dog","Value7":"1lklkjfds"},"MaxRate":0,"MaxRateUnit":0,"MaxCostSoFar":0,"CgrID":"","RunID":"","ForceDuration":false,"PerformRounding":true,"DenyNegativeAccount":false,"DryRun":false,"APIOpts":{"*context":"*cdrs","*subsys":"*chargers"}}],"id":4}

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.465711 -> [AP] #414

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.470035 -> [AP] #415

Sidebar – you’re going to spend a lot of time with `ngrep`.

Alright, that event probably looks familiar, after all, it’s the same structure as the API requests we’ve made to CGrateS so far, to set rates and handle accounts.

But what we’re witnessing here isn’t us making an API request to the JSON RPC interface from a Python script, it’s the ERS Agent inside CGrateS, calling CGrateS.

The ERS Agent inside CGrateS reads the CSV file we dropped in, and based on what we had set in the ERS section of the CGrateS config file (cgrates.json), the ERS Agent create JSON RPC events and sent it to CGrateS for processing.

You may be thinking “Wow, the ERS Agent is really dumb, it just sends an API request (events)”, and you’d be right.

We could replace the ERS Agent with a Python script to read the CSV and send the same request, and we’d get the exact same outcome, but CGrateS is mostly “batteries included” so we don’t have to.

Ok, so you’ve heard me drum in the fact that Agents are pretty simple, and all they do is make JSON RPC requests for the event which are sent to CGrateS. So now what happens?

Well, the event is calling CDRsV1.ProcessEvent, so that means the Event is passed by CGRengine to the CDRs subsystem.

What does CDRs subsystem do with it? Well, that’s going to depend on what’s in our cgrates.json config file,

In the above example, CDRs is setup with connections to the different subsystems, AttributeS, Chargers and RALs are all the subsystems linked from here.

Having these links here does not force the Event to always route to these Subsystems, but unless we’ve got the links there, the Event won’t be able to get routed from CDRs to that subsystem if we want it to.

But we can see what’s going to happen with this request based on our CDRsV1.ProcessEvent event, it’s got Flags set to rals, so we know it wants RALs to be called.

Let’s take a closer look at the API call:

"method": "CDRsV1.ProcessEvent",
"params": [
"Flags": ["*rals"],
"Tenant": "cgrates.org",
"ID": "c2ce33d",
"Time": "2024-12-22T09:09:47.356294838+11:00",
"Event": {
"Account": "61412341234",
"Animal": "Dog",
"CGRID": "6330859b7c38c1d508f9e5e0043950079e54fef1",
"Category": "call",
"Destination": "61812341234",
"OriginID": "1lklkjfds",
"RequestType": "*rated",
"SetupTime": "2024-01-01 01:00:00",
"Source": "*sessions",
"Subject": "61812341234",
"ToR": "*voice",
"Usage": "60"
"APIOpts": {}
"id": 1

So looking in ngrep we see our CDRsV1.ProcessExternalCDR event makes it to the CDRs module with ID 1.

The API call has flags set to *rals so the CDRs will call RALs , and inside our config the CDRs section has a link in the config (shown in the image below) to RALs (rals_conns) – if we didn’t have that link, CGrateS wouldn’t know how to connect to RALs, and the event would fail.

We’ve also got connections to AttributeS configured in the config and we can see the RPC call to AttributeS.ProcessEvent which is the same as if we were to call it directly via the AttributeS API.

"method": "AttributeSv1.ProcessEvent",
"params": [
"Tenant": "cgrates.org",
"ID": "c2ce33d",
"Time": "2024-12-22T09:09:47.356294838+11:00",
"Event": {
"Account": "61412341234",
"Animal": "Dog",
"CGRID": "6330859b7c38c1d508f9e5e0043950079e54fef1",
"Category": "call",
"Destination": "61812341234",
"OriginID": "1lklkjfds",
"RequestType": "*rated",
"SetupTime": "2024-01-01 01:00:00",
"Source": "*sessions",
"Subject": "61812341234",
"ToR": "*voice",
"Usage": "60",
"APIOpts": {
"*context": "*cdrs",
"*subsys": "*cdrs"
"id": 2

Note at the bottom the APIOpts section tells us this API call was made by the *cdrs subsystem and the ID is 2 (This is a different request to the original CDRsV1.ProcessExternalCDR request which had ID 1 – we can use this to match responses to requests).

Again, because our config also includes links ChargerS and RALS subsystems, we’ll see requests to (you guessed it) ChargerS (The ChargerSv1.ProcessEvent) and RALS (Responder.GetCost).

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.452021 -> [AP] #413
{"method":"Responder.GetCost","params":[{"Category":"call","Tenant":"cgrates.org","Subject":"61812341234","Account":"61412341234","Destination":"61812341234","TimeStart":"2024-01-01T01:00:00+11:00","TimeEnd":"2024-01-01T01:00:00.00000006+11:00","LoopIndex":0,"DurationIndex":60,"FallbackSubject":"","RatingInfos":null,"Increments":null,"ToR":"*voice","ExtraFields":{"Animal":"Dog","Value0":"2024-01-01 01:00:00","Value1":"2024-01-01 01:01:00","Value2":"Nick","Value3":"60","Value4":"61412341234","Value5":"61812341234","Value6":"Dog","Value7":"1lklkjfds"},"MaxRate":0,"MaxRateUnit":0,"MaxCostSoFar":0,"CgrID":"","RunID":"","ForceDuration":false,"PerformRounding":true,"DenyNegativeAccount":false,"DryRun":false,"APIOpts":{"*context":"*cdrs","*subsys":"*chargers"}}],"id":4}

T 2024/12/22 09:09:47.465711 -> [AP] #414

What we’re seeing is the CDRs module, calling RALs, to get the cost information for this event.

Finally the CDRsV1.ProcessEvent that was initially sent by ErS gets a result (we can find the result to the request as it’ll have the same id parameter)

So that’s it, that’s the secret sauce – CGrateS is just a bunch of little APIs we combo together to create something great.


Agents translate data sources into API calls.

Each little API belongs to a Subsystem, like ChargerS, AttributeS or RALs, and we can chain them together in our config file or through the flags in the API request.

Once you’ve got your head wrapped around this, everything in CGrateS becomes way easier.

From now on I’ll pivot to talking about specific modules, and how we use them, starting with AttributeS (which I wrote last year while still drafting this), and diving into how to use each module in more detail.

How do you know if they’re roaming? Charging challenges in IMS for Roamers

I got an email the other day asking a simple question:

How do I know if a subscriber is VoLTE roaming or not when they send an SMS to charge for it?

My immediate reaction was to look at the SIP headers, P-Access-Network-Info will tell you where the subscriber is located, end of.


Well not quite, this will tell the SMSc the location of the subscriber sending the SMS. If the PLMN in the P-Access-Network-Info != the home PLMN, the sub is roaming.

But does this information get passed to the OCS / OFCS?

The SMSc uses “Event based charging” to perform credit control, so let’s have a look at what AVPs are present in the Credit Control Request from the SMSc:

Hmm, the SMS-Information AVP (2000) contains a bunch of information about the SMS being sent, but I don’t see anything about the location of the sender in there.

Originator-Interface is just set to “SIP”, of course in a 2G/3G roaming scenario the Originator-SCCP-Address would be that of the Visited PLMN, but for us it is our SCCP address.

Maybe the standard allows for an additional optional AVP in the SMS-Information-AVP we’re missing? Let’s check TS 32.299:


So how to deal with this?

While the standards aren’t totally clear on this, we added an IMS-Info AVP and inside that populated the Access-Network-Information directly from the SIP header, and then picked that off inside our OCS in order to apply the correct rules.

CGrateS – ActionTriggers

In our last post we looked at Actions and ActionPlans, and one of the really funky things we can do is setting ActionPlans to trigger on a time schedule or setting ActionTriggers to trigger on an event.

We’re going to build on the examples we had on the last post, so we’ll assume your code is up to the point where we’ve added a Signup Bonus to an account, using an ActionPlan we assigned when creating the account.

In this post, we’re going to create an action that charges $6, called “Action_Monthly_Charge“, and tie it to an ActionPlan called “ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge“, but to demo how this works rather than charging this Monthly, we’re going to charge it every minute.

Then with our balances ticking down, we’ll set up an ActionTrigger to trigger when the balance drops below $95, and alert us.

Defining the Monthly Charge Action

The Action for the Monthly charge will look much like the other actions we’ve defined, except the Identifier is *debit so we know we’re deducting from the balance, and we’ll log to the CDRs table too:

# Action to add a Monthly charge of $6
Action_Monthly_Charge = {
    "id": "0",
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActions",
    "params": [
          "ActionsId": "Action_Monthly_Charge",
          "Actions": [
                'Identifier': '*debit',
                'BalanceType': '*monetary',
               'Units': 6,
               'Id': 'Action_Monthly_Charge_Debit',
               'Weight': 70},
                  "Identifier": "*log",
                  "Weight": 60,
                  'Id' : "Action_Monthly_Charge_Log"
                  "Identifier": "*cdrlog",
                  "BalanceId": "",
                  "BalanceUuid": "",
                  "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                  "Directions": "*out",
                  "Units": 0,
                  "ExpiryTime": "",
                  "Filter": "",
                  "TimingTags": "",
                  "DestinationIds": "",
                  "RatingSubject": "",
                  "Categories": "",
                  "SharedGroups": "",
                  "BalanceWeight": 0,
                  "ExtraParameters": "{\"Category\":\"^activation\",\"Destination\":\"Recurring Charge\"}",
                  "BalanceBlocker": "false",
                  "BalanceDisabled": "false",
                  "Weight": 80

Next we’ll need to wrap this up into an ActionPlan, this is where some of the magic happens. Inside the action plan we can set a once off time, or a recurring time, kinda like Cron.

We’re setting the time to *every_minute so things will happen quickly while we watch, this action will get triggered every 60 seconds. In real life of course, for a Monthly charge, we’d want to trigger this Action monthly, so we’d set this value to *monthly. If we wanted this to charge on the 2nd of the month we’d set the MonthDays to “2”, etc, etc.

# # Create ActionPlan using SetActionPlan to trigger the Action_Monthly_Charge
SetActionPlan_Daily_Action_Monthly_Charge_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActionPlan",
    "params": [{
        "Id": "ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge",
        "ActionPlan": [{
            "ActionsId": "Action_Monthly_Charge",
            "Years": "*any",
            "Months": "*any",
            "MonthDays": "*any",
            "WeekDays": "*any",
            "Time": "*every_minute",
            "Weight": 10
        "Overwrite": True,
        "ReloadScheduler": True

Alright, but now what’s going to happen?

If you think the accounts will start getting debited every 60 seconds after applying this, you’d be wrong, we need to associate this ActionPlan with an Account first, this is how we control which accounts get which ActionPlans tied to them, to do this we’ll use the SetAccout API again we’ve been using to create accounts:

# Create the Account object inside CGrateS & assign ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus and ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge
Create_Account_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV2.SetAccount",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": str(Account),
            "ActionPlanIds": ["ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus", "ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge"],
            "ActionPlansOverwrite": True,

So what’s going to happen if we run this?

Well, for starters the ActionPlan named “ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus” is going to be triggered, as in the ActionPlan it’s Timing is set to *asap, so CGrateS will apply the corresponding Action (“Action_Add_Signup_Bonus“) right away, which will credit the account $99.

But a minute after that, we’ll trigger the ActionPlan named “ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge”, as the timing for this is set to *every_minute, when the Action “Action_Monthly_Charge” is triggered, it’s going to be deducting $6 from the balance.

We can check this by using the GetAccount API:

# Get Account Info
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [
              {"Tenant": "cgrates.org", "Account": str(Account)}]}))

You should see a balance of $99 to start with, and then after 60 seconds, it should be down to $93, and so on.

{'error': None,
 'id': None,
 'result': {'ActionTriggers': None,
            'AllowNegative': False,
            'BalanceMap': {'*monetary': [{'Blocker': False,
                                          'Categories': {},
                                          'DestinationIDs': {},
                                          'Disabled': False,
                                          'ExpirationDate': '2023-11-17T14:57:20.71493633+11:00',
                                          'Factor': None,
                                          'ID': 'Balance_Signup_Bonus',
                                          'RatingSubject': '',
                                          'SharedGroups': {},
                                          'TimingIDs': {},
                                          'Timings': None,
                                          'Uuid': '3a896369-8107-4e32-bcef-2d078c981b8a',
                                          'Value': 99,
                                          'Weight': 1200}]},
            'Disabled': False,
            'ID': 'cgrates.org:Nick_Test_123',
            'UnitCounters': None,
            'UpdateTime': '2023-10-17T14:57:21.802521707+11:00'}}

Triggering Actions based on Balances with ActionTriggers

Okay, so we’ve set up recurring charges, now let’s get notified if the balance drops below $95, we’ll start, like we have before, with defining an Action, this will log to the CDRs table, HTTP post and write to syslog:

#Define a new Action to send an HTTP POST
Action_HTTP_Notify_95 = {
    "id": "0",
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActions",
    "params": [
          "ActionsId": "Action_HTTP_Notify_95",
          "Actions": [
                  "Identifier": "*cdrlog",
                  "BalanceId": "",
                  "BalanceUuid": "",
                  "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                  "Directions": "*out",
                  "Units": 0,
                  "ExpiryTime": "",
                  "Filter": "",
                  "TimingTags": "",
                  "DestinationIds": "",
                  "RatingSubject": "",
                  "Categories": "",
                  "SharedGroups": "",
                  "BalanceWeight": 0,
                  "ExtraParameters": "{\"Category\":\"^activation\",\"Destination\":\"Balance dipped below $95\"}",
                  "BalanceBlocker": "false",
                  "BalanceDisabled": "false",
                  "Weight": 80
                  "Identifier": "*http_post_async",
                  "ExtraParameters": "",
                  "ExpiryTime": "*unlimited",
                  "Weight": 700
                  "Identifier": "*log",
                  "Weight": 1200

Now we’ll define an ActionTrigger to check if the balance is below $95 and trigger our newly created Action (“Action_HTTP_Notify_95“) when that condition is met:

#Define ActionTrigger
ActionTrigger_95_Remaining_JSON = {
    "method": "APIerSv1.SetActionTrigger",
    "params": [
            "GroupID" : "ActionTrigger_95_Remaining",
                    "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                    "Balance" : {
                        'BalanceType': '*monetary',
                        'ID' : "*default",
                        'BalanceID' : "*default",
                        'Value' : 95,
                    "ThresholdType": "*min_balance",
                    "ThresholdValue": 95,
                    "Weight": 10,
                    "ActionsID" : "Action_HTTP_Notify_95",
            "Overwrite": True

We’ve defined the ThresholdType of *min_balance, but we could equally set this to ThresholdType to *max_balance, *balance_expired or trigger when a certain Counter has been triggered enough times.

Adding an ActionTrigger to an Account

Again, like the ActionPlan we created before, before the ActionTrigger we just created will be used, we need to associate it with an Account, for this we’ll use the AddAccountActionTriggers API, specify the Account and the ActionTriggerID for the ActionTrigger we just created.

#Add ActionTrigger to Account 
Add_ActionTrigger_to_Account_JSON = {
    "method": "APIerSv1.AddAccountActionTriggers",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": str(Account),
            "ActionTriggerIDs": ["ActionTrigger_95_Remaining"],
            "ActionTriggersOverwrite": True

If we run this all together, creating the account with the “ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus” will give the account a $99 Balance. But after 60 seconds, “ActionPlan_Monthly_Charge” will kick in, and every 60 seconds after that, at which point the balance will get to below $95 when CGrateS will trigger the ActionTriggerActionTrigger_95_Remaining” and get the HTTP POST to the HTTP endpoint and log entry:

We can check on this using the ApierV2.GetAccount method, where we’ll see the ActionTrigger we just defined.

Checking out the LastExecutionTime we can see if the ActionTrigger been triggered or not.

So using this technique, we can notify a customer when they’ve used a certain amount of their balance, but we can lock out Accounts who have spent more than their allocated spend limit by setting an Action that suspends the Account once it reaches a certain level. We notify customers when balance expires, or if a certain number of counters has been triggered.

As always I’ve put all the code used in this example, from start to finish, up on GitHub.

CGrateS – Actions & Action Plans

In our last post we added a series of different balances to an account, these were actions we took via the API specifically to add a balance.

But there’s a lot more actions we may want to do beyond just adding balance.

CGrateS has the concept of “Actions” which are, as the name suggests, things we want to do to the system.

Some example Actions would be:

  • Adding / Deducting / Resetting a balance
  • Adding a CDR log
  • Enable/Disable an account
  • Sending HTTP POST request or email notification
  • Deleting / suspending account
  • Transferring balances

We can run these actions on a timed basis, or when an event is triggered, and group Actions together to run multiple actions via an ActionTrigger, this means we can trigger these Actions, not just by sending an API request, but based on the state of the subscriber / account.

Let’s look at some examples,

We can define an Action named “Action_Monthly_Fee” to debit $12 from the monetary balance of an account, and add a CDR with the name “Monthly Account Fee” when it does so.
We can use ActionTriggers to run this every month on the account automatically.

We can define an Action named “Usage_Warning_10GB” to send an email to the Account owner to inform them they’ve used 10GB of usage, and use ActionTriggers to send this when the customer has used 10GB of their *data balance.

Using Actions

Note: The Python script I’ve used with all the examples in this post is available on GitHub here.

Let’s start by defining an Account, just as we have before:

# Create the Account object inside CGrateS
Account = "Nick_Test_123"
Create_Account_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV2.SetAccount",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": str(Account)

Let’s start basic; to sweeten the deal for new Accounts, we’ll give them $99 of balance to use in the first month they have the service. Rather than hitting the AddBalance API, we’ll define an Action named “Action_Add_Signup_Bonus” to credit $99 of monetary balance to an account.

If you go back to our last post, you should know what we’d need to do to add this balance manually with the AddBalance API, but let’s look at how we can create the same balance add functionality using Actions:

#Add a Signup Bonus of $99 to the account with type *monetary expiring a month after it's added
Action_Signup_Bonus = {
    "id": "0",
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActions",
    "params": [
          "ActionsId": "Action_Add_Signup_Bonus",
          "Actions": [
                  "Identifier": "*topup",
                  "BalanceId": "Balance_Signup_Bonus",
                  "BalanceUuid": "",
                  "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                  "Directions": "*out",
                  "Units": 99,
                  "ExpiryTime": "*month",
                  "Filter": "",
                  "TimingTags": "",
                  "DestinationIds": "",
                  "RatingSubject": "",
                  "Categories": "",
                  "SharedGroups": "",
                  "BalanceWeight": 1200,
                  "ExtraParameters": "",
                  "BalanceBlocker": "false",
                  "BalanceDisabled": "false",
                  "Weight": 10

Alright, this should look pretty familiar if you’ve just come from Account Balances.
You’ll notice we’re no longer calling, SetBalance, we’re now calling SetActions, to create the ActionsId with the name “Action_Add_Signup_Bonus“.
In “Action_Add_Signup_Bonus” we’ve got an actions we’ll do when “Action_Add_Signup_Bonus” is called.
We can define multiple actions, but for now we’ve only got one action defined, which has the Identifier (which defines what the action does) set to *topup to add balance.
As you probably guessed, we’re triggering a top up, and setting the BalanceId, BalanceType, Units, ExpiryTime and BalanceWeight just as we would using SetBalance to add a balance.

So how do we use the Action we just created? Well, there’s a lot of options, but let’s start with the most basic – Via the API:

# Trigger ExecuteAction
Account_Action_trigger_JSON = {"method": "APIerSv1.ExecuteAction", "params": [
    {"Tenant": "cgrates.org", "Account": str(Account), "ActionsId": "Action_Add_Signup_Bonus"}]}

Boom, we’ve called the ExecuteAction API call, to execute the Action named “Action_Add_Signup_Bonus“.

We can check on this with GetAccount again and check the results:

# Get Account Info
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [
              {"Tenant": "cgrates.org", "Account": str(Account)}]}))
{'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [{'Tenant': 'cgrates.org', 'Account': 'Nick_Test_123'}]}
{'error': None,
 'id': None,
 'result': {'ActionTriggers': None,
            'AllowNegative': False,
            'BalanceMap': {'*monetary': [{'Blocker': False,
                                          'Categories': {},
                                          'DestinationIDs': {},
                                          'Disabled': False,
                                          'ExpirationDate': '2023-11-15T10:27:52.865119544+11:00',
                                          'Factor': None,
                                          'ID': 'Balance_Signup_Bonus',
                                          'RatingSubject': '',
                                          'SharedGroups': {},
                                          'TimingIDs': {},
                                          'Timings': None,
                                          'Uuid': '01cfb471-ba38-453a-b0e2-8ddb397dfe9c',
                                          'Value': 99,
                                          'Weight': 1200}]},
            'Disabled': False,
            'ID': 'cgrates.org:Nick_Test_123',
            'UnitCounters': None,
            'UpdateTime': '2023-10-15T10:27:52.865144268+11:00'}}

Great start!

Making Actions Useful

Well congratulations, we took something we previously did with one API call (SetBalance), and we did it with two (SetAction and ExcecuteAction)!

But let’s start paying efficiency dividends,

When we add a balance, let’s also add a CDR log event so we’ll know the account was credited with the balance when we call the GetCDRs API call.

We’d just modify our SetActions to include an extra step:

Action_Signup_Bonus = {
    "id": "0",
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActions",
    "params": [
          "ActionsId": "Action_Add_Signup_Bonus",
          "Actions": [
                  "Identifier": "*topup",
                  "BalanceId": "Balance_Signup_Bonus",
                  "Identifier": "*cdrlog",
                  "BalanceId": "",
                  "BalanceUuid": "",
                  "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                  "Directions": "*out",
                  "Units": 0,
                  "ExpiryTime": "",
                  "Filter": "",
                  "TimingTags": "",
                  "DestinationIds": "",
                  "RatingSubject": "",
                  "Categories": "",
                  "SharedGroups": "",
                  "BalanceWeight": 0,
                  "ExtraParameters": "{\"Category\":\"^activation\",\"Destination\":\"Your sign up Bonus\"}",
                  "BalanceBlocker": "false",
                  "BalanceDisabled": "false",
                  "Weight": 10

Boom, now we’ll get a CDR created when the Action is triggered.

But let’s push this a bit more and add some more steps in the Action:

As well as adding balance and putting in a CDR to record what we did, let’s also send a notification to our customer via an HTTP API (BYO customer push notification system) and log to Syslog what’s going on.

# Add a Signup Bonus of $99 to the account with type *monetary expiring a month after it's added
Action_Signup_Bonus = {
    "id": "0",
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActions",
    "params": [
          "ActionsId": "Action_Add_Signup_Bonus",
          "Actions": [
                  "Identifier": "*topup",
                  "BalanceId": "Balance_Signup_Bonus",
                  "BalanceUuid": "",
                  "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                  "Directions": "*out",
                  "Units": 99,
                  "ExpiryTime": "*month",
                  "Filter": "",
                  "TimingTags": "",
                  "DestinationIds": "",
                  "RatingSubject": "",
                  "Categories": "",
                  "SharedGroups": "",
                  "BalanceWeight": 1200,
                  "ExtraParameters": "",
                  "BalanceBlocker": "false",
                  "BalanceDisabled": "false",
                  "Weight": 90
                  "Identifier": "*cdrlog",
                  "BalanceId": "",
                  "BalanceUuid": "",
                  "BalanceType": "*monetary",
                  "Directions": "*out",
                  "Units": 0,
                  "ExpiryTime": "",
                  "Filter": "",
                  "TimingTags": "",
                  "DestinationIds": "",
                  "RatingSubject": "",
                  "Categories": "",
                  "SharedGroups": "",
                  "BalanceWeight": 0,
                  "ExtraParameters": "{\"Category\":\"^activation\",\"Destination\":\"Your sign up Bonus\"}",
                  "BalanceBlocker": "false",
                  "BalanceDisabled": "false",
                  "Weight": 80
                  "Identifier": "*http_post_async",
                  "ExtraParameters": "",
                  "ExpiryTime": "*unlimited",
                  "Weight": 70
                  "Identifier": "*log",
                  "Weight": 60

Phew! That’s a big action, but if we execute the action again using ExecuteAction, we’ll get all these things happening at once:

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere!


Having an Action we can trigger manually via the API is one thing, but being able to trigger it automatically is where it really comes into its own.

Let’s define an ActionPlan, that is going to call our Action named “Action_Add_Signup_Bonus” as soon as the ActionPlan is assigned to an Account.

# Create ActionPlan using SetActionPlan to trigger the Action_Signup_Bonus ASAP
SetActionPlan_Signup_Bonus_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV1.SetActionPlan",
    "params": [{
        "Id": "ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus",
        "ActionPlan": [{
            "ActionsId": "Action_Add_Signup_Bonus",
            "Years": "*any",
            "Months": "*any",
            "MonthDays": "*any",
            "WeekDays": "*any",
            "Time": "*asap",
            "Weight": 10
        "Overwrite": True,
        "ReloadScheduler": True

So what have we done here? We’ve made an ActionPlan named “Action_Add_Signup_Bonus”, which, when associated with an account, will run the Action “Action_Add_Signup_Bonus” as soon as it’s tied to the account, thanks to the Time*asap“.

Now if we create or update an Account using the SetAccount method, we can set the ActionPlanIds to reference our “ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus” and it’ll be triggered straight away.

# Create the Account object inside CGrateS
Create_Account_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV2.SetAccount",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": str(Account),
            "ActionPlanIds": ["ActionPlan_Signup_Bonus"],
            "ActionPlansOverwrite": True,

Now if we were to run a GetAccount API call, we’ll see the Account balance assigned that was created by the action Action_Add_Signup_Bonus which was triggered by ActionPlan assigned to the account:

{'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [{'Tenant': 'cgrates.org', 'Account': 'Nick_Test_123'}]}
{'error': None,
 'id': None,
 'result': {'ActionTriggers': None,
            'AllowNegative': False,
            'BalanceMap': {'*monetary': [{'Blocker': False,
                                          'Categories': {},
                                          'DestinationIDs': {},
                                          'Disabled': False,
                                          'ExpirationDate': '2023-11-16T12:41:02.530985381+11:00',
                                          'Factor': None,
                                          'ID': 'Balance_Signup_Bonus',
                                          'RatingSubject': '',
                                          'SharedGroups': {},
                                          'TimingIDs': {},
                                          'Timings': None,
                                          'Uuid': '7bdbee5c-0888-4da2-b42f-5d6b8966ee2d',
                                          'Value': 99,
                                          'Weight': 1200}]},
            'Disabled': False,
            'ID': 'cgrates.org:Nick_Test_123',
            'UnitCounters': None,
            'UpdateTime': '2023-10-16T12:41:12.7236096+11:00'}}

But here’s where it gets interesting, in the ActionPlan we just defined the Time was set to “*asap“, which means the Action is triggered as soon as it was assigned to the account, but if we set the Time value to “*monthly“, the Action would get triggered every month, or *every_minute to trigger every minute, or *month_end to trigger at the end of every month.

Code for these examples is available here.

I’m trying to keep these posts shorter as there’s a lot to cover. Stick around for our next post, we’ll look at some more ActionTriggers to keep decreasing the balance of the account, and setting up ActionTriggers to send a notification to the customer to tell them when their balance is getting low, or any other event based Action you can think of!

CGrateS – Accounts & Balances

So far we’ve used CGrateS to rate a basic CDR and get a cost for it, but in the real world, we’d usually associate the cost with an account, which would represent a business or a person, who will ultimately be charged for using the service.

Note: I’ve put the code for all this in Github, if you’ve got issues following along, or don’t want to copy and paste the code from the website, you can grab the code here.

Creating an Account

Let’s start off by creating an account inside CGrateS – This is kinda pointless, but we’ll talk more about that later:

#Create the Account object inside CGrateS 
Create_Account_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV2.SetAccount",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": "Nick_Test_123"

Running this onto the API should create an account named “Nick_Test_123”, but let’s confirm that’s the case:

#Print the Account Information
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({'method':'ApierV2.GetAccount','params':[{"Tenant":"cgrates.org","Account": "Nick_Test_123"}]}))

Running this will give us the information about the account we just created:

{'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [{'Tenant': 'cgrates.org', 'Account': 'Nick_Test_123'}]}
OrderedDict([('id', None),
              OrderedDict([('ID', 'cgrates.org:Nick_Test_123'),
                           ('BalanceMap', None),
                           ('UnitCounters', None),
                           ('ActionTriggers', None),
                           ('AllowNegative', False),
                           ('Disabled', False),
             ('error', None)])

That was easy!

There’s not really much to see on our account at this stage, other than the UpdateTime, there’s nothing really going on, we don’t have any Balances.

Adding Balance for Voice

Accounts exist for spending, so let’s add a balance to this account to send from.

We’ll use the SetBalance API to create a new balance with 5 minutes of talk time, that we can use for making a call, and talking, for (you guessed it) – 5 minutes, so and we’ll use the balance “5_minute_voice_balance” that we’ll create:

#Add a balance to the account with type *voice with 5 minutes of Talk Time
Create_Voice_Balance_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV1.SetBalance",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": "Nick_Test_123",
            "BalanceType": "*voice",
            "Categories": "*any",
            "Balance": {
                "ID": "5_minute_voice_balance",
                "Value": "5m",
                "Weight": 25

Now if we run the GetAccount API command again, we should see the new balance we just created:

#Print the Account Information
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({'method':'ApierV2.GetAccount','params':[{"Tenant":"cgrates.org","Account": "Nick_Test_123"}]}))
{'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [{'Tenant': 'cgrates.org', 'Account': 'Nick_Test_123'}]}
{'error': None,
 'id': None,
 'result': {'ActionTriggers': None,
            'AllowNegative': False,
            'BalanceMap': {'*voice': [{'Blocker': False,
                                       'Categories': None,
                                       'DestinationIDs': None,
                                       'Disabled': False,
                                       'ExpirationDate': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                                       'Factor': None,
                                       'ID': '5_minute_voice_balance',
                                       'RatingSubject': '',
                                       'SharedGroups': None,
                                       'TimingIDs': None,
                                       'Timings': None,
                                       'Uuid': '37423d07-d99a-40b1-851a-981c3df02cb3',
                                       'Value': 300000000000,
                                       'Weight': 25}]},
            'Disabled': False,
            'ID': 'cgrates.org:Nick_Test_123',
            'UnitCounters': None,
            'UpdateTime': '2023-10-14T17:58:23.801531205+11:00'}}

So now we’ve got a new balance named ‘5_minute_voice_balance‘:

  • The type is *voice, because this balance is storing talk time
  • The weight of this balance is 25, this means this balance should take priority over any balances with a lower value than 25 (that’s right, we can (and will) do tiered balances)
  • The value is 300000000000 nanoseconds, which equates to 5 minutes (yes, that’s the correct number of zeros)

Okay, but Nick_Test_123 probably wants to make some calls, so let’s generate a 2.5 minute call event and check out what happens.

#Generate a new call event for a 2.5 minute (150 second) call
Process_External_CDR_JSON = {
    "method": "CDRsV2.ProcessExternalCDR",
    "params": [
            "OriginID": str(uuid.uuid1()),
            "ToR": "*voice",
            "RequestType": "*pseudoprepaid",
            "AnswerTime": now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "SetupTime": now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": "Nick_Test_123",
            "Usage": "150s",

Alright, now we’ve got a call event, let’s call the GetAccount API again to check the balance:

#Print the Account Information
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({'method':'ApierV2.GetAccount','params':[{"Tenant":"cgrates.org","Account": "Nick_Test_123"}]}))
{'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [{'Tenant': 'cgrates.org', 'Account': 'Nick_Test_123'}]}
{'error': None,
 'id': None,
 'result': {'ActionTriggers': None,
            'AllowNegative': False,
            'BalanceMap': {'*voice': [{'Blocker': False,
                                       'Categories': None,
                                       'DestinationIDs': None,
                                       'Disabled': False,
                                       'ExpirationDate': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                                       'Factor': None,
                                       'ID': '5_minute_voice_balance',
                                       'RatingSubject': '',
                                       'SharedGroups': None,
                                       'TimingIDs': None,
                                       'Timings': None,
                                       'Uuid': '37423d07-d99a-40b1-851a-981c3df02cb3',
                                       'Value': 150000000000,
                                       'Weight': 25}]},
            'Disabled': False,
            'ID': 'cgrates.org:Nick_Test_123',
            'UnitCounters': None,
            'UpdateTime': '2023-10-14T17:58:23.80925546+11:00'}}

And there you have it, we’ve used 150 seconds of our 300 second (5 minutes) of talk time in this balance, leaving with us 150000000000 nanoseconds (150 seconds) remaining!

And with that progress, now is a great time to pause and talk about some theory that’s really important to grasp!

Balance Types

But *voice is just one balance type – We can support multiple balance types; we’ve just given a balance of *voice for talk time, but we could also give a credit to the balance for *sms or *data, you name it (*generic) and cash (*monetary) and we can have multiple separate balances for each.

This means we can have one account with something like:

  • 100 minutes of Local / National Calls (Expires at the end of the month)
  • 40 minutes of Mobile Calls (Expires 24 hours after it’s been created)
  • 80 minutes of Mobile Calls (During “Happy Hour” from 6 to 7pm)
  • 50 minutes of International Calls (Expires in 30 days)

And not just voice balance, the same account could also have:

  • 1GB of Data usage
  • 50 SMS to on-net destinations
  • $200 of Cash (expiring never)

Phew! That’s a lot of balances, but we can do it all through CGrateS!

What Balance to Use

So if we’ve got a stack of balances defined, how does CGrateS know what balance to use?

Firstly CGrateS is going to evaluate the BalanceType, this is set on events, so if we get an event for *data CGrateS will check out the balances available for *data, and evaluate the balances by Weight, with the highest weight evaluated first.
If we get to the end of all the available balances for that BalanceType, CGrateS then evaluates *generic and then *monetary balances, again, ordered by Weight.

We can set what balance gets used based on the Destination; using DestinationIDs we can filter the Balance to only apply for calls to Local/National numbers, so a call to an International destination won’t use that balance.

We can also set an Expiry on the Balance, for example we can give a customer 30 days to use the balance, after which it expires and can’t be used, likewise we can set Timings so enable scenarios like a “Happy hour” with extra calls between 6pm and 7pm.

When we define a balance we can also set the Blocker flag to True, if this is set, it means CGrateS will not look evaluate any balances after reaching that balance.

Adding a Balance for Local / National & Mobile Calls

Let’s jump back into the practice, and define two new Balances; one for Local/National calls, and another for Mobile calls.
But first we’ll need to know what destinations are mobiles and what are local/national (fixed). We’ve covered setting Destinations previously, so let’s set up the Destinations:

CGRateS_Obj.SendData({'method':'ApierV2.SetTPDestination','params':[{"TPid":"cgrates.org","ID":"Dest_AU_Fixed","Prefixes":["612", "613", "617", "618"]}]})
CGRateS_Obj.SendData({'method':'ApierV2.SetTPDestination','params':[{"TPid":"cgrates.org","ID":"Dest_AU_TollFree","Prefixes":["6113", "6118"]}]})
#Load TariffPlan we just defiend from StorDB to DataDB

Alright, now let’s add a balance for our local/national (fixed) calls.

To do this, we’ll add two new balances, but we’ll need to differentiate this from the 5_minute_voice_balance we created earlier, and to achieve this we weill:

  • Set a higher Weight value than we have set on 5_minute_voice_balance (25) so this balance will get consumed before 5_minute_voice_balance does
  • Set the DestinationIDs to match the destinations (Dest_AU_Mobile for Mobile and Dest_AU_Fixed for Local/National) we want the balance to apply to

ProTip: When you we create our Balance we can set what Destinations we want to use this balance for, if you want to specify multiple balances, we can do it by setting the Balance names as a string delimited by semicolons, like “DestinationIDs”: “Dest_AU_Fixed;Dest_AU_Mobile;Dest_AU_TollFree”

We’ll also set a balance expiry, which we’ll cover shortly, but now let’s define out 100 minutes for Local/National expiring at the end of the month:

#Add a balance to the account with type *voice with 100 minutes of talk time to Local / National Destinations expiring at the end of the month
Create_Local_National_Voice_Balance_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV1.SetBalance",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": "Nick_Test_123",
            "BalanceType": "*voice",
            "Categories": "*any",
            "Balance": {
                "ID": "Local_National_100_minutes_voice_balance",
                "Value": "100m",
                "ExpiryTime": "*month_end",
                "Weight": 60,
                "DestinationIDs": "Dest_AU_Fixed",

We’ll also add our 24 hours to use to use 40 minutes of talk to mobiles, and a GetAccount to check the result:

#Add a balance to the account with type *voice with 40 minutes of talk time to Mobile Destinations expiring in 24 hours
Create_Mobile_Voice_Balance_JSON = {
    "method": "ApierV1.SetBalance",
    "params": [
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": "Nick_Test_123",
            "BalanceType": "*voice",
            "Categories": "*any",
            "Balance": {
                "ID": "Mobile_40_minutes_voice_balance",
                "Value": "40m",
                "ExpiryTime": "*daily",
                "Weight": 60,
                "DestinationIDs": "Dest_AU_Mobile",

# Get Account Info Again
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({"method": "ApierV2.GetAccount", "params": [
              {"Tenant": "cgrates.org", "Account": "Nick_Test_123"}]}))

Alright, let’s try running that:

{'method': 'ApierV2.GetAccount', 'params': [{'Tenant': 'cgrates.org', 'Account': 'Nick_Test_123'}]}
{'error': None,
 'id': None,
 'result': {'ActionTriggers': None,
            'AllowNegative': False,
            'BalanceMap': {'*voice': [{'Blocker': False,
                                       'Categories': None,
                                       'DestinationIDs': None,
                                       'Disabled': False,
                                       'ExpirationDate': '0001-01-01T00:00:00Z',
                                       'Factor': None,
                                       'ID': '5_minute_voice_balance',
                                       'RatingSubject': '',
                                       'SharedGroups': None,
                                       'TimingIDs': None,
                                       'Timings': None,
                                       'Uuid': 'ad9d8bdd-64df-430f-af9d-3fc0410fd16b',
                                       'Value': 150000000000,
                                       'Weight': 25},
                                      {'Blocker': False,
                                       'Categories': None,
                                       'DestinationIDs': {'Dest_AU_Fixed': True},
                                       'Disabled': False,
                                       'ExpirationDate': '2023-10-31T23:59:59+11:00',
                                       'Factor': None,
                                       'ID': 'Local_National_100_minutes_voice_balance',
                                       'RatingSubject': '',
                                       'SharedGroups': None,
                                       'TimingIDs': None,
                                       'Timings': None,
                                       'Uuid': 'e4a2c211-8112-4e40-b3e6-250863404cc9',
                                       'Value': 6000000000000,
                                       'Weight': 60},
                                      {'Blocker': False,
                                       'Categories': None,
                                       'DestinationIDs': {'Dest_AU_Mobile': True},
                                       'Disabled': False,
                                       'ExpirationDate': '2023-10-15T18:15:11.521636734+11:00',
                                       'Factor': None,
                                       'ID': 'Mobile_40_minutes_voice_balance',
                                       'RatingSubject': '',
                                       'SharedGroups': None,
                                       'TimingIDs': None,
                                       'Timings': None,
                                       'Uuid': 'd4cbf6d8-50a5-4c97-82c2-dfe9936ae8d1',
                                       'Value': 2400000000000,
                                       'Weight': 60}]},
            'Disabled': False,
            'ID': 'cgrates.org:Nick_Test_123',
            'UnitCounters': None,
            'UpdateTime': '2023-10-14T18:15:11.524242437+11:00'}}

Alright! We now have 3 balances defined!

Notice in the API in the expiry I put *daily and *month_end, but in the output it’s got a real date and time (I wrote this 14/10/23 around 07:00 UTC, hence why those dates are what they are).
I could have specified the date and time in the API of a specific time I wanted the balance to expire (You can too, just replace “*daily” with “2024-01-01T00:00:00Z” for example), but that’s a pain in the butt, especially considering most of the time these values will be something common.
The *month_end is a special “meta” value, there’s a heap of these that allow us to do things like “current time + 20 minutes” (+20m), this time next month (*monthly), “this time tomorrow” (*daily), or “this time next week” (+168h) – You can find the full list of special dates here.

From a product perspective, setting an expiry on balances means we can set credit to expire 2 years after the subscriber tops up, but the same logic can be used so a subscriber could purchase a 7 day addon pack, that expires in 7 days, or a monthly plan can automatically expire in 30 days.

Now if we call the ProcessExternalCDR API again with a call to a Mobile and a Fixed number, we’ll see the respective balances get deducted.

#Generate a new call event for a 2.5 minute (150 second) call to a mobile number
Process_External_CDR_JSON = {
    "method": "CDRsV2.ProcessExternalCDR",
    "params": [
            "OriginID": str(uuid.uuid1()),
            "ToR": "*voice",
            "RequestType": "*pseudoprepaid",
            "AnswerTime": now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "SetupTime": now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "Subject": "61412341234",
            "Destination": "61412341234",
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": "Nick_Test_123",
            "Usage": "30s",

#Generate a new call event for a 2.5 minute (150 second) call to a fixed line local/national number
Process_External_CDR_JSON = {
    "method": "CDRsV2.ProcessExternalCDR",
    "params": [
            "OriginID": str(uuid.uuid1()),
            "ToR": "*voice",
            "RequestType": "*pseudoprepaid",
            "AnswerTime": now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "SetupTime": now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "Subject": "61212341234",
            "Destination": "61212341234",
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": "Nick_Test_123",
            "Usage": "30s",

# Get Account Info Again
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({"method": "ApierV2.GetAccount", "params": [
              {"Tenant": "cgrates.org", "Account": "Nick_Test_123"}]}))

We should see the minutes reduced by 30 seconds for our Local_National_100_minutes_voice_balance and Mobile_40_minutes_voice_balance balances, while our 5_minute_voice_balance hasn’t been touched.


One last thing we’ll try before we end, our Mobile_40_minutes_voice_balance has still got 39.5 minutes left, and our 5_minute_voice_balance has still got minutes remaining, so if we try and make a call that’s 2450 seconds (~41 minutes), we should consume all the remaining minutes in Mobile_40_minutes_voice_balance and the go onto consume the remaining 1 minute out of 5_minute_voice_balance.

Let’s test this theory!

#Generate a new call event for a 42 minute call to a mobile to use all of our Mobile_40_minutes_voice_balance and start consuming 5_minute_voice_balance
Process_External_CDR_JSON = {
    "method": "CDRsV2.ProcessExternalCDR",
    "params": [
            "OriginID": str(uuid.uuid1()),
            "ToR": "*voice",
            "RequestType": "*pseudoprepaid",
            "AnswerTime": now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "SetupTime": now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
            "Subject": "61412341234",
            "Destination": "61412341234",
            "Tenant": "cgrates.org",
            "Account": "Nick_Test_123",
            "Usage": "2450s",

# Get Account Info Again
pprint.pprint(CGRateS_Obj.SendData({"method": "ApierV2.GetAccount", "params": [
              {"Tenant": "cgrates.org", "Account": "Nick_Test_123"}]}))

Let’s check the output:


Boom, there we have it! Used all of the minutes in Mobile_40_minutes_voice_balance and started eating into the 5_minute_voice_balance.

Note: I’ve put the code for all this in Github, if you’ve got issues following along, or don’t want to copy and paste the code from the website, you can grab the code here.

Alright, that was a long post! Sorry about that, and props for making it to the end, still so much to learn about CGrateS.

Jaffa Cakes explain the nuances between Centralized vs Decentralized Online Charging in 3GPP Networks

While reading through the 3GPP docs regarding Online Charging, there’s a concept that can be a tad confusing, and that’s the difference between Centralized and Non-Centralized Charging architectures.

The overall purpose of online charging is to answer that deceptively simple question of “does the user have enough credit for this action?”.

In order to answer that question, we need to perform rating and unit determination.


Rating is just converting connectivity credit units into monetary units.

If you go to the supermarket and they have boxes of Jaffa Cakes at $2.50 each, they have rated a box of Jaffa Cakes at $2.50.

1 Box of Jaffa Cakes rated at $2.50 per box

In a non-snack-cake context, such as 3GPP Online Charging, then we might be talking about data services, for example $1 per GB is a rate for data.
Or for a voice calls a cost per minute to call a destination, such as is $0.20 per minute for a local call.

Rating is just working out the cost per connectivity unit (Data or Minutes) into a monetary cost, based on the tariff to be applied to that subscriber.

Unit Determination

The other key piece of information we need is the unit determination which is the calculation of the number of non-monetary units the OCS will offer prior to starting a service, or during a service.

This is done after rating so we can take the amount of credit available to the subscriber and calculate the number of non-monetary units to be offered.

Converting Hard-Currency into Soft-Snacks

In our rating example we rated a box of Jaffa Cakes at $2.50 per box. If I have $10 I can go to the shops and buy 4x boxes of Jaffa cakes at $2.50 per box. The cashier will perform unit determination and determine that at $2.50 per box and my $10, I can have 4 boxes of Jaffa cakes.

Again, steering away from the metaphor of the hungry author, Unit Determination in a 3GPP context could be determining how many minutes of talk time to be granted.
Question: At $0.20 per minute to a destination, for a subscriber with a current credit of $20, how many minutes of talk time should they be granted?
Answer: 100 minutes ($20 divided by $0.20 per minute is 100 minutes).

Or to put this in a data perspective,
Question: Subscriber has $10 in Credit and data is rated at $1 per GB. How many GB of data should the subscriber be allowed to use?
Answer: 10GB.

Putting this Together

So now we understand rating (working out the conversion of connectivity units into monetary units) and unit determination (determining the number of non-monetary units to be granted for a given resource), let’s look at the the Centralized and Decentralized Online Charging.

Centralized Rating

In Centralized Rating the CTF (Our P-GW or S-CSCF) only talk about non-monetary units.
There’s no talk of money, just of the connectivity units used.

The CTFs don’t know the rating information, they have no idea how much 1GB of data costs to transfer in terms of $$$.

For the CTF in the P-GW/PCEF this means it talks to the OCS in terms of data units (data In/out), not money.

For the CTF in the S-CSCF this means it only ever talks to the OCS in voice units (minutes of talk time), not money.

This means our rates only need to exist in the OCS, not in the CTF in the other network elements. They just talk about units they need.

De-Centralized Rating

In De-Centralized Rating the CTF performs the unit conversion from money into connectivity units.
This means the OCS and CTF talk about Money, with the CTF determining from that amount of money granted, what the subscriber can do with that money.

This means the CTF in the S-CSCF needs to have a rating table for all the destinations to determine the cost per minute for a call to a destination.

And the CTF in the P-GW/PCEF has to know the cost per octet transferred across the network for the subscriber.

In previous generations of mobile networks it may have been desirable to perform decentralized rating, as you can spread the load of calculating our the pricing, however today Centralized is the most common way to approach this, as ensuring the correct rates are in each network element is a headache.

Centralized Unit Determination

In Centralized Unit Determination the CTF tells the OCS the type of service in the Credit Control Request (Requested Service Units), and the OCS determines the number of non-monetary units of a certain service the subscriber can consume.

The CTF doesn’t request a value, just tells the OCS the service being requested and subscriber, and the OCS works out the values.

For example, the S-CSCF specifies in the Credit Control Request the destination the caller wishes to reach, and the OCS replies with the amount of talk time it will grant.

Or for a subscriber wishing to use data, the P-GW/PCEF sends a Credit Control Request specifying the service is data, and the OCS responds with how much data the subscriber is entitled to use.

De-Centralized Unit Determination

In De-Centralized Unit Determination, the CTF determines how many units are required to start the service, and requests these units from the OCS in the Credit Control Request.

For a data service,the CTF in the P-GW would determine how many data units it is requesting for a subscriber, and then request that many units from the OCS.

For a voice call a S-CSCF may request an initial call duration, of say 5 minutes, from the OCS. So it provides the information about the destination and the request for 300 seconds of talk time.

Session Charging with Unit Reservation (SCUR)

Arguably the most common online charging scenario is Session Charging with Unit Reservation (SCUR).

SCUR relies on reserving an amount of funds from the subscriber’s balance, so no other services can those funds and translating that into connectivity units (minutes of talk time or data in/out based on the Requested Session Unit) at the start of the session, and then subsequent requests to debit the reserved amount and reserve a new amount, until all the credit is used.

This uses centralized Unit Determination and centralized Rating.

Let’s take a look at how this would look for the CTF in a P-GW/PCEF performing online charging for a subscriber wishing to use data:

  1. Session Request: The subscriber has attached to the network and is requesting service.
  2. The CTF built into the P-GW/PCEF sends a Credit Control Request: Initial Request (As this subscriber has just attached) to the OCS, with Requested Service Units (RSU) of data in/out to the OCS.
  3. The OCS performs rating and unit determination, and according to it’s credit risk policies, and a whole lot of other factors, comes back with an amount of data the subscriber can use, and reserves the amount from the account.
    (It’s worth noting at this point that this is not necessarily all of the subscriber’s credit in the form of data, just an amount the OCS is willing to allocate. More data can be requested once this allocated data is used up.)
  4. The OCS sends a Credit Control Answer back to our P-GW/PCEF. This contains the Granted Service Unit (GSU), in our case the GSU is data so defines much data up/down the user can transfer. It also may include a Validity Time (VT), which is the number of seconds the Credit Control Answer is valid for, after it’s expired another Credit Control Request must be sent by the CTF.
  5. Our P-GW/PCEF processes this, starts measuring the data used by the subscriber for reporting later, and sets a timer for the Validity Time to send another CCR at that point.
    At this stage, our subscriber is able to start using data.
  1. Some time later, either when all the data allocated in the Granted Service Units has been consumed, or when the Validity Time has expired, the CTF in the P-GW/PCEF sends another Credit Control Request: Update, and again includes the RSU (Requested Service Units) as data in/out, and also a USU (Used Service Units) specifying how much data the subscriber has used since the first Credit Control Answer.
  2. The OCS receives this information. It compares the Used Session Units to the Granted Session Units from earlier, and with this is able to determine how much data the subscriber has actually used, and therefore how much credit that equates to, and debit that amount from the account.
    With this information the OCS can reserve more funds and allocate another GSU (Granted Session Unit) if the subscriber has the required balance. If the subscriber only has a small amount of credit left the FUI (Final Unit Indication AVP) is set to determine this is all the subscriber has left in credit, and if this is exhausted to end the session, rather than sending another Credit Control Request.
  3. The Credit Control Answer with new GSU and the FUI is sent back to the P-GW/PCEF
  4. The P-GW/PCEF allows the session to continue, again monitoring used traffic against the GSU (Granted Session Units).
  1. Once the subscriber has used all the data in the Granted Session Units, and as the last CCA included the Final Unit Indicator, the CTF in the P-GW/PCEF knows it can’t just request more credit in the form of a CCR Update, so cuts of the subscribers’s session.
  2. The P-GW/PCEF then sends a Credit Control Request: Termination Request with the final Used Service Units to the OCS.
  3. The OCS debits the used service units from the subscriber’s balance, and refunds any unused credit reservation.
  4. The OCS sends back a Credit Control Answer which may include the CI value for Credit Information, to denote the cost information which may be passed to the subscriber if required.
Credit Control Request / Answer call flow in IMS Charging

Basics of EPC/LTE Online Charging (OCS)

Early on as subscriber trunk dialing and automated time-based charging was introduced to phone networks, engineers were faced with a problem from Payphones.

Previously a call had been a fixed price, once the caller put in their coins, if they put in enough coins, they could dial and stay on the line as long as they wanted.

But as the length of calls began to be metered, it means if I put $3 of coins into the payphone, and make a call to a destination that costs $1 per minute, then I should only be allowed to have a 3 minute long phone call, and the call should be cutoff before the 4th minute, as I would have used all my available credit.

Conversely if I put $3 into the Payphone and only call a $1 per minute destination for 2 minutes, I should get $1 refunded at the end of my call.

We see the exact same problem with prepaid subscribers on IMS Networks, and it’s solved in much the same way.

In LTE/EPC Networks, Diameter is used for all our credit control, with all online charging based on the Ro interface. So let’s take a look at how this works and what goes on.

Generic 3GPP Online Charging Architecture

3GPP defines a generic 3GPP Online charging architecture, that’s used by IMS for Credit Control of prepaid subscribers, but also for prepaid metering of data usage, other volume based flows, as well as event-based charging like SMS and MMS.

Network functions that handle chargeable services (like the data transferred through a P-GW or calls through a S-CSCF) contain a Charging Trigger Function (CTF) (While reading the specifications, you may be left thinking that the Charging Trigger Function is a separate entity, but more often than not, the CTF is built into the network element as an interface).

The CTF is a Diameter application that generates requests to the Online Charging Function (OCF) to be granted resources for the session / call / data flow, the subscriber wants to use, prior to granting them the service.

So network elements that need to charge for services in realtime contain a Charging Trigger Function (CTF) which in turn talks to an Online Charging Function (OCF) which typically is part of an Online Charging System (AKA OCS).

For example when a subscriber turns on their phone and a GTP session is setup on the P-GW/PCEF, but before data is allowed to flow through it, a Diameter “Credit Control Request” is generated by the Charging Trigger Function (CTF) in the P-GW/PCEF, which is sent to our Online Charging Server (OCS).

The “Credit Control Answer” back from the OCS indicates the subscriber has the balance needed to use data services, and specifies how much data up and down the subscriber has been granted to use.

The P-GW/PCEF grants service to the subscriber for the specified amount of units, and the subscriber can start using data.

This is a simplified example – Decentralized vs Centralized Rating and Unit Determination enter into this, session reservation, etc.

The interface between our Charging Trigger Functions (CTF) and the Online Charging Functions (OCF), is the Ro interface, which is a Diameter based interface, and is common not just for online charging for data usage, IMS Credit Control, MMS, value added services, etc.

3GPP define a reference online-charging interface, the Ro interface, and all the application-specific interfaces, like the Gy for billing data usage, build on top of the Ro interface spec.

Basic Credit Control Request / Credit Control Answer Process

This example will look at a VoLTE call over IMS.

When a subscriber sends an INVITE, the Charging Trigger Function baked in our S-CSCF sends a Diameter “Credit Control Request” (CCR) to our Online Charging Function, with the type INITIAL, meaning this is the first CCR for this session.

The CCR contains the Service Information AVP. It’s this little AVP that is where the majority of the magic happens, as it defines what the service the subscriber is requesting. The main difference between the multitude of online charging interfaces in EPC networks, is just what the service the customer is requesting, and the specifics of that service.

For this example it’s a voice call, so this Service Information AVP contains a “IMS-Information” AVP. This AVP defines all the parameters for a IMS phone call to be online charged, for a voice call, this is the called-party, calling party, SDP (for differentiating between voice / video, etc.).

It’s the contents of this Service Information AVP the OCS uses to make decision on if service should be granted or not, and how many service units to be granted. (If Centralized Rating and Unit Determination is used, we’ll cover that in another post)
The actual logic, relating to this decision is typically based on the the rating and tariffing, credit control profiles, etc, and is outside the scope of the interface, but in short, the OCS will make a yes/no decision about if the subscriber should be granted access to the particular service, and if yes, then how many minutes / Bytes / Events should be granted.

In the received Credit Control Answer is received back from our OCS, and the Granted-Service-Unit AVP is analysed by the S-CSCF.
For a voice call, the service units will be time. This tells the S-CSCF how long the call can go on before the S-CSCF will need to send another Credit Control Request, for the purposes of this example we’ll imagine the returned value is 600 seconds / 10 minutes.

The S-CSCF will then grant service, the subscriber can start their voice call, and start the countdown of the time granted by the OCS.

As our chatty subscriber stays on their call, the S-CSCF approaches the limit of the Granted Service units from the OCS (Say 500 seconds used of the 600 seconds granted).
Before this limit is reached the S-CSCF’s CTF function sends another Credit Control Request with the type UPDATE_REQUEST. This allows the OCS to analyse the remaining balance of the subscriber and policies to tell the S-CSCF how long the call can continue to proceed for in the form of granted service units returned in the Credit Control Answer, which for our example can be 300 seconds.

Eventually, and before the second lot of granted units runs out, our subscriber ends the call, for a total talk time of 700 seconds.

But wait, the subscriber been granted 600 seconds for our INITIAL request, and a further 300 seconds in our UPDATE_REQUEST, for a total of 900 seconds, but the subscriber only used 700 seconds?

The S-CSCF sends a final Credit Control Request, this time with type TERMINATION_REQUEST and lets the OCS know via the Used-Service-Unit AVP, how many units the subscriber actually used (700 seconds), meaning the OCS will refund the balance for the gap of 200 seconds the subscriber didn’t use.

If this were the interface for online charging of data, we’d have the PS-Information AVP, or for online charging of SMS we’d have the SMS-Information, and so on.

The architecture and framework for how the charging works doesn’t change between a voice call, data traffic or messaging, just the particulars for the type of service we need to bill, as defined in the Service Information AVP, and the OCS making a decision on that based on if the subscriber should be granted service, and if yes, how many units of whatever type.