Category Archives: RFCs & Standards

Kamailio Bytes – Dispatcher Module

The Dispatcher module is used to offer load balancing functionality and intelligent dispatching of SIP messages.

Let’s say you’ve added a second Media Gateway to your network, and you want to send 75% of traffic to the new gateway and 25% to the old gateway, you’d use the load balancing functionality of the Dispatcher module.

Let’s say if the new Media Gateway goes down you want to send 100% of traffic to the original Media Gateway, you’d use the intelligent dispatching to detect status of the Media Gateway and manage failures.

These are all problems the Dispatcher Module is here to help with.

Before we get started….

Your Kamailio instance will need:

  • Installed and running Kamailio instance
  • Database configured and tables created (We’ll be using MySQL but any backed is fine)
  • kamcmd & kamctl working (kamctlrc configured)
  • Basic Kamailio understanding

The Story

So we’ve got 4 players in this story:

  • Our User Agent (UA) (Softphone on my PC)
  • Our Kamailio instance
  • Media Gateway 1 (mg1)
  • Media Gateway 2 (mg2)

Our UA will make a call to Kamailio. (Send an INVITE)

Kamailio will keep track of the up/down status of each of the media gateways, and based on rules we define pick one of the Media Gateways to forward the INVITE too.

The Media Gateways will playback “Media Gateway 1” or “Media Gateway 2” depending on which one we end up talking too.



You’ll need to load the dispatcher module, by adding the below line with the rest of your loadmodules:

loadmodule ""

Next we’ll need to set the module specific config using modparam for dispatcher:

modparam("dispatcher", "db_url", DBURL)                 #Use DBURL variable for database parameters
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_interval", 10)          #How often to ping destinations to check status
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_method", "OPTIONS")     #Send SIP Options ping
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_threshold", 10)      #How many failed pings in a row do we need before we consider it down
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_inactive_threshold", 10)     #How many sucessful pings in a row do we need before considering it up
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_ping_latency_stats", 1)      #Enables stats on latency
modparam("dispatcher", "ds_probing_mode", 1)            #Keeps pinging gateways when state is known (to detect change in state)

Most of these are pretty self explanatory but you’ll probably need to tweak these to match your environment.

Destination Setup

Like the permissions module, dispatcher module has groups of destinations.

For this example we’ll be using dispatch group 1, which will be a group containing our Media Gateways, and the SIP URIs are sip:mg1:5060 and sip:mg2:5060

From the shell we’ll use kamctl to add a new dispatcher entry.

kamctl dispatcher add 1 sip:mg1:5060 0 0 '' 'Media Gateway 1'
kamctl dispatcher add 1 sip:mg2:5060 0 0 '' 'Media Gateway 2'

Alternately you could do this in the database itself:

INSERT INTO `dispatcher` (`id`, `setid`, `destination`, `flags`, `priority`, `attrs`, `description`) VALUES (NULL, '1', 'sip:mg3:5060', '0', '0', '', 'Media Gateway 3'); 

Or you could use Siremis GUI to add the entries.

You can use kamctl to show you the database entries:

kamctl dispatcher show

A restart to Kamailio will make our changes live.

Destination Status / Control

Checking Status

Next up we’ll check if our gateways are online, we’ll use kamcmd to show the current status of the destinations:

kamcmd dispatcher.list

Here we can see our two media gateways, quick response times to each, and everything looks good.

Take a note of the FLAGS field, it’s currently set to AP which is good, but there’s a few states:

  • AP – Active Probing – Destination is responding to pings & is up
  • IP – Inactive Probing – Destination is not responding to pings and is probably unreachable
  • DX – Destination is disabled (administratively down)
  • AX – Looks like is up or is coming up, but has yet to satisfy minimum thresholds to be considered up (ds_inactive_threshold)
  • TX – Looks like or is, down. Has stopped responding to pings but has not yet satisfied down state failed ping count (ds_probing_threshold)

Adding Additional Destinations without Restarting

If we add an extra destination now, we can add it without having to restart Kamailio, by using kamcmd:

kamcmd dispatcher.reload

There’s some sanity checks built into this, if the OS can’t resolve a domain name in dispatcher you’ll get back an error:

Administratively Disable Destinations

You may want to do some work on one of the Media Gateways and want to nicely take it offline, for this we use kamcmd again:

kamcmd dispatcher.set_state dx 1 sip:mg1:5060

Now if we check status we see MG1’s status is DX:

Once we’re done with the maintenance we could force it into the up state by replacing dx with ap.

It’s worth noting that if you restart Kamailio, or reload dispatcher, the state of each destination is reset, and starts again from AX and progresses to AP (Up) or IP (Down) based on if the destination is responding.

Routing using Dispatcher

The magic really comes down to single simple line, ds_select_dst();

The command sets the destination address to an address from the pool of up addresses in dispatcher.

You’d generally give ds_select_dst(); two parameters, the first is the destination set, in our case this is 1, because all our Media Gateway destinations are in set ID 1. The next parameter is is the algorithm used to work out which destination from the pool to use for this request.

Some common entries would be random, round robin, weight based or priority value.

In our example we’ll use a random selection between up destinations in group 1:

   ds_select_dst(1, 4);    #Get a random up destination from dispatcher
   route(RELAY);           #Route it

Now let’s try and make a call:

UA > Kamailio: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@Kamailio SIP/2.0

Kamailio > UA: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 trying -- your call is important to us

Kamailio > MG1: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@MG1 SIP/2.0

MG1 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying

Kamailio > UA : SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying

MG1 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 200 OK

Kamailio > UA : SIP: SIP/2.0 200 OK

And bingo, we’re connected to a Media Gateway 1.
If I try it again I’ll get MG2, then MG1, then MG2, as we’re using round robin selection.

Destination Selection Algorithm

We talked a little about the different destination select algorithm, let’s dig a little deeper into the common ones, this is taken from the Dispatcher documentation:

  • “0” – hash over callid
  • “4” – round-robin (next destination).
  • “6” – random destination (using rand()).
  • “8” – select destination sorted by priority attribute value (serial forking ordered by priority).
  • “9” – use weight based load distribution.
  • “10” – use call load distribution. 
  • “12” – dispatch to all destination in setid at once

For select destination sorted by priority (8) to work you need to include a priority, you can do this when adding the dispatcher entry or after the fact by editing the data. In the below example if MG1 is up, calls will always go to MG1, if MG1 is down it’ll go to the next highest priority (MG2).

The higher the priority the more calls it will get

For use weight based load distribution (9) to work, you’ll need to set a weight as well, this is similar to priority but allows you to split load, for example you could put weight=25 on a less powerful or slower destination, and weight=75 for a faster or more powerful destination, so the better destination gets 75% of traffic and the other gets 25%. (You don’t have to do these to add to 100%, I just find it easier to think of them as percentages).

use call load distribution (10) allows you to evenly split the number of calls to each destination. This could be useful if you’ve got say 2 SIP trunks with x channels on each trunk, but only x concurrent calls allowed on each. Like adding a weight you need to set a duid= value with the total number of calls each destination can handle.

dispatch to all destination in setid at once (12) allows you to perform parallel branching of your call to all the destinations in the address group and whichever one answers first will handle the call. This adds a lot of overhead, as for each destination you have in that set will need a new dialog to be managed, but it sure is quick for the user. The other major issue is let’s say I have three carriers configured in dispatcher, and I call a landline.

That landline will receive three calls, which will ring at the same time until the called party answers one of the calls. When they do the other two calls will stop ringing. This can get really messy.

Managing Failure

Let’s say we try and send a call to one of our Media Gateways and it fails, we could forward that failure response to the UA, or, better yet, we could try on another Media Gateway.

Let’s set a priority of 10 to MG1 and a priority of 5 to MG2, and then set MG1 to reject the call.

We’ll also need to add a failure route, so let’s tweak our code:

                ds_select_dst(1, 12);

And the failure route:

        xlog("Trying next destination");


ds_next_dst() gets the next available destination from dispatcher. Let’s see how this looks in practice:

UA > Kamailio: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@Kamailio SIP/2.0

Kamailio > UA: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 trying -- your call is important to us

Kamailio > MG1: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@MG1 SIP/2.0

MG1 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying

MG1 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 404 Not Found

Kamailio > MG1 : SIP: SIP/2.0 ACK

Kamailio > MG2: SIP: INVITE sip:1111111@MG2 SIP/2.0

MG2 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 100 Trying

MG2 > Kamailio: SIP: SIP/2.0 200 OK

Kamailio > UA : SIP: SIP/2.0 200 OK

Here’s a copy of my entire code as a reference.

ASN.1 Encoding in a Nutshell

What is ASN.1 and why is it so hard to find a good explanation or example?

ISO, IEC & ITU-T all got together and wrote a standard for describing data transmitted by telecommunications protocols, it’s used by many well known protocols X.509 (SSL), LDAP, SNMP, LTE which all rely on ASN.1 to encode data, transmit it, and then decode it, reliably and efficiently.


Let’s take this XML encoded data:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <text>Hello my friend!</text>

As you can see it’s human readable and pretty clear.

But what if we split this in two, had the definitions in one file and the values in another:


Here we’ll describe each of our fields

Number – Intiger- Destination of Message
Text – String – Message to be sent


Now we’ll list the values.

Hello my friend!

By taking the definitions out our data is now 28 bytes, instead of 122, so we’re a fraction of the size on the wire (becomes important if you’re sending this data all the time or with a limited link budget), and we’ve also defined the type of each value as well, so we know we shouldn’t have an integer as the heading for example, we can see it’s a string.

The sender and the receiver both have a copy of the definitions, so everyone is clear on where we stand in terms of what each field is, and the types of values we encode. As a bonus we’re down to less than 1/4 of our original size. Great!

That’s ASN.1 in a nutshell, but let’s dig a little deeper and use a real example.


Now let’s actually encode & decode some data.

I’ll be using asn1tools a Python library written by Erik Moqvist, you can add it through pip:

pip install asn1tools

We’ll create a new text file and put our ASN.1 definitions into it, so let’s create a new file called foo.asn which will contain our definitions in ASN.1 format:

Message ::= SEQUENCE {
number INTEGER,
text UTF8String

Copy and paste that into foo.asn and now we’ve got a definition, with a Module called Message containing a field called number (which is an integer) and a filed called text (which is a string).

Now let’s fire up our python shell in the same directory as our new file:

>>import asn1tools
>>foo = asn1tools.compile_files('foo.asn')
>>encoded = foo.encode('Message',  {'number': 61412341234, 'text': u'Hello my friend!'})
    bytearray(b'0\x19\x02\x05\x0eLu\xf5\xf2\x0c\x10Hello my friend!')

(You’ll need to run this in the Python shell, else it’ll just output encoded as plain text and not as a Byte Array as above)

So now we’ve encoded our values (number = 2 and text = ‘Hi!’) into bytes, ready to be sent down the wire and decoded at the other end. Not exactly human friendly but efficient and well defined.

So let’s decode them, again, Python shell:

>>> import asn1tools
>>> foo = asn1tools.compile_files('foo.asn')
>>> decoded = foo.decode('Message', '0\x19\x02\x05\x0eLu\xf5\xf2\x0c\x10Hello my friend!')
>>> decoded
    {'text': u'Hello my friend!', 'number': 61412341234}

So there you have it, an introduction to ASN1, how to encode & decode data.

We can grow our definitions (in the .asn file) and so long as both ends have the same definitions and you’re encoding the right stuff, you’ll be set.

Further Reading

There’s a whole lot more to ASN1 – Like how you encode the data, how to properly setup your definitions etc, but hopefully you understand what it actually does now.

Some further reading:

Wireshark trace showing a "401 Unauthorized" Response to an IMS REGISTER request, using the AKAv1-MD5 Algorithm

All About IMS Authentication (AKAv1-MD5) in VoLTE Networks

I recently began integrating IMS Authentication functions into PyHSS, and thought I’d share my notes / research into the authentication used by IMS networks & served by a IMS capable HSS.

There’s very little useful info online on AKAv1-MD5 algorithm, but it’s actually fairly simple to understand.

RFC 2617 introduces two authentication methods for HTTP, one is Plain Text and is as it sounds – the password sent over the wire, the other is using Digest scheme authentication. This is the authentication used in standard SIP MD5 auth which I covered ages back in this post.

Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) is a method for authentication and key distribution in a EUTRAN network. AKA is challenge-response based using symmetric cryptography. AKA runs on the ISIM function of a USIM card.

I’ve covered the AKA process in my post on USIM/HSS authentication.

The Nonce field is the Base64 encoded version of the RAND value and concatenated with the AUTN token from our AKA response. (Often called the Authentication Vectors).

That’s it!

It’s put in the SIP 401 response by the S-CSCF and sent to the UE. (Note, the Cyperhing Key & Integrity Keys are removed by the P-CSCF and used for IPsec SA establishment.

Wireshark trace showing a "401 Unauthorized" Response to an IMS REGISTER request, using the AKAv1-MD5 Algorithm
Click for Full Size version of this image

RTP – More than you wanted to know

There’s often a lot of focus on the signalling side of VoIP, but the media RTP (Real Time Protocol) is the protocol that actually transfers the voice over IP.

RTP is designed to be bare-bones and adaptable. A RTP packet doesn’t have pretty RFC822 style headers that are easy to read, but rather a fixed length formatted string of Hex values, with different positions denoting different values to keep the size down. There’s no checksum in the protocol, error correction, or anything else that might add overhead.

RTP is the transport of the media, it contains the media as a payload inside, but it’s up to the system creating the RTP packets as to what’s inside the payload. The header of an RTP packet does denote the payload type, but RTP has no way to verify that the contents of the payload match the payload type specified.

First defined in 1996, RTP hasn’t seen much evolution, primarily owing to it’s design being as lightweight and simple as possible. RTP  had a bit of an update in 2003 under RFC 3550, but that only touched upon changes to the timer algorithm. (That deserves a post of it’s own) There have been pushes in the past for a further cut down RTP with fewer fields, as being fixed-width some fields when not used are just padded with 00000s so the packet size on the wire remains the same regardless.

RTP is generally carried over UDP but it will run over TCP. Running your RTP traffic over TCP can be pretty costly due time-sensitive nature and the sheer volume of packets you’ll be seeing. If if you’re packetizing a G. 711 a-law call (sampled every 20 ms at 8,000 Hz) that’s a packet every 160ms – 375 packets each direction per minute on UDP. If you were to use TCP to transport these packets you’d need to add the 3-way-handshake giving you 3 times as many packets at 1125 packets per minute, not to mention much more jitter and PDV caused by 3 times the load.

Header Fields

The data in RTP headers is in Hexidecimal format, which keeps it’s size down and processing minimal, but also means it’s pretty rigidly defined in terms of spacing etc, it’s not like a SIP header which might look like To: [email protected]\n\r, this wastes precious space on the wire to add the “To: ” and the “\n\r”, so instead it’s fixed positioning all the way with just the data.

If you haven’t had the joys of working with 90’s data files in fixed width formats, the premise is fairly simple; each value has a start and end position within a document. More info on creating RTP headers can be found in the post “Crafting RTP Packets”.

Generally when working with RTP packets on the wire, all these headers are joined one after another, broken up into blocks of 8 (octets) and then converted to HEX, all to ensure it’s as small as practical when it’s transmitted.

Version (2 bits)

RTP has had two published versions, but in both the value to put in this field is 10 (Binary 2). If you are reading this on a machine that isn’t running DOS, there’s a good chance you’ll only see version 2.
If your traffic routed through a wormhole, or your network has some serious latency issues (Several decades) you could find yourself working with a media stream pre-1996 (hopefully not) using the draft version of RTP and has a value of 01 (Binary 1). But if you were dealing with RTP’s predecessor; vat, this value would be 0. (vat and RTP aren’t the same).

Padding (1 bit)

If you’re encrypting your packets you may need them to be a specific size, and for this you may need to pad the packets out at the end. To do this you’d enable padding by putting a 1 here and then specifying at the end of the payload how many octets of padding you need. In most cases this isn’t used though, and this value will be 0.

Extension (1 bit)

Unlike a lot of RFC documents that specify “must” “shall” etc, RTP was defined more as a guideline, a template for implementers. The extension field was added to allow individual implementations with additional custom data in the headers, while being ignored by other network elements that don’t support the extensions. If this is enabled it’s followed by 16 bits of you-decide.
However like the padding value, this is likely to be 0.

Contributing Source (CSRC) Count (4 bits)

RTP allows you to have multiple Contributing Sources. This means on a 3-way call, instead of your switch taking the two audio streams, joining them together (mux) and sending each endpoint a single media stream, you could have direct-media from one of the parties you’re on a 3 way call with, and the other party you’re on a call with added as a Contributing Source.
Again, it’s likely this is 0000.

Marker (1 bit)

If the marker bit is set or not is actually up to the underlying protocol. In video the marker bit is often used to signify the image has significantly changed, and in audio it’s generally to denote the end of silence & the start of talking – called a “talkspurt”.

Payload Type (7 bits)

The payload type is what specifies the contents of the payload. In voice terms this means the codec we’re using. RFC3551 defines some predefined payload type definitions and it’s Payload Type code.

Your values might not appear in the RFC3551 definitions if you’re using a non-standard codec, and that’s Ok. RTP could be used to play video games or pilot an RC plane, it’s really just a protocol to carry a stream of real time data quickly from point A to point B with as little overhead as possible.

PCMA / PCMU is king here thanks to it G.711’s widespread adoption due to being the codec used in TDM, and the fact you don’t need to transcode PCM to bring the traffic into the network, or compress it from a TDM source. TDM / circuit switched services are way less common on the network edge these days,  but G.711 still holds on as the defacto standard.

So for a G711 a-law (PCMA) payload this value would be 8, which is 0001000 in Binary (it’s also equivalent to 1000 in binary but we need to fill all 7 bits because we’re using fixed-width formatting, so we prefix it with zeros, if we were using GSM, which is 8 in decimal and 11 in binary, we’d format is 0000011)

For the full list of Payload types check out IANA’s Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) Parameters.

Sequence Number (16 bits)

The sequence number is a supposedly random number that increments by 1 for each packet sent.
This allows the receiving party to calculate packet loss, because if you receive packets with the sequence number 1,2,3,5,6 you know you’ve missed packet 4.
It also allows us to calculate our packet delay variation (PDV), and helps our jitterbuffer re-assemble packets, if we receive packets 1,3,2,4,5,6 we can see they’re out of sequence and know to play them back in the order 1,2,3,4,5,6, not the order we received them.

The sequence numbers are supposed to be random. By having this as a random number it adds an extra unknown part of the packet for someone trying to break any crypto on top to guess. Polycom however just start all theirs at 0. (Slow clap)

This is a 16 bit number, so like the payload type we’ll have to convert it from decimal to binary, then pad it to be 16 bits. So if our starting sequence number is 1234 we’d have to convert it to binary (10011010010) and then pad it to 16 characters (0000010011010010)

Timestamp (32 bits)

The timestamp, like the sequence number is supposed to begin with a random number, and then increased by the sampling instances between packets “monotonically and linearly in time”. In essence it means a random starting number + time between packets.

The value increments by the packetization time (ptime) in seconds x bandwidth in Hz.
So for a call with a ptime of 20ms at 8Khz this would be:

0.020 x 8000 = 160, so increment by 160 each packet.

Having an accurate source for the timestamp allows accurate stats to be generated for PDV, jitter etc, without this value being accurate your RTCP values will always appear off, even if the audio is fine.

If we wanted a timestamp of 837026880, we’d need to convert it to Binary (110001111001000000010001000000) and pad it to ensure it’s 32 bits long (this value already is so no need to pad).

SSRC (Synchronization Source Identifier) (32 bits)

The SSRC is like a Call-ID, a unique value that identifies one RTP stream from another. If you had two packets to the same port, from the same IP, with roughly the same sequence number & timestamp you’d need a way to determine which RTP stream is for which session. This is where the SSRC comes in, a unique identifier that identifies one RTP stream from the others.

To keep it random the spec’ even suggests ways to generate a random value based on other values.

If we wanted to use 185755418 as or SSRC we’d need to convert it to Binary (1011000100100110011100011010) and pad it to 32 bits (00001011000100100110011100011010)

CSRC List (Contributing source list) (0 to 15 individual 32 bit values)

This contains a list of the contributing sources. Depending on how many sources were specified in your CSRC Count, this can have any number of items from 0 to 15. So if you had one contributing source in the CSRC Count, then you’d have 1x 32 bit value to specify the details of the SSRC identifiers of the sources.

This will always not exist if the CSRC Count is 0.


The payload is whatever you want it to be, so long as you specify it in the Payload Type field, and pad it if enabled, any data can be put here.


Further Reading

I got a copy of the Colin Perkin’s book RTP: Audio and Video for the Internet, which covers everything you need to ever know about RTP. I’d highly recommend it. It was written in 2003, is still just as relevant as more and more traffic moves off circuit switched into packet switched.

What is a SIP Registrar?

If we want to send a SIP message to Bob’s phone, we needs to know the IP Address of Bob’s phone. There are 4,294,967,296 IPv4 addresses, so finding Bob may take a while.

Bob could let us know his IP address, but what if Bob’s IP changes? If he’s using a Softphone while he’s out to lunch and a desk phone once he gets back to the office. How do we find Bob?

SIP manages this using a SIP Registrar, essentially, when Bob goes out to lunch and starts his softphone app, the softphone checks in with the Registrar and lets the Registrar know what IP to find Bob on now (the softphone’s IP).

When he gets back to the office he closes the softphone app, as it shuts down it checks in with the Registrar again to let it know Bob’s not using the softphone any more.

So our Registrar keeps track of the IP address you can find a SIP endpoint on.

It does this using an Address on Record (AoR). It’s a record of a contact – Like Bob, and the IP Addresses to contact Bob, kind of like DNS is a record of the domain name and the IP it translates to.

A simplified example AoR might look like:

 Bob | | Expires 1800

So if we want to send a SIP message to Bob, we look up Bob’s IP in our Address on Record list, and send it to that IP.

A Registrar takes the info received in a SIP REGISTER messages and stores the IP Address and contact info in the form of an Address on Record (AoR).

Registrars also manage expiry, if Bob’s softphone sends a SIP REGISTER message letting us know we’re on one IP address, and then his phone runs out of battery or drops out of coverage, we don’t want to keep sending SIP messages that are going to be lost, so in this case Bob has 1800 seconds left, after which his Address on Record will be discarded if he doesn’t send another REGISTER message before then.

Different SIP Registrars use different ways to store this information, and some store more info, like User-Agent, NAT information and multiple contact IP addresses. Most implementations of a SIP Registrar use some form of database back end or another to store this information. In my Kamailio Registrar example we store it in memory, but you could store it in some form of SQL database, text files, post it notes or punch card, so long a you have a quick way to look it up when needed.

So that’s a SIP Registrar in a nutshell, we’ll talk more about the REGISTER process and flow, including what the www-auth header does, the Contact header and multi endpoint registration in future posts.

SIP REGISTER status & why it’s not what you think it is.

I can see it’s registered, but when I call it it’s not ringing, what’s wrong?

Support team

It’s a question I get every so often, and it generally comes down to a misunderstanding in the way the SIP Register mechanism works.

When a UA registers to a SIP server it includes an “Expires:” header, which means it’s registration will expire after that time.

It doesn’t mean it’ll be active that whole time, just that for the time specified it intends to be at that address, but life, and networks, often have other plans.

Let’s jump out of SIP for a minute and imagine you’re going to give me a package, I leave you a note saying:

I’ll be waiting outside the station in a trench-coat under the lamp post between 7:00 and 7:15

You get there at 7:12 but you can’t deliver the package. I’m nowhere to be seen.

The note I left says I’ll be there during that time, but I’ve disappeared, and no you can’t hand the package to me.

Just because you have a note saying I’ll be there, doesn’t mean I still will be. It was my intention to be there, but I’m obviously not.

The SIP register is the same as the note left on the desk. I intended to be there, but I’m now obviously not, and I haven’t had a way to reach you to let you know this has changed, or I myself don’t know.

You see this in SIP from time to time, generally it’s due to the connection the UA is coming from dropping or it’s public IP changing.

For example, a REGISTER is sent with an Expires of 3600 seconds (An hour) to a SIP switch from IP address

Half an hour later your connection drops.

As far as the SIP switch is concerned it’s going to send any incoming messages to, as said it’d be there for the next hour.

So even though the connection is dropped to the SIP Switch has no way of knowing this and continues to forward any traffic for that user to until the 3600 seconds is up since it last tried to REGISTER.

Same thing could happen if our UA is behind a NAT and the external IP changes or the connection is changed. The UA doesn’t know anything has changed, so no REGISTER is sent to refresh, and messages from the SIP server are sent to the old address.

A lot of SIP switching platforms allow you to view register status, but just keep in mind it doesn’t mean the device is still answerable at that address, only that it intended to be.

Further reading:

SIP Concepts – Record Routing

SIP was designed to be flexible in it’s operation, and for, where possible, messages to take the most direct path.

For example I can use a Registrar function of a proxy to find the IP of a registered endpoint, but once a dialog is setup, why should the proxy be involved? The endpoint & I can take it from here, and can talk directly to each other using the address in the Contact header.

This works really well in some scenarios, as I described above you can have the registrar proxy setup the introduction and then off you go.

Other scenarios this doesn’t work quite so well, for example if the call needs to be billed. To charge correctly, the proxy needs to know when the call ends to know when to stop charging.

If the endpoint we’re talking to is behind a NAT, the NAT might just be locked to the IP of the registrar proxy and drop your traffic.

The Record-Route header exists to address this.

If a proxy adds a Record-Route header, it means it’ll sit in the middle of any future requests in this dialog, and route them back through the proxy.

By adding a Record-Route header on the proxy for our billing example, our proxy will forward inline all the messages between the two end points for that dialog, including the BYE so the proxy knows when to stop charging.

For the NAT scenario we described the Proxy will add a Record-Route header and forward all the messages between the two endpoints, so NAT won’t be an issue as the source IP of the packets will be the same as the proxy.

There was a bit of confusion in regards to implementation so to address this IETF wrote RFC 5658 to address Record-Route Issues in SIP.

SDP – Session Description Protocol – Overview

Content-Type application/sdp is something you’ll see a whole lot when using SIP for Voice over IP, especially in INVITEs and 200 OK responses.

This is because SIP uses SDP to negotiate the media setup.

While Voice over IP uses RTP for media, and SIP for signalling, the meat in this sandwich is SDP, used to negotiate the RTP parameters and payloads before going ahead.

Without SDP you’d just have random unidentified RTP streams going everywhere and no easy way to correlate them back to a Session (SIP) or guarantee both endpoints support the same codec (RTP payload).

Enter SDP, the Session Description Protocol, before any RTP is sent, SDP advertises capabilities (which codecs to use), contact information, port information (which port to send the RTP stream to) and attempts to negotiate a media session both endpoints can support.

SDP is designed to be lightweight, while SIP uses human readable headers like To and From, SDP does away with this in favour of single letters representing what that header contains.

As an interesting aside, SIP at one stage also offered one-letter headers to make it smaller on the wire, but this never really took off.

Here we can see what an SDP header looks like, showing the Session ID, Session Name, Connection Information and Media Descriptions.

SDP from an INVITE

Let’s dig a little deeper and have a look at what this SDP header actually shows that’s useful to us.

The SDP Offer

Session Identifiers

Session information

The Owner / Creator & Session ID header (abbreviated to o=) contains the SDP session ID and the session owner / creator information. This contains the SDP Session ID and the IP Address / FQDN of the owner or creator of this session. In this case the SDP Session ID is 777830 and the Session owner / creator is

Connection Information

Receiving / listening information

Next up we’ve got the connection information header (abbreviated to c=) which contains the IP Address we want the incoming RTP stream sent to. In this example it’s coming IN on IPv4 address

The Media Description header (m=) also contains the port we want to receive the audio on, 15246.

So in summary we’re telling the called party that we’ll be listening on IP Address on port 15246, so they should send their RTP audio stream to that address & port.

Media Attributes

Media attributes

The Media Description header (abbreviated to m=) contains a name and address, in this case it’s audio, and sent to address (port) 15246.

After that we’ve got the RTP Audio / Video profile numbers. Because SDP is designed to be lightweight instead of saying PCMA, PCMU here each codec is assigned a number by IANA that translates to a codec. The full list is here, but 8 is equal to PCMA and 0 is equal to PCMU.

So from the Media Description header we can learn that it’s an Audio session, with media to be sent to port 15246, via RTP using PCMA or PCMU.

Different codecs can have different bitrates, so by using the Media Attribute header (Abbreviated to a=) we can set the bitrates for each. In this case both PCMA and PCMU are using a bitrate of 8000.


So to summarise we’ve told the party we’re calling our session ID is 777830 and it’s owned / created by We support PCMA and PCMU at 8000Hz, and we’ll be listening on IPv4 on on port 15246 for them to send their audio stream to.

The SDP Answer

Next we’ll take a look at the SDP from a 200 OK response, and work out what our session will look like.

Codec Selection

We can see this device only supports PCMA, which makes codec selection pretty easy, it’s going to be PCMA as that was also supported in the SDP offer contained in the initial INVITE.

In the scenario where both devices support the same codecs, the order in which the codecs are listed defines what codec is selected.

Connection Information

Like in the SDP offer we can see that we’re requesting incoming RTP / media to be sent to, in this case we’re asking for the RTP / media on port 25328

Final Steps

Generally after the 200 OK is received an ACK is sent and media starts flowing in both directions between endpoints.

In this example will send their audio (aka media / RTP) to on port 15246 (called party to the caller) and will send their audio to on port 25328 (calling party to the called party).

It’s always worth keeping in mind that SIP doesn’t have to be used for Voice, nor does it have to use SDP, nor does SDP have to be used with SIP, it can be used with other protocols (IAX, H.323), and doesn’t have to negotiate RTP sessions, but could negotiate anything.

That said, the SIP – SDP – RTP sandwich is pretty ubiquitous for good reason, and while it’s true that none of these protocols require each other, the truth is, most of their usage is with one-another and it’s easier to just say “SIP uses SDP” and “SDP uses RTP” than continually saying “SIP can use SDP” and “SDP can use RTP” etc.

Why z9hG4bK?

Every SIP branch value starts with z9hG4bK, why?

Branch IDs were introduced in RFC 3261, to help keep differentiate all the different transactions a device or proxy might be involved in.

The answer isn’t that exciting. IETF picked the 7 character long prefix as a magic cookie so older SIP servers (RFC 2543 compliant only) wouldn’t pick up the value due to it’s length.

The branch ID inserted by an element compliant with this specification MUST always begin with the characters “z9hG4bK”. These 7 characters are used as a magic cookie (7 is deemed sufficient to ensure that an older RFC 2543 implementation would not pick such a value), so that servers receiving the request can determine that the branch ID was constructed in the fashion described by this specification (that is, globally unique).

SIP: Session Initiation Protocol – RFC 3261

As to why z9hG4bK, instead of any other random 7 letter string, I haven’t been able to find an answer, but it’s as good as any random 7 letter string I guess.

SIP Via Header

The SIP Via header is added by a proxy when it forwards a SIP message onto another destination,

When a response is sent the reverse is done, each SIP proxy removes their details from the Via header and forwards to the next Via header along.

SIP Via headers in action
SIP Via headers in action

As we can see in the example above, each proxy adds it’s own address as a Via header, before it uses it’s internal logic to work out where to forward it to, and then forward on the INVITE.

Now because all our routing information is stored in Via headers when we need to route a Response back, each proxy doesn’t need to consult it’s internal logic to work out where to route to, but can instead just strip it’s own address out of the Via header, and then forward it to the next Via header IP Address down in the list.

SIP Via headers in action

Via headers are also used to detect looping, a proxy can check when it receives a SIP message if it’s own IP address is already in a Via header, if it is, there’s a loop there.

DTMF over IP – SIP INFO, Inband & RTP Events

DTMF (Dual Tone Modulated Frequency) aka touch tone, was initially designed to be a faster method of dialling since make-and-break dial pulses were slow and a more efficient method for user input was required switching was becoming digital.

By using two tones DTMF tones, switching equipment could be easily identify the input without complex circuitry, and because it uses two tones the chances of someone accidentally generating the two-tone pair was slim. MF had been used for tandem / trunk signalling inside the network with great success, so DTMF was a standout choice.

SIP was never explicitly designed as a telephony protocol, and as such, it’s support for DTMF wasn’t baked in from the start.

Over time organisations started using DTMF so users could interact with IVRs, Auto Attendants, enter PIN codes and interact with services using their telephone, ideas that wen’t beyond the call setup function originally imagined for DTMF.

Your standard subscriber loop POTS line doesn’t have any out of band signalling for the DTMF, but the carrier switch passes through the audio end to end, and the DTMF tones are carried in that audio, so it’s not a problem.

So when SIP rolled along as the defacto standard for Voice calls over IP, it didn’t have a method for signalling that a DTMF digit had been placed.

Never to fear, neither does a POTS line, so everything will be fine and the tones will just be carried in the media stream like they do on a POTS line.

This was called in-band DTMF. In-band because the DTMF tones are carried in the audio stream like they would if you were to playback those tones on a tape recorder or harmonised whistling.

However along came G.729 and other compressed codecs and suddenly these two tones were lost in compression, so the VoIP world needed a new way to transport DTMF information.

RFC2833 came to fix this problem in 2000, introducing a special RTP packet called an “RTP Event” that denoted a DTMF key-press, which evolved into RFC4733, carrying the DTMF as an RTP event.

Here’s a post I did on RFC2833 DTMF.

For some reason this method of DTMF signalling is still referred to as RFC2833, despite the fact that most implementations are of RFC4733.

But the next problem facing SIP implementers was SIP Proxies had no awareness of the DTMF events, because by definition, a SIP proxy only works with the SIP (signalling) part of the call, not the RTP (media).

So for a device to know when a DTMF keypress happened it’d have to be listening in to the RTP media stream to pickup the RTP events.

The solution that’s considered best practices today actually predates the other two standards. RFC2976 describes using SIP INFO messages to carry payloads. (Link to post on the topic)

In the case of using SIP INFO for payloads, the DTMF info is put into this payload, so this is often used now to carry DTMF info as well as ISUP messaging.

Seems like backwards step, but Proxies can be aware of DTMF messaging and interoperability is in theory enhanced.

The disadvantage is there’s now 3 possible implimentations, DTMF Inband, DTMF in RTP Events, and DTMF in SIP INFO.

Some endpoints use more than one method, some even use all 3. The idea being that it’ll “just work” and won’t need configuring. So when a user presses a digit it plays the tone (in-band), sends an RTP event (RFC4733/2833) and sends a SIP INFO message containing the pressed digit (RFC2976) all at once.

This can cause huge headaches if the switch it’s talking to can recognise more than one type of DTMF signalling it gets multiple inputs, causing jumping through IVRs and menus.

If only we had one universal standard…

See also:

RFC2976 / RFC6086 – SIP INFO

RFC2833 – RTP Events

RTP – More than you wanted to Know

RFC2976 / RFC6086 – SIP INFO

SIP INFO was designed to carry session related information during a session.

SIP was designed to setup and tear down sessions, with little thought given to what happens after the setup, but before the teardown.

SIP INFO (RFC2976) was designed to fill this gap. (Obsoleted by RFC6086)

It’s predominantly used now to carry DTMF info during a call.

The message body in this case contains the signal (DTMF digit 3) and the Duration (180ms).

The SIP Info standard doesn’t actually stipulate how the message body should be structured, but the above shows a defacto standard that’s now common, although not set in stone.

See also:

DTMF over IP – SIP INFO, Inband & RTP Events

RFC2833 – RTP Events

RFC2833 – RTP Events

RFC2833 was designed to carry DTMF signalling, other tone signals and telephony events in RTP packets.

This was later superseded by RFC4733, but everyone still referrers to this protocol as RFC2833, so I will too.

RFC2833 a special RTP payload designed to carry DTMF signalling information, so it operates on the same source / destination ports as the RTP signal and you’ll see it mixed in there when viewing packet captures.

It uses RTP’s Synchronisation Source Identifiers to identify the stream, and uses the next RTP sequence numbers, so it relies on RTP to sort pretty much everything.

The RTP Event itself, contains an Event ID header (called “event” in the spec), End of Event flag, Reserved flag, Volume header and Event Duration header.

Event ID (event)

The Event header contains the event that is being conveyed. For DTMF this would be the numeral 8 (8) for DTMF Eight.

DTMF named events

End of Event

The End of Event (Referred to as E in the RFC) flag is set to 1 if the transmitted packet is the end of an RTP event.

This allows for a key press to span over multiple packets, with the end of the key-press (key release) denoted by this flag.

Reserved Flag

The reserved flag (R) is reserved for future use, and will just be set to 0.


This is only used for DTMF digits and denotes the volume of the tone in dB from 0 to -36 dBm0.

Event Duration

The event duration tag. When a DTMF keypress is split over multiple RTP Event packets, the first will start at 0 and then this will count up by the time incremented in the timestamp.

Analysing in Wireshark

By using the display filter “rtpevent” you can see all the RTP events for you call.

Each DTMF event will contain multiple packets, with the total number depending on how long the keypress is and packetization timers.

When they key is pressed by the user, an RTP event with a duration of 0 and the Event ID of the DTMF digit is sent.

For as long as the digit is held, subsequent packets with a totalled event duration will keep being sent,

Finally when the key is released an RTP Event with the “End of Event” header set to True will be sent to mark the end of the RTP Event.

See also:

DTMF over IP – SIP INFO, Inband & RTP Events

RFC2976 / RFC6086 – SIP INFO

Reverse MD5 on SIP Auth

MD5 isn’t a particularly well regarded hashing function these days, but it’s still pretty ubiquitous.

SIP authentication, for the most part, still uses MD5 in the form of Message Digest Authentication,

If we were to take the password password and hash it using an online tool to generate MD5 Hashes we’d get “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99”

If we hash password again with MD5 we’d get the same output – “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99”,

The catch with this is if you put “5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99” into a search engine, Google immediately tells you it’s plain text value. That’s because the MD5 of password is always 5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99, hashing the same input phase “password” always results in the same output MD5 hash aka “response”.

By using Message Digest Authentication we introduce a “nonce” value and mix it (“salt”) with the SIP realm, username, password and request URI, to ensure that the response is different every time.

Let’s look at this example REGISTER flow:

We can see a REGISTER message has been sent by Bob to the SIP Server.

Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7
Max-Forwards: 70
From: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=a73kszlfl
To: Bob <sips:[email protected]>
Call-ID: [email protected]
Contact: <sips:[email protected]>
Content-Length: 0

The SIP Server has sent back a 401 Unauthorised message, but includes the WWW-Authenticate header field, from this, we can grab a Realm value, and a Nonce, which we’ll use to generate our response that we’ll send back.

 SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized    
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKnashds7 ;received=
From: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=a73kszlfl
To: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=1410948204
Call-ID: [email protected]
WWW-Authenticate: Digest realm="", qop="auth",nonce="ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359", opaque="", stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5
Content-Length: 0

The formula for generating the response looks rather complex but really isn’t that bad.


Let’s say in this case Bob’s password is “bobspassword”, let’s generate a response back to the server.

We know the username which is bob, the realm which is, digest URI is, method is REGISTER and the password which is bobspassword. This seems like a lot to go through but all of these values, with the exception of the password, we just get from the 401 headers above.

So let’s generate the first part called HA1 using the formula HA1=MD5(username:realm:password), so let’s substitute this with our real values:
HA1 = MD5(
So if we drop into our MD5 hasher and we get our HA1 hash and it it looks like 2da91700e1ef4f38df91500c8729d35f, so HA1 = 2da91700e1ef4f38df91500c8729d35f

Now onto the second part, we know the Method is REGISTER, and our digestURI is
Again, drop into our MD5 hasher, and grab the output – 8f2d44a2696b3b3ed781d2f44375b3df
This means HA2 = 8f2d44a2696b3b3ed781d2f44375b3df

Finally we join HA1, the nonce and HA2 in one string and hash it:
Response = MD5(2da91700e1ef4f38df91500c8729d35f:ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359:8f2d44a2696b3b3ed781d2f44375b3df)

Which gives us our final response of “bc2f51f99c2add3e9dfce04d43df0c6a”, so let’s see what happens when Bob sends this to the SIP Server.

Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKnashd92
Max-Forwards: 70
From: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=ja743ks76zlflH
To: Bob <sips:[email protected]>
Call-ID: [email protected]
Contact: <sips:[email protected]>
Authorization: Digest username="bob", realm="", nonce="ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359", opaque="", uri="", response="bc2f51f99c2add3e9dfce04d43df0c6a"
Content-Length: 0
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/TLS;branch=z9hG4bKnashd92;received=
From: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=ja743ks76zlflH
To: Bob <sips:[email protected]>;tag=37GkEhwl6
Call-ID: [email protected]
Contact: <sips:[email protected]>;expires=3600
Content-Length: 0

There you have it, a 200 OK response and Bob is registered on

Update 2021: Jason Murley has contributed a much more robust version of the code below, which is way better than what I’d made!

You can find his code here.

I’ve written a little tool in Python to generate the correct response based on the nonce and values associated with it:

import hashlib

nonce = 'ea9c8e88df84f1cec4341ae6cbe5a359'
realm = ''
password = 'bobspassword'
username    =   str("bob")
requesturi  =   str(s"")
print("username: " + username)
print("nonce: " + nonce)
print("realm: " + realm)
print("password: " + password)

HA1str = username + ":" + realm + ":" + password
HA1enc = (hashlib.md5(HA1str.encode()).hexdigest())
print ("HA1 String: " + HA1str)
print ("HA1 Encrypted: " + HA1enc)
HA2str = "REGISTER:" + requesturi
HA2enc = (hashlib.md5(HA2str.encode()).hexdigest())

print ("HA2 String: " + HA2str)
print ("HA2 Encrypted: " + HA2enc)

responsestr = HA1enc + ":" + nonce + ":" + HA2enc
print("Response String: " + responsestr)
responseenc = str((hashlib.md5(responsestr.encode()).hexdigest()))
print("Response Encrypted" + responseenc)