Tag Archives: K4

Transport Keys & A4 / K4 Keys in EPC & 5GC Networks

If you’re working with the larger SIM vendors, there’s a good chance they key material they send you won’t actually contain the raw Ki values for each card – If it fell into the wrong hands you’d be in big trouble.

Instead, what is more likely is that the SIM vendor shares the Ki generated when mixed with a transport key – So what you receive is not the plaintext version of the Ki data, but rather a ciphered version of it.

But as long as you and the SIM vendor have agreed on the ciphering to use, an the secret to protect it with beforehand, you can read the data as needed.

This is a tricky topic to broach, as transport key implementation, is not covered by the 3GPP, instead it’s a quasi-standard, that is commonly used by SIM vendors and HSS vendors alike – the A4 / K4 Transport Encryption Algorithm.

It’s made up of a few components:

  • K2 is our plaintext key data (Ki or OP)
  • K4 is the secret key used to cipher the Ki value.
  • K7 is the algorithm used (Usually AES128 or AES256).

I won’t explain too much about the crypto, but here’s an example from IoT Connectivity’s KiOpcGenerator tool:

def aes_128_cbc_encrypt(key, text):
implements aes 128b encryption with cbc.
keyb = binascii.unhexlify(key)
textb = binascii.unhexlify(text)
encryptor = AES.new(keyb, AES.MODE_CBC, IV=IV)
ciphertext = encryptor.encrypt(textb)
return ciphertext.hex().upper()

It’s important when defining your electrical profile and the reuqired parameters, to make sure the operator, HSS vendor and SIM vendor are all on the same page regarding if transport keys will be used, what the cipher used will be, and the keys for each batch of SIMs.

Here’s an example from a Huawei HSS with SIMs from G&D:

%%LST K4: HLRSN=1;%%
RETCODE = 0 SUCCESS0001:Operation is successful

        "K4SNO" "ALGTYPE"     "K7SNO" "KEYNAME"
        1       AES128        NONE    G+D

We’re using AES128, and any SIMs produced by G&D for this batch will use that transport key (transport key ID 1 in the HSS), so when adding new SIMs we’ll need to specify what transport key to use.