And bam, now when we run Kamailio we’ll get all the logic that rtpengine exposes when being called.
By setting cfgtrace we can enable a config trace as well, and as we step through our Kamailio config file for a SIP message, we can see what’s going on at every step.
So if you’re like me, you can use the debugger module, combined with reading through the source code, to prove every singletime that the issue is with my not understanding the function properly, and never the logic of the Kamailio module!
Samsung handsets have a feature built in to allow debugging from the handset, called Sysdump.
Entering *#9900# from the Dialing Screen will bring up the Sysdump App, from here you can dump logs from the device, and run a variety of debugging procedures.
But for private LTE operators, the two most interesting options are by far the TCPDUMP START option and IMS Logger, but both are grayed out.
Tapping on them asks for a one-time password and has a challenge key.
These options are not available in the commercial version of the OS and need to be unlocked with a one time key generated by a tool Samsung for unlocking engineering firmware on handsets.
Luckily this authentication happens client side, which means we can work out the password it’s expecting.
Once you’ve entered the code and successfully unlocked the IMS Debugging tool there’s a few really cool features in the hamburger menu in the top right.
DM View
This shows the SIP / IMS Messaging and the current signal strength parameters (used to determine which RAN type to use (Ie falling back from VoLTE to UMTS / Circuit Switched when the LTE signal strength drops).
Tapping on the SIP messages expands them and allows you to see the contents of the SIP messages.
Viewing SIP Messaging directly from the handset
Interesting the actual nitty-gritty parameters in the SIP headers are missing, replaced with X for anything “private” or identifiable.
Luckily all this info can be found in the Pcap.
The DM View is great for getting a quick look at what’s going on, on the mobile device itself, without needing a PC.
The real power comes in the logging functions,
There’s a lot of logging options, including screen recording, TCPdump (as in Packet Captures) and Syslog logging.
From the hamburger menu we can select the logging parameters we want to change.
From the Filter Options menu we can set what info we’re going to log,