Stateless, Stateful, Dialog Stateful and Transaction Stateful SIP Proxies

If you’ve ever phoned a big company like a government agency or an ISP to get something resolved, and been transferred between person to person, having to start again explaining the problem to each of them, then you know how frustrating this can be.

If they stored information about your call that they could bring up later during the call, it’d make your call better.

If the big company, started keeping a record of the call that could be referenced as the call progresses, they’d be storing state for that call.

Let’s build on this a bit more,

You phone Big Company again, the receptionist answers and says “Thank you for calling Big Company, how many I direct your call?”, and you ask to speak to John Smith.

The receptionist puts you through to John Smith, who’s not at his desk and has setup a forward on his phone to send all his calls to reception, so you ring back at reception.

A stateful receptionist would say “Hello again, it seems John Smith isn’t at his desk, would you like me to take a message?”.

A stateless receptionist would say “Thank you for calling Big Company, how many I direct your call?”, and you’d start all over again.

Our stateful receptionist remembered something about our call, they remembered they’d spoken to you, remembered who you were, that you were trying to get to John Smith.

While our stateless receptionist remembered nothing and treated this like a new call.

In SIP, state is simply remembering something about that particular session (series of SIP messages).

SIP State just means bits of information related to the session.

Stateless SIP Proxy

A Stateless SIP proxy doesn’t remember anything about the messages (sessions), no state information is kept. As soon as the proxy forwards the message, it forgets all about it, like our receptionist who just forwards the call and doesn’t remember anything.

Going back to our Big Company example, as you can imagine, this is much more scaleable, you can have a pool of stateless receptionists, none of whom know who you are if you speak to them again, but they’re a lot more efficient because they don’t need to remember any state information, and they can quickly do their thing without looking stuff up or memorising it.

The same is true of a Stateless SIP proxy.

Stateless proxies are commonly used for load balancing, where you want to just forward the traffic to another destination (maybe using the Dispatcher module) and don’t need to remember anything about that session.

It sounds obvious, but because a Stateless SIP proxy it stateless it doesn’t store state, but that also means it doesn’t need to lookup state information or write it back, making it much faster and generally able to handle larger call loads than a stateful equivalent.

Dialog Stateful SIP Proxy

A dialog stateful proxy keeps state information for the duration of that session (dialog).

By dialog we mean for the entire duration on the call/session (called a dialog) from beginning to end, INVITE to BYE.

While this takes more resources, it means we can do some more advanced functions.

For example if we want to charge based on the length of a call/session, we’d need to store state information, like the Call-ID, the start and end time of the call. We can only do this with a stateful proxy, as a stateless proxy wouldn’t know what time the call started.

Also if we wanted to know if a user was on a call or not, a Dialog Stateful proxy knows there’s been a 200 OK, but no Bye yet, so knows if a user is on a call or not, this is useful for presence. We could tie this in with a NOTIFY so other users could know their status.

A Dialog Stateful Proxy is the most resource intensive, as it needs to store state for the duration of the session.

Transaction Stateful SIP Proxy

A transactional proxy keeps state until a final response is received, and then forgets the state information after the final response.

A Transaction Stateful proxy stores state from the initial INVITE until a 200 OK is received. As soon as the session is setup it forgets everything. This means we won’t have any state information when the BYE is eventually received.

While this means we won’t be able to do the same features as the Dialog Stateful Proxy, but you’ll find that most of the time you can get away with just using Transaction Stateful proxies, which are less resource intensive.

For example if we want to send a call to multiple carriers and wait for a successful response before connecting it to the UA, a Transactional proxy would do the trick, with no need to go down the Dialog Stateful path, as we only need to keep state until a session is successfully setup.

For the most part, SIP is focused on setting up sessions, and so is a Transaction Stateful Proxy.

Typical Use Cases

StatelesssDialog StatefulTransaction Stateful
Load balancer,
Redirection server,
Manipulate headers,
Call charging,
CDR generation,
User status (Knows if on call)
All features of transaction stateful
Dispatch to destinations until successful
Call forward on Busy / No Answer
SIP Registrar
Call forking

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