Daily Archives: 21/09/2019

Transaction Stateful Proxy with Kamailio

We covered the 3 different types of SIP Proxy, Stateless, Transaction Stateful and Dialog Stateful.

It’s probably worth going back to have a read over the description of the types of proxy and have a read over the whole Stateless proxy we implemented in Kamailio, before we get started on Stateful proxies, because we’ll be carrying on from what we started there.

The Setup

The 3 different proxies all do the same thing, they all relay SIP messages, so we need a way to determine what state has been saved.

To do this we’ll create a variable (actually an AVP) in the initial request (in our example it’ll be an INVITE), and we’ll reference it when handling a response to make sure we’ve got transactional state.

We’ll also try and reference it in the BYE message, which will fail, as we’re only creating a Transaction Stateful proxy, and the BYE isn’t part of the transaction, but in order to see the BYE we’ll need to enable Record Routing.

Stateless Proof

Before we add any state, let’s create a working stateless proxy, and add see how it doesn’t remember:

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc

        #Handle Registrations in a dumb way so they don't messy our tests
                sl_reply("200", "ok");

                 #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
                append_hf("X-Proxied: You betcha\r\n");

                        #Createa  new AVP called "state_test_var" and set the value to "I remember"
                        $avp(state_test_var) = "I remember";
                #Let syslog know we've set the value and check it
                xlog("for $rm the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

                #Forard to new IP


        #Check our AVP we set in the initial request
        xlog("for $rs response the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

        #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");

Now when we run this and call from any phone other than, the SIP INVITE will hit the Proxy, and be forwarded to

Syslog will show the INVITE and us setting the var, but for the replies, the value of AVP $avp(state_test_var) won’t be set, as it’s stateless.

Let’s take a look:

kamailio[2577]: {1 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: : for INVITE the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[2575]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 100 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[2576]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 180 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[2579]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 200 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[2580]: {1 1 ACK [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for ACK the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[2581]: {1 2 BYE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for BYE the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>

We can see after the initial INVITE none of the subsequent replies knew the value of our $avp(state_test_var), so we know the proxy is at this stage – Stateless.

I’ve put a copy of this code on GitHub for you to replicate yourself.

Adding State

Doing the heavy lifting of our state management is the Transaction Module (aka TM). The Transaction Module deserves a post of it’s own (and it’ll get one).

We’ll load the TM module (loadmodule “tm.so”) and use the t_relay() function instead of the forward() function.

But we’ll need to do a bit of setup around this, we’ll need to create a new route block to call t_relay() from (It’s finicky as to where it can be called from), and we’ll need to create a new reply_route{} to manage the response for this particular dialog.

Let’s take a look at the code:

####### Routing Logic ########

/* Main SIP request routing logic
 * - processing of any incoming SIP request starts with this route
 * - note: this is the same as route { ... } */
request_route {

        #Enable record_routing so we see the BYE / Re-INVITE etc

        #Handle Registrations in a dumb way so they don't messy our tests
                sl_reply("200", "ok");

                 #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
                append_hf("X-Proxied: You betcha\r\n");

                        #Createa  new AVP called "state_test_var" and set the value to "I remember"
                        $avp(state_test_var) = "I remember";
                #Let syslog know we've set the value and check it
                xlog("for $rm the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

                #Send to route[RELAY] routing block



        #Use reply route "OurReplyRoute" for responses for this transaction

        #Relay (aka Forward) the request
        t_relay_to_udp("", "5060");


onreply_route[OurReplyRoute] {
        #On replies from route[RELAY]

        #Check our AVP we set in the initial request
        xlog("for $rs response the value of AVP \"state_test_var\" is $avp(state_test_var) ");

        #Append a header so we can see this was proxied in the SIP capture
        append_hf("X-Proxied: For the reply\r\n");


So unlike before where we just called forward(); to forward the traffic we’re now calling in a routing block called RELAY.

Inside route[RELAY] we set the routing block that will be used to manage replies for this particular transaction, and then call t_relay_to_udp() to relay the request.

We renamed our onreply_route to onreply_route[OurReplyRoute], as specified in the route[RELAY].

So now let’s make a call (INVITE) and see how it looks in the log:

kamailio[5008]: {1 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: : for INVITE the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[5005]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 100 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[5009]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 180 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[5011]: {2 1 INVITE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 200 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is I remember
kamailio[5010]: {1 1 ACK [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for ACK the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[5004]: {1 2 BYE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for BYE the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>
kamailio[5007]: {2 2 BYE [email protected]} ERROR: <script>: for 200 response the value of AVP "state_test_var" is <null>

Here we can see for the INVITE, the 100 TRYING, 180 RINGING and 200 OK responses, state was maintained as the variable we set in the INVITE we were able to reference again.

(The subsequent BYE didn’t get state maintained because it’s not part of the transaction.)

And that’s it.

Here’s a copy of my running code on GitHub.

Hopefully now you’ve got an idea of the basics of how to implement a transaction stateful application in Kamailio.