I wrote recently about the difference between OP
and OPc
keys in SIM cards, and why you should avoid using OP keys for best-practice.

PyHSS only supports storing OPc keys for this reason, but plenty of folks still use OP, so how can you convert OP keys to OPc keys?
Well, inside PyHSS we have a handy utility for this, CryptoTool.py
Usage is really simple, just plug in the Ki and OP Key and it’ll generate you a full set of vectors, including the OPc key.
nick@amanaki:~/Documents/pyhss/lib$ python3 CryptoTool.py --k 11111111111111111111111111111111 --op 22222222222222222222222222222222
Namespace(k='11111111111111111111111111111111', op='22222222222222222222222222222222', opc=None)
Generating OPc key from OP & K
Generating Multimedia Authentication Vector
Input K: b'11111111111111111111111111111111'
Input OPc: b'2f3466bd1bea1ac9a8e1ab05f6f43245'
Input AMF: b'\x80\x00'
Of course, being open source, you can grab the functions out of this and make a little script to convert everything in a CSV or whatever format your key data is in.

So what about OPc to OP?
Well, this is a one-way transaction, we can’t get the OP Key from an OPc & Ki.