HOMER is a popular open source SIP / RTP debug / recording tool.
It’s architecture is pretty straight forward, we have a series of Capture Agents feeding data into a central HOMER Capture Server, which runs a database (today we’re using MySQL), a Homer-UI (Running on Apache), a Homer-API (Also running on Apache) and a HEP processor, which takes the HEP encoded data from the Capture Agents and runs on Kamailio. (That’s right, I’m back rambling about Kamailio)

So this will get the web interface and DB backend of HOMER setup,
For HOMER to actually work you’ll need to feed it data, in the next tutorial we’ll cover configuring a capture agent to feed the HEP processor (Kamailio) which we’ll also setup, but for now we’ll just setup the web user interface for HOMER, API and Database.
Install Web Server Prerequisites
apt-get install apache2 php php-mysql mysql-server
git clone https://github.com/sipcapture/homer-api.git
git clone https://github.com/sipcapture/homer-ui.git
Configure Apache
cp homer-api/examples/web/homer5.apache /etc/apache2/sites-available/homer.conf
a2ensite homer
a2dissite 000-default
a2enmod rewrite
mkdir /var/log/httpd
systemctl reload apache2
Setup MySQL
mysql -u root < homer-api/sql/mysql/homer_databases.sql
mysql -u root < homer-api/sql/mysql/homer_user.sql
mysql -u root homer_data < homer-api/sql/mysql/schema_data.sql
mysql -u root homer_configuration < homer-api/sql/mysql/schema_configuration.sql
mysql -u root homer_statistic < homer-api/sql/mysql/schema_statistic.sql
Copy files to web server directory
mkdir /var/www/sipcapture
mkdir /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs
cp -r homer-ui/ /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/
cp -r homer-api/api /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/
Setup Rotation Script
mkdir /opt/sipcapture
cp homer-api/scripts/mysql/* /opt/sipcapture/
chmod +x /opt/sipcapture/*
apt-get install libdbi-perl libdbd-mysql-perl
echo "30 3 * * * /opt/sipcapture/homer_mysql_rotate > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontab
Copy default configuration files
cp /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/api/preferences_example.php /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/api/preferences.php
cp /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/api/configuration_example.php /var/www/sipcapture/htdocs/homer-ui/api/configuration.php
Log in
Username: admin
Password: test123
Hey Nick,
This most likely is user error. But when I browse the http://yourip/homer-ui Im getting a directory?
did you fix this? i have same result